yest: 2-4 -4.4 units
season: 28-30-1 -4.89 units
sometimes i see them dreaming.....sometimes when awake.
fck the pistons. 6 units swing....whores.
Tiny bubbles (tiny bubbles)
In the wine (in the wine)
Make me happy (make me happy)
Make me feel fine (make me feel fine)
Tiny bubbles (tiny bubbles)
Make me warm all over
With a feeling that I'm gonna
Love you till the end of time
So here's to the golden moon
And here's to the silver sea
And mostly here's a toast
To you and me
So here's to the ginger lei
I give to you today
And here's a kiss
That will not fade away
superdupersuperdupersuperridiculous sonics $line +200 x 2 miami is as good as place as any to get your first win
min -2 -106 x 2
gs + 2.5 -107 x 3. did i mention fck the pistons
wiz -6.5 -105 x 3
tor $line + 107 x 4
if that chit don't fit you gotsto acquit
season: 28-30-1 -4.89 units
sometimes i see them dreaming.....sometimes when awake.
fck the pistons. 6 units swing....whores.
Tiny bubbles (tiny bubbles)
In the wine (in the wine)
Make me happy (make me happy)
Make me feel fine (make me feel fine)
Tiny bubbles (tiny bubbles)
Make me warm all over
With a feeling that I'm gonna
Love you till the end of time
So here's to the golden moon
And here's to the silver sea
And mostly here's a toast
To you and me
So here's to the ginger lei
I give to you today
And here's a kiss
That will not fade away
superdupersuperdupersuperridiculous sonics $line +200 x 2 miami is as good as place as any to get your first win
min -2 -106 x 2
gs + 2.5 -107 x 3. did i mention fck the pistons
wiz -6.5 -105 x 3
tor $line + 107 x 4
if that chit don't fit you gotsto acquit