Cappers Please Read: The Service Fading Project

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Baltimore, MD
Inspired by discussion started by arrow regarding bad services, I suggest that we all come up with a service we know is absolutely horrible. Based on what I've read, buying mid-season NBA and NCAA basketball packages would be best. Then, we just take the picks and fade pretty much all of them unless the fine cappers here at MadJack's determine that certain picks are actually worth playing for the win. I'd be interested to see what people think, I say we give it a shot, it would be fun at the very least, and I think VERY profitable.


(will be posting this in the Free Throws and Free Throws NCAA Forums also)


Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Havs anyone ever heard that there is no such thing as bad publicity? If everyone would ignore the services they would go away. Since I work for a service I had really not took part in the service discussions because I hate to appear like I am on both sides of the fence. The service I work for has never been mentioned here, yet both I and the OWNER have posted plays here because we like the site. There are OBVIOUS services that are here just to get business and it is so obvious it should be embarrassing, the big goodbye speeches, really. In any event I will say I wish Jack would ban a user as soon as he goes pay, plain and simple. This site is for free exchange, not fleecing, and let's face it most services do suck, but fading them won't work either, most hit around 50% so the juice and thier fees are what kills you. If you ignore them they will go away, remember there is no such thing as bad publicity, any free exposure is good exposure, yes even if you are saying how bad they are. I think like 10 or more people in the last year have gone pay here, well if they all had like 100+ clients then thats 1000 or so peopl crushing the off-shore places, well thats not happening now is it?
The only disclaimer I will make is for Fletcher who genuinely seems to stop by and give out plays when he can and I would have to say he wins more than loses, funny you don't see him touting it though, probably too busy cashing tickets to play those games. Also I will say that I have honestly never mentioned the name of the service I work with, you can check every post I have ever made to verify that, if you have that much time to waste, I think the closest I came was congratulating the boss when he won a big check in the Hilton NFL contest last year so I guess you could see which service finished where and find it out, but that was really an honest mistake.
Ignore them and they will go away.
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
penguinfan said:
. There are OBVIOUS services that are here just to get business and it is so obvious it should be embarrassing, the big goodbye speeches, really. In any event I will say I wish Jack would ban a user as soon as he goes pay, plain and simple. This site is for free exchange, not fleecing, and let's face it most services do suck, but fading them won't work either, most hit around 50% so the juice and thier fees are what kills youI think like 10 or more people in the last year have gone pay here, well if they all had like 100+ clients then thats 1000 or so peopl crushing the off-shore places, well thats not happening now is it?

What is funny, is that there really are morons who sit here and either pay for this XXXX or defend it. Even after tossing their $$ down the toilet.

Then the embarassing advertising, touting whatever is not recognized by these fools. It is amazing. Even after pointing out the obvious, how these people remain so foolish. It is quite a remarkable point of the human psyche. How can people really be that stupid?

I ask myself this question all the time. I don't know why it bothers me so. I guess I just hate to see things like this thrive. Yet they continue to do so. Even after the majority -- which includes everyone with half a brain without an agenda -- even some of which have a service themselves and are honest enough to point out the obvious -- even after the majority point out again and again how stupid, idiotic, moronic, is to buy a service...people continue to do it. Its really unbelievable.


Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex

Here is the underlying problem with buying a service, and why someone should/would buy a service. Many services, most in fact offer a one-day package, that is rediculous, everyone in every walk of life has good days and bad days, so as a customer you are wagering on the fact that they will have a good day on the day you purchase, plain and simple, that is your wager for the day and you will pay their fee in addition to the money you wager, that is nuts. You are better off betting one game blind than buying one day of anything, why bet on the capper as well as the game? I could drag that out farther to a week or 2 weeks because even very good cappers have bad streaks. The ONLY way to use a service is for a particular season, if you know a guy good at baseball and he has the track record to prove it then play his stuff all season long and in the end you will most likely be ahead, or worst case scenario not as far behind as you would have been (hopefully). There we have the problem because the best way to use a service is not a get rich quick plan, but a slow grind toward profit at the end of the season. Can I make you a profit for the entire hockey season, probably, do people sign up and catch me on an 0-3 night, absolutly, that's the nature of the beast.
Before this gets way off topic (too late) I still say that services should not be allowed to post here, everyone with any sense knows their adgenda and it defeats the purpose of the forum unless they are paying for advertising, speaking of which, Jack you have mail.


just cover

Cub Fan
Forum Member
Oct 10, 2001
Normal, Ill
Why buy the services? When all you have to do is go into Mizzou's thread and see almost all the services out there. I say get a consensus of that thread and fade it. I liked Carolina yesterday and when I saw that Feist, Cokin, N. Coast, and Root were on the Rams that made my choice easy.

just cover
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
i think it's bad karma to wish anybody to fail. so imo fading cappers, services, or even the public is a ridiculous proposition. as ix_bender stated it's better to cap the games then hope somebody will lose their bet.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
talking about stupid service posts my favourites are those 10post members asking if anyone got the 10* star golden lock goy of <service name> short before gametime... :rolleyes:

think your fading plan won't work out like u think. especially if u choose one which is deep down there... sooner or later they recover somewhat just by statistical means... blind squirrel... on top of that you would pay for the package and the juice
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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 8, 2003
Winnetka, CA
if you decide to do it, let me know, i have access to alot of the service picks out there you see for free.....and can pass em along at no charge.....just let me know:)