Check this out all you zebra haters (Nolan)

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Aug 26, 2001
waterloo, ontario
Came across this interesting article this morning. Not only did it cost the vikings the game, more importantly it cost Willy 25$ on the second half vikings!! The officiating definetly needs to be addressed!

Report: Officiating mistakes cost Vikings
Minneapolis, MN (Sports Network) - Officials apparently cost the Minnesota Vikings a victory in last Sunday's game against the Green Bay Packers.

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported Wednesday night that the NFL, in a confidential memorandum, acknowledged its officiating crew made at least nine mistakes during the Sunday night game -- a wild 26-22 come-from-behind victory by the Packers.

Included in the mistakes, according to the report, was a pass interference penalty on Green Bay's final drive. The penalty called against Corey Chavous negated an interception by Jack Brewer.

Green Bay went on to score the winning touchdown on that drive, as Tony Fisher ran 14 yards into the end zone with 1:06 remaining.

Another mistake occurred earlier in the fourth quarter when Green Bay's Robert Ferguson scored on a 40-yard pass play. The league apparently said Ferguson should have been ruled out of bounds at the one-yard line.

Almost weekly, NFL teams ask the league to clarify certain calls and at times mistakes are acknowledged.

12/12 02:18:48 ET

I just don't understand how the league can so non-sholantly admit to this and do nothing about it except admit it!! 9 f**king mistakes!!


Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Toronto, ON, Canada
I consider myself very lucky to have won the Over on that game, due to those mistakes. You could tell just watching it unfold that Green Bay WOULD prevail, no matter what it took. ;)

While on the subject of officials...I know, it's basketball...but did anyone see the major HUGE rant that Tommy Heinsohn (Celtics TV announcer) went on during the Suns/Celtics game last night? ESPN did 2 or 3 minutes of clips of him just screaming into the microphone about how one-sided the refereeing was (and it WAS seriously baddddddd, laughably one-way). Paul Pierce gets slammed and dropped and no foul is called. Boston comes within 6 feet of a Phoenix player and they call a Boston foul - guy couldn't touch him if he held his arm out as far as it would go...and on and on it went. Check out Sportscenter today. It was hilarious watching them get screwed time and time again and hearing Heinsohn blow a gasket every time. Brutal, but funny.
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Jan 7, 2001
Houston, Texas


Hey Willy, Sorry to hear about your $25.00. Since I seldom use the word hate, and try my best to describe things in a postive way, I'll suggest that this has less to do with personal attacks on a particular profession, and much more to do with accountability. There are several millions of dollars spent to assemble the players, staffs, stadiums, and all that makes up the NFL. Then with the great TV coverage today, it is easy to point out a weak link that has been exposed again and again, and is having a great impact on the outcome of games. The NFL will at some point see that true fans are unwilling to accept this as the norm. If enough fans started writing to sponsors that advertise on NFL TV coverage, expressing their concerns, they will listen.

It seems that the referees are becoming products of their weekend enviroment and listening to players incorrectly state their case over and over, that I did catch the ball, or that it was not a fumble, or I was not holding, etc., has influenced them to do the same. They now seem to be most concerned with the wording of their incorrect call and less with the interpetation and application of the rules.

If you really want to stir up this subject, you may only need to suggest that these referees are getting paid off or taking bribes. After all Pete Rose still hasn't admitted gambling on baseball games after learning of verbal, physical, audio, and video evidence. Maybe Pete needs a challenge, they seem to be 50/50, no matter what the right call may be.

Keep it Positive, Topdog
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Vegas Dave

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Jul 23, 2002
hey willpower,

I think you got one thing wrong, it wasn't a confidential memorandum it was a champagne ceremony. :D

unfortunately this is probably just the beginning of this issue, but I already feel tired of talking about it. It will be a while before anything gets done, and I mean a WHILE.


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Jan 15, 2002
Here's another tid-bit for ya. This was from "Pete's Pigskin Picks" in the USA Today.
"While the NFL reportedly admitted that it blew nine calls in the Vikings-Packers game Sunday, another bizarre trend has emerged that needs to be noticed outside Colorado. Denver Broncos opponents have not been called for offensive holding in six games, and only twice in the last nine contests.

