Chicagoland Thoughts/Leans

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Devil Dog
Forum Member
Mar 18, 2009
Sorry for the late post guys but I had a big change in the last 2 weeks. I quit my job after 9 yrs at the same dealership and only job I had since the Corps. I know not the best time to quit a job but I was working again by Monday. Great thing is now I have Saturdays and Sundays off to spend with the family but don't have Wednesdays off like I used to when I would spend my time to cap the race coming up. So I'm a little late this week. Anyways, Chicago can be a weird race! My first time watching this race Harvick was spinning in the infield within the first like 10 laps or something then came back to win. Or who could forget that great race between Kenseth and Gordon a few yrs ago that ended with Kenseth getting turned. But one thing that I been looking into is Johnson. I believe that team is just testing the first half of the season because after the July Daytona race is when they seem to turn it on. After listening to Chad Knaus for the last few years it seems their whole mind set changes after the first of July. Another one that gets strong this time of year is Tony. With most of his wins coming after the first of July. I believe the list for this race will be short and sweet. GL today to everyone and Semper Fi!

To win:
Johnson +300 I know the heavy fav. but how can you not.
Stewart +800 Another have too.
Kyle B +600 May still be steaming from the race last week plus last night came in to get tires and still didn't catch Lagono.
Edwards +1200 Maybe it's time for them to turning it around.

Dark Horse
Newman +2500 didn't show great in prac. but was fast last night but had a problem early on that got him a lap down.