Capping sports

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 14, 2001
I'm new to the whole capping sports bit, but have been a sports gambler for awhile for leisure. I don't cap games but rather "feel" games out.

I just had a couple of questions and hopefully I can get some answers.

When capping a game what exactly are you doing? looking for trends? predicting the score of the game?

Where does one get the resources to cap games?

Is there a process to cap games? I have read several posts where the poster will say that they have capped the game and the line is "off" and therefore will be in favor of the side that is "off."

Thank You and apologize for questions that are stupid.


HBD Sports!
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2002
Franklin, MA
1. There is no such thing as a stupid question....well, I take that back, but you asked none of the sort.
2. I like trends personally. But it's important to discount those that are ridiculous (The Clippers are 12-0 ATS on games favored by 3-6 pts on Wednesdays after a Monday game starting after 10:15PM). Home dogs in Pro Football, although they did terribly the beginning of this year, is an example of a trend I do like. Anyways, to look at the other side, those that don't play trends will say "you can throw any trend out the window, team x will win this game." This is one reason trends can be tricky...some just run their course, others take a while to pick up on. A good consideration in making a pick, but certainly should not be the only criteria.
3. Some cappers will take a stab at the score of the game, and pick their side/total accordingly. Just picking the winner will usually net the ATS winner...don't have current stats, but I know the MNF SU winner also covered the number.
4. The line is OFF when there are key injuries to either team. However, a game rarely stays OFF, as books want as much action as possible, on as many games as possible. Many games are OFF until a new line is up.
5. Everyone has their own methods. Some look at every head to head matchup on a particular game, and make a good guess at how teams will react to each other. Others use computer based logarithms to project game totals (mainly NBA), and match it up against the actual O/U. Many will also set their own spread, sometimes by computer, sometimes not, and compare it to the Vegas line, and play accordingly.
Hope this helps.