Most defensive players will tell you there's holding on every play ? it's only the blatant stuff that gets called. But as a person who has seen every play of Denver's past three games, I've watched some pretty severe cases of mauling that should have drawn a flag.

You'd think that Pro Bowlers like Trevor Pryce and Chester McGlockton might get a call every once and while."

I haven't really noticed that, but I thought Monday Night had some terrible missed holds. In particular in the first half the Fins had about a 3rd and 8. The pass rush came in. The right tackle of Miami was up against (IIRC) a CB who was coming in on the blitz. They were both out on the right side isolated from all other players when the CB ran past the RT who then wrapped his arm around the CB's neck and dropped him to the ground. Fiedler scrambled for the conversion. That RT probably got away with 5 BLATANT holds during that game.

Bears got so severely out-played that it probably had nothing to do with the spread, but it just really jumped out at me. And Al and Blubber Head will never mention it.


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
I guess the question is are these guys on the take or just plain bad officials?

I'd leand more toward the view that they are bad officials. Old guys doing this 16-20 times a year with other full time jobs. THe NFL is really to blame for all this, not properly training them, exposing them with instant reply, and not making this their fulltime job.

On Instant Replay, this thing has GOT TO GO (or at least be modified to only incorporate scoring plays or turnovers.)
I thought that instant replay was there to overturn BLATANT MISSED calls, calls that can obviously be seen on replay that were wrong. THese officials get under that hood and try to look for anything that "might look wrong" or "could have happened" instead of looking at what they actually see and what the call on the field was.

Case in point, Monday night, Marty Booker's catch early in the 2nd half, ruled a diving catch on the field (THE KEY POINT IN ALL THIS) but the Dolphins challenge. THe replays showed that his right hand was under the ball. Although the ball could have hit the ground, NO EVEIDENCE on any angle that it DEFINITELY hit the ground. However the old guy overturned the call. Totally against what the replay rule states, ruling on the field stands unless obvious otherwise showing in the replay...not "I think it probably hit the gound, therefore I'll overturn it". Of course Al and the Fat Man instantly ruled that "oh that definitely hit the ground, it WILL be 4th down for the Bears". What were all these people seeing that I didn't?
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Aug 26, 2001
waterloo, ontario
Totally agree with you gin

Totally agree with you gin

Couldn't have said it better myself. Nolan has been saying this for 2 maybe more years. These old farts with regular jobs call 16 or so games a year. The NFL needs to smarten the f**k up!! That call on Booker was exactly the way I saw it. Madden and Michaels are clueless. They didn't even bring the point that if not enough evidence the play stands. This shit is really starting to piss me off - not because of losing bets etc. , I'm talking about the integrity of the game. You really gotta wonder how many games outcomes are based on ref's blown calls.

Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
Great thread! Glad to see all the wise men here who are aware of what is a HUGE problem -- not just for gamblers but for anyone who is a football (and basktetball too) fan.

What truly shocks me about all this is that there is NOTHING said in the press about it. That Minneapolis Star-Trubine article was a beacon of light in the darkness. However you EVER heard anyone in the mainstream press -- TV, newspaper, or radio -- criticize officiating? Thousands of games. Millions of situations. The silence is deafening. Finally, we get a secret memo that comes out that basically said WE WERE RIGHT. Nine "bad" calls in a game. The pass interference call late in the game and overturned interception CLEARLY cost Minnesota a victory. When will people in the miedia begin to see the light?

What really ticks me off is that we have all of these so-called crusaders in the sports media who write and broadcast "controversial" opinions on many subjects. From the arrogant ESPN show PTI (two total jerks), to newspaper columnists, to the broadcasters, NOT ONE of these professionals has the balls to come out and say anything about this problem. It is a conspiracy of silence.

Of course, these same voices in the media wil be quick to blast the Cleveland fans when they throw bottles at a game and protest about being fuhked out of a win last season. The ESPN crew will tear into the Saints fans who threw a couple of bottles on the field when the jerkoff officials swung a game last season with a couple of pass interference calls. Mike Lupica (puke) said on his show that "FANS HAVE TO REALIZE, THEY ARE NO PART OF THE GAME." Huh? Run that by me again?

