CBI Finals,Snow cones in Austin, my grandson,Good Friday and the Mean Green....

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
North Texas -4.5 over USF ****
Before I get into the game..skip and go to the bottom for game prediction..the rest is boring and personnel..

I was going to drive up to Denton to see the game on Wed and Friday..but wife had cataract surgery on Tuesday and followup on wed...so that was out. I was " driving miss Daisy" around those past 2 days... .then my buddies from NT called me for Friday after they won on Wed... to come up for the weekend..had tickets and place to stay.....but then my wife stepped in and said ' Your daughter and grandson from Philly are flying in to Austin on thursday and leaving Sunday and your going to another basketball game and up in Denton, no way"... wife wins even though I talk tough...wife is up 2-0....
So after NT's win on Wed will watch it here in Austin on TV...last night go out and get my 2nd snow cone of the year...at the stand the girl see's my North Texas hat and says, My sister goes there and she is coming back tomorrow for the 3 day weekend.." half day at North Texas due to Easter weekend....uh oh I think... holiday weekend no one will show up Friday nite to cheer on the mean Green...get another call from my former roommate and another close friend who actually teaches at NT...somehow he got his doctorate in Kinesiology and teaches it at North Texas.. I can't even spell it ...and we were all smarter then him anyway...they are begging me to come up....I tell them " no can do"...already in doghouse "...so I ask how the crowd is going to be,,,they tell me North Texas anticipates not a big crowd due to the holiday weekend... but they are doing some promotions like " giving out 3 free parking permits giveawy for your entire academic career at NT...also 1,000 easter eggs to the 1st 1,000,... Uh Oh...NT had 4,190 at the last game...not to bad but we are a school of over 35,000...and the Greeks did came..but not tonite...they all left for Thermopylae for their 3 day weekend...
so tonites crowd on Good Friday will be a lot smaller...

NT won the other nite 69-55 and that is with Smart there top outside scorer going 1-9 from the 3...NT really didn't play that well and still won by 14.. there defense was much better and they controlled the bds esp when 6'9 USF McCarty went out after 14 minutes with his 4th concussion of the yr...he is out tonight..he had 10 pts and 11 rebounds in game one...losing him inside tonite really gives NT the edge in the paint..also Ferrari their best player rolled his ankle and sat out about 12 minutes..he is playing tonite...Duffy for NT woke up from game one and was leading scorer...NT has one outside shooter in Smart..they lost 6 of last 8 games to everyone by packing it in.. Then Duffy comes out of nowhere and starts banging 3's..Woolridge the pt gd is so tough to watch...he is so fast and attacks...he shoots almost 50FG% from the floor...amazing..but when he gets fouled he shoots 50 %...that is unreal.. a pt gd that shoots 50/50 but NT won the battle in the paint and had only 3 turnovers...
NT's adjustment at half time in both games have been outstanding...and in USF's last 3 games they have scored a total of 81 points in the 2nd halves....
Think NT playing at home where they are 13-6 vs a team 4-8 on the road win and cover this game...they have figured out the USF motion offense,and USF not having top scorer and rebounder in the paint hurts them tonite...
Think Smart goes off and NT will cut those nets down..the big question is " how many people will storm the court"...I know at least 3 will because they won the season parking tickets...

and just as I was starting to sit down and write here my wife yells up to me... your daughters are going out tonite to see a movie,we are babysitting"':mj07: As long as I can watch ESPN....I wish I could make this stuff up..

Go Mean Green...

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Box you know some men never learn these lessons and go a lifetime without a fantastic companion.


Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
Old school you are right... and many times she is almost always right....being a native Texan and living up in NY for 45 years she wants her Texas back...she was a nurse for over 30 years and no matter what through the snow and sleet she had to go to the hospital..... I got snow days and 2 hour delays in education......she loves Austin and her schedule ,, Monday-YMCA yoga- aerobics....Tuesday-- hiking Wed- Kayaking Lake LBJ-Colorado River-TownLake Lake Austin.{ they have 4 names for the same river} Thur- Friday Yoga and Aerobics again.... tough life..we have our daughter and son with 2 grandchildren here...I know there are a few here at MJ's from Austin and they know...but I miss my NY and my house...I like the snowbird..go back to NY in mid May and come back in late Oct...she wants to sell our house in NY..and live here all year round...but I never have experienced the summer in Texas...Austin is a pretty nice city...very progressive...beautiful parks,music,etc
Those snow cones are unreal...or shaved ice...tonight having pizza ..and the pizza here in great... they have Via 313 from Detroit....best crust I have ever eaten...I can't believe I'm saying this because NY and NJ always had the best pizza...not sure if anyone heard of 313..think that's Detroit's area code...and we just ordered it for tonite since we are babysitting...
but Old school I am lucky..you are right about finding a great companion..but I still wanted to drive up to Denton to see my Mean Green...


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Box, hope that you and "one"...

Box, hope that you and "one"...

...have a great weekend. Agree w/you on the Championship game. Good luck...with it all:0074


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2001
Nice Calls on those last 2 North Texas Games

Nice Calls on those last 2 North Texas Games


I was watching the first game where USF jumped out to a 30-15 lead and they ended up losing but from halftime of that game on my eyes kept telling me that NT was the better team. They proved it the last 2 games.
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