Cheney's trip


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Not going so well. I guess there's still a little work to be done in Afghanistan. ...Hey, this is the most war action the kid has ever seen. ...Unless of course you count shooting his lawyer friend in the face.

I'm pretty sure his proximity to China made their stock market tumble too. The guy has some baaad mojo.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
this is bad news for the left.....the fact that cheney survived.....and the fact that the terrorists coming to get him is just going to fuel his "paranoid, delusional fantasies that the terrorists are coming to get him."...

look out.....

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Probably were not even within a 10 miles of him so he spun it like they were right next door. I wonder if he thinks they are still in their last throes.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
If nothing else, this emphasizes that we turned focus away from Afghanistan WAY too soon. Instead of one secure victory, we now have 2 complete messes.

Bush/Cheney are like that fabled dog who got greedy and barked at their own reflection to get the other dog's bone - losing the original one.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Not going so well. I guess there's still a little work to be done in Afghanistan. ...Hey, this is the most war action the kid has ever seen. ...Unless of course you count shooting his lawyer friend in the face.

I'm pretty sure his proximity to China made their stock market tumble too. The guy has some baaad mojo.

i thought we were FOR the afghanistan action before we were against it? know,the taliban thing?.......i always thought you lefties thought this was the right move and iraq was the mistake?......

i guess we`re for it while it`s going along swimmingly....when it gets a little tough,that`s when we hillary in iraq....

now i get it....

btw...don`t tell anyone.....but i just got a call from scooter libby and he told me that theres a plot to run down howlgore with a "hydrogen-powered" bus......

they want him out of the way,but,at least,they`re going green.....

keep it under your hat....

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
i thought we were FOR the afghanistan action before we were against it? know,the taliban thing?.......i always thought you lefties thought this was the right move and iraq was the mistake?......

i guess we`re for it while it`s going along swimmingly....when it gets a little tough,that`s when we hillary in iraq....

Silly shit you write all the time. this is like you telling me we are gonna have a basketball game and im all for it then when i get there the rules change and now you want me to play you and four of your friends by myself.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i thought we were FOR the afghanistan action before we were against it? know,the taliban thing?.......i always thought you lefties thought this was the right move and iraq was the mistake?......

i guess we`re for it while it`s going along swimmingly....when it gets a little tough,that`s when we hillary in iraq....

Silly shit you write all the time. this is like you telling me we are gonna have a basketball game and im all for it then when i get there the rules change and now you want me to play you and four of your friends by myself.

"interpreter to aisle 7":director:


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Weasel, WTF are you on about this time? I've stated countless times that - yes indeed - Afghanistan should have been THE war. That was the one we should taken with overwhelming forces. THAT was the sound strategy and appropriate response to 9/11. It could have been done, but we sent very few troops there and Bush quickly started his Iraq propaganda. ...Yeah, great strategy, huh? Instead of one solid victory that we had every moral reason and support to pursue, we get all this crap.

What that has to with hydrogen buses is between you and your little green alien that rests comfortably on your shoulder and whispers into your ear.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Seriously, I don't spend much time thinking about Cheney. He is not important....oh wait a minute that was Bin Laden. Continue.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Seriously, I don't spend much time thinking about Cheney.....

LOL...stevie said a funny...

don`t fret,my friends.......i`m in the process of checking around for a charity organization that can get you guys the medication in bulk you so desperately deserve.....and need....

honestly,i'm surprised you guys manage to tie your shoe laces(velcro?).....:grins:

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
"interpreter to aisle 7":director:

Out of nowhere you are now acting like the left thinks the going is getting to rough so they want to run from Afghanastan. What they want to run from is a bunch of thieves and Jackels who know nothing about fighting or running a war. Your are so with these bunch of con artists i simply cannot understand why you don't sign up and help them achieve what you think are there goals. Our military is like a great team with a bad bunch of coaches.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Got to love it. First i hear the bomb was within 1500 feet and now its over a mile. Maybe by tonight it will hit the ten mile mark.

The Judge

Pura Vida!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
The Vice President had no business even being at an air base in an active war zone.

"We wanted to target ... Cheney," Taliban spokesman Mullah Hayat Khan told Reuters by phone from an undisclosed location.

"They clearly try to find ways to question the authority of the central government," Cheney told reporters traveling with him out of Afghanistan on a military plane to Oman.

No, really? Al-Quaeda wanting to kill the Vice President of the United States? Who would have ever imagined such a thing? Fourteen people are dead and another 27 wounded because of this foolish visit to Bagram.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Your are so with these bunch of con artists i simply cannot understand why you don't sign up and help them achieve what you think are there goals.

the old chickenhawk thing again?...thought i dealt with this bogus argument already....

let me take a different angle spongy..... YOU are so invested in seeing us fail.....why just cheer on your ideological brothers in the caves and camps?.....why not jump in the fray YOURSELF?....

don`t be mr. jane fonda....she went over to north vietnam to support the troops(the nva she stopped short of grabbing an a.k. and a set of black p.j.`s....

you can be better than her....if you`re so gung ho against the mission, catch a flight over and fight for the cause.....the taliban is always recruiting.....

after all,bush is the "real" enemy....

or maybe you`re too busy sipping your mochaccino and leaving it to everyone else to train, build bombs, and die gloriously?......

what a silly billy you are....
Last edited:


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
i thought we were FOR the afghanistan action before we were against it? know,the taliban thing?.......i always thought you lefties thought this was the right move and iraq was the mistake?......

i guess we`re for it while it`s going along swimmingly....when it gets a little tough,that`s when we hillary in iraq....

now i get it....

I am so baffled by your comment here, it just can't be what I'm comprehending. Are you saying that liberals were against going after Bin Laden in Afganistan? The Taliban who were assisting/hiding Bin Laden? The folks who probably still are? Or that liberals were for bringing the forces out of where Bin Laden was ( guys KNEW where he told us so...) and shipping them over to Iraq?

I can't even rip you on's so convoluted and outright silly. I'm sure you'll try to make some set of points by bashing algore and moonbatting us to death...I dunno. But this one takes the cake for idiocy - no offense intended...ahem.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
invested in seeing us fail? Rush give you that one? Im surprised you used that line. I thought you might be a bit brighter then that instead of a pigeon that gets plucked daily by a fool like Rush. Okay you got me there. I like everyone else that can see a con job a million miles away just want us to fail while you who couldn't see a con job if it was right in front of you feel we should just keep on staying the course. Will there ever be a time you reach the age of reason and realize this crew had an agenda and it had nothing to do with freedoms for Iraq's? How many times do you need to be lied to in order to wake up? Me, i say pull the troops out and let the Iraq's fight it out while we sit on the sidelines. who knows maybe they will be happy we left and settle down but i doubt it since we feel the need to build bases over there. The very same reason Bin Laden attacked us. Building bases on Arab soil. That is if there even is a Bin Laden. By the way you know where he is? We found Hussein in a dirt hole but we just can't seem to find this guy.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I'm really surprised to see this happen. I thought we had taken care of the Taliban, was in control of Afganistan, and there have been no terrorist attacks on U.S. interests since 9-11. At least that's what Wayne and Weasel keep telling us?

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