Lupica and his ilk sit in the best seats, get freebies, and schooze with the players, then play pimps in the press to promote the charade. No, Mike, WE FANS are NOT part of the game as you say -- we just fill the stadiums, pay the overpriced parking, drinkk the watered down beer, cheer for losing teams, watch the games on TV, and ready and listen to your stupid drivel. You stupid fuhk. Of course, Lupica and that joke of a show called "Sports Reporters" has NEVER once in the ten years Ive been wathcing it criticized officiating.

Conspiracy? You decide.



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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
It's all about self-preservation.

If these national guys called out "bad" officials etc.. their credentials would suddnely dissappear, their announcing gigs go by the wayside, their contracts not renewed etc....

Not sure what the solution is other than to replace bad officials, get the leauges to provide more training, and make these permanent full-time jobs. This would make these guys more accountable for their "calls" on the field. Also make them available to the media after games for 5-10 minutes.

I rarely see many bad calls in baseball, maybe because their is not the high speed action of football/baseball Hockey may be the fastest/most constant action sport yet they are very good officials.

I do know that rioting at games by fans is not the answer. If it were then rioting at games by fans protesting their teams lousy play, high ticket cost, non-covering the spread tactics (like taking knees etc)....should be welcome with open arms as well.
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Jan 7, 2001
Houston, Texas
Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech

Hey guys, When thinking of news worthy reporters that might speak their mind, think of these two outspoken gentlemen.

Jimmy the Greek and Fuzzy Zoellar!!(Spelling)

Remember how they lost public speaking privileges?? It might come down to fear over the truth.

Keep it Positive, Topdog


Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Toronto, ON, Canada
What really ticks me off is that we have all of these so-called crusaders in the sports media who write and broadcast "controversial" opinions on many subjects. From the arrogant ESPN show PTI (two total jerks), to newspaper columnists, to the broadcasters, NOT ONE of these professionals has the balls to come out and say anything about this problem. It is a conspiracy of silence.

I think calling it a conspiracy might be going a bit far. Do you know that these people secretly fully agree with how you feel about it, but refuse to talk about it? Or maybe do they just not see the problem the way you/we see it, not chronic, just something to be accepted? Most fans believe their team gets screwed more by the refs than other teams...but how many really watch closely in games not involving their teams and take note of which referees really suck?

I think it would be more spoken about once one of these tabloid-type shows jumped on the bandwagon. You know how it works. An issue comes up (or is made up), one show runs with it, all the other shows copy it, soon everyone is talking about the issue du jour. (Example this week...Pete Rose had a meeting two weeks ago with Bud Selig. BFD! But every sportscast you heard for about 2 days was Pete Rose, Pete Rose...a story which at this time still has almost ZERO news content and is almost entirely speculation). These shows lack creativity or original thought.

Hell, I am sick to death of Around The Horn (what a TOTALLY pointless show!!! Started detesting it around Show #3)... but watch that and PTI back to back and they debate about two-thirds of the same topics on any given day. Only difference is one show devotes a whole minute to a topic. :rolleyes:


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Jan 15, 2002
If every week on MNF John Madden started pointing out blown calls, using his telestrator to show missed holds, bad PI calls, etc, I guarantee the NFL would start leaning on ABC about him. And he might not have that sweet job in a year's time.

I don't think its a conspiracy in the sense that the NFL and ABC met behind closed doors and said, "let's keep the talk about bad officiating the a minimum" but I think it's clear that NFL and the networks have the exact same interests in making us believe that a fairly called game is on the field at all times.
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Jan 7, 2001
Houston, Texas
Want to be heard??

Want to be heard??

If you want your opinion heard about the referees in the NFL, try the business approach. Write letters to the sponsors that advertise on NFL air time. If a large group like the family here at Madjack's, agreed to write letters and avoid buying specific products due to your concerns about a level playing field throughout the NFL, I'm sure that a few eyebrows would rise and action would be taken.
It does require work to make positive changes happen, but when the end justifies the means, it was worth it. I suspect that the people spending advertising money in these high dollar markets like the NFL, would love to lobby for a few changes that would better satisify their viewers and put them in a better buying mood, when viewing these commercials.

