In the Globe it was reported that Toyota Canada is dropping their prices on the new 2009 models and offering more features.
2009 corolla MSRP 14,565 cdn. down 1220 from 08. base model
2009 camry msrp 23,400 cdn. down 2500 from 08 base model
2009 camry hybrid 30,660 down 1340 from 08 base model
2009 Sequoia $44,675 down 13,535 from 08 base model.
VW also has dropped prices 3.2% rabbit, and 6.3% for jetta sedan VW only has 2.2% of the market.
this shows that the strong cdn. dollar on par with the US (was once .65 cents on the US dollar), and the fact that the cdn. consumer is demanding better pricing, with the stronger dollar.
one Toytoa franchise said it would take months to drop prices if then, months, was more like 1. sales have slowed.
and many are offering 0%, and lower prices, and even the market leaders have to follow....good for consumers.
2009 corolla MSRP 14,565 cdn. down 1220 from 08. base model
2009 camry msrp 23,400 cdn. down 2500 from 08 base model
2009 camry hybrid 30,660 down 1340 from 08 base model
2009 Sequoia $44,675 down 13,535 from 08 base model.
VW also has dropped prices 3.2% rabbit, and 6.3% for jetta sedan VW only has 2.2% of the market.
this shows that the strong cdn. dollar on par with the US (was once .65 cents on the US dollar), and the fact that the cdn. consumer is demanding better pricing, with the stronger dollar.
one Toytoa franchise said it would take months to drop prices if then, months, was more like 1. sales have slowed.
and many are offering 0%, and lower prices, and even the market leaders have to follow....good for consumers.