Cie Grant


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
Received this email from a close friend from NOLA. Any substance to this?


On Jan 31, 2009, at 6:06 PM, E Brown wrote:

Since I know all of you go to the French Quarter I wanted to tell

You of two instances involving people I know. The first one happened at

Galatoires not long ago and the other at the Ritz Carlton just last

night. I now see their connection and what is happening. Both

incidents involve men by themselves.

Not long ago a friend was leaving Galatoires having had a nice

Dinner and plenty to drink. While leaving the restaurant three

women surrounded him and claimed that he pinched one of them.

Almost immediately police intervened and arrested the man despite

his insistence that he did nothing and was being falsely accused.

He was thrown in jail and kept over night then released. His wallet

was returned and all of his credit cards and cash were missing. He

basically was stranded in New Orleans as he lived in Nashville and

was visiting friends of ours. I do not know what happened after that.

However, just last night my son took some friends to the Hornets

Game and used the suite. I do not know all of the people with him at the

game but I do know that one of the guests happened to be a lawyer

friend named Alex of ours named Alex from Knoxville , TN. He was

in town attending a legal seminar with other members of his firm.

After the game Elder and Alex went back to the Ritz Carlton where Elder

parked and where Alex was staying. Elder left for Covington and

said good bye. Alex then got into the elevator to go up to the hotel's

lobby and then to his room. As the door was closing two black women

jumped into the elevator and started hovering over him asking him if

he wanted their services etc. He said no and pushed them off. The

door opened and he got away from the women. However, as he was

walking in the lobby he noticed his wallet missing and realized that

