Charger Mess Revealed

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Forum Member
Jun 10, 2001
Las Vegas, NV
Reliable word out of San Diego

2 problems:
Marty Schottenheimer -- coach
AJ Smith -- General Manager

Smith took over when John Butler died. He was an understudy of Butler and walked into the job following an emotional funeral period.

There is a total split between what AJ and Marty want to pick in the draft. Marty wants Gallery and AJ wants Eli Manning. Condon, an agent, represents Marty, Brees, and LT. Supposedly Marty is working with Condon to create this Manning mess to force AJ into taking Gallery. Marty is trying to undercut AJ!
And why not. Marty knows that unless he wins NOW he is gone. Marty is not Smith's pick, but Butler's.

Manning isn't ready to start in the NFL. Marty's best chance is to get Brees a lot of help. Brees was picked by Butler, not Smith.

Kentera and Fricke, two San Diego reporters, have said this isn't SPECULATION. They say they have sources who are telling them this!!

This could be why Archie Manning keeps saying he doesn't want to expose Eli to what is going on with the Chargers. The Manning family has been in the NFL for years and know how disruptive a power fight can be, especially to a young, inexperienced QB. Getting anything done to help the team from management will be impossible.

Look what has happened so far this year. A lot of the team has been cut. At least two players who were cut are WR Boston and DE Wiley and they are with other teams But the Chargers still owe them a lot of money this year which will detract from the salary cap.
The Chargers have signed almost no free agents.

Power play with Marty and AJ. Wow! What do the Charger owners, the Spanoses, do with this mess?

A statement said that Archie likes Marty and thinks that if Eli is drafted that it would likely hurt Marty's chances of
winning this year, something he thinks Marty needs to do in order to keep his job. Plus he doesn't want his son to go through that. And although he thinks highly of Marty, he thinks AJ is in over his head.

If Smith gets to pick Manning and the Charger's dont win, both Schottenheimer and Smith will probably be fired and the Charger's will start all over again.

The Chargers are trying to move to the lucrative LA market. The Charger fans know of it. If the Charger's lose from the beginning, the fans are going to get UGLY. It will be disgusting to be a Charger player.