Keep it Positive, Topdog


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Nov 14, 2001
Gambling Town, USA
In being a Broncos fan DENVER has a reputation around the league that their offensive line plays dirty. It's a bunch of BS. All of the lineman in the league play the same way. They hold, cross block you name it. The difference this season are the refs are looking to call it against Denver. I've seen some mysterious calls go against Denver this season especially on some plays that really could have been game changing plays. Don't get me wrong this isn't the reason why Denver has lost three in a row, but in watching alot of games around the NFL this season I strongly believe teams like Green Bay will get the benefits of the call and we all saw it Sunday. When Green Bay had it's back against the wall and the game in line the zebras decided to ensure that the Packers would have every possible opportunity to prevail.

It happens in every sport. The refs are gut less, biast, and God Bless Joe Paterno for pointing it out in the College game. Did anyone watch the Celtics v. Phoenix game??? I could rant on forever, but how does Phoenix go to the line 33 times and Boston only 9, when Boston kept driving the ball down the lane??? Pierce could have been seriously injured and this chump ref (41) is throwing out Jimmy O'Brien and giving Antoine Walker a Technical for defending their team mate on a play that could have ended his season. The rest of the way this guy called everything against Boston and made sure the Celts knew he was in charge.

Refs play favorites in the game and some calls are obvious, but what ticks me off is when the game is on the line and you have a flag happy ref deciding the game it simply takes away from the integrity of the game. These guys are TOO INCONSISTENT. On one play you can rape a receiver before he gets the ball and on the next if you look at him funny the player is being called for defensive pass interference or my new favorite TAUNTING. Give me a break. Who the hell came up with this rule. Something needs to be done, but as long as the green keeps pouring in and the fans put up with it incompetent refs will be apart of this game.


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Jan 31, 2001
Bethesda, MD
Don't want to write too long, but all I wanted to say after reading all of your posts is:

A) The Cowboys...yes I am a fan and am biased if you call it....have lost 4 games this year due to BULLSHIT Pass Interference calls this year alone!! Now, they could have still lost the game later if they zebras DID NOT throw the flag, but all calls put our opponrnts inside our 30 yard line!! I know how how you all feel....

B) Top Dog...w/ yah my man on the idea..but it will NEVER work. Too much $$ involved and these advertising dollars go up every year. No way a few letters from fans about bad calls will pull their ads...they know their slot will be filled within a matter of minutes!


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Jan 5, 2002
Plain City OH
maybe a bad idea but ........

Stop Buying NFL GEAR !

Absolutely only 3-5 good crews in the whole league in my opinion.

I used to ref High school Baskets got to the point I was not able Physically so I QUIT. I wanted to that last year and started running in April after a major season ending injury in January. Even did some girls summer league stuff in June & July, but my body said no. Harder to quit when the rake is $5-10 grand a game instead of $45 -50 a game. Not really up to speed on all the facts but, it makes me sick to watch this crap week after week and I have had a profitable season so not pounding sour grapes just agreeing with the obviuos here ! :(



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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Anyone who watches pro football ,especially with an eye on the line play, can tell you that holding penalties are both arbitrary and capricious. There is no rhyme or reason. I agree that if any sportscaster that still wanted his free seats and hot dogs spoke out, he'd probably be ostracized. It is no coincidence that mainstream television and written media avoid this question. I guess we need somebody willing to be the sacrificial lamb before any improvement comes our way. The lack of holding calls or the inconsistancy in calling holding is hideous, but the pass interference situation is the worst of all. Again, no consistancy from one play to another. And these plays often decide the game. Hopefully, someone with recognition in the television or written media will stand up andshoult, but don't hold your breath.


Forum Member
Jun 10, 2001
Las Vegas, NV
Dec 14

As a long time fan of the NFL, things seem to be getting worse.

However the problem goes much deeper than officiating. The last year has shown other NFL executives being mavericks and doing what they want. Gene Washington is a prime example. he has been extremely biased and decided on careers as if he were the new GOD in town.

And who can complain?

There is no NFL hot line as I know. (if there is, please reply)

Things are getting crazy, and the owners dont seem to know what is going on.

As long as people like Gene Washington are making decisions, officiating, rules, and integrity are going in the toilet.
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Forum Member
May 14, 2002
Lupica has always been a douchebag. He makes ya wanna bitch slap him. LOL

And coudn't shine Dick Schapps shoes !!!!!!!!!!!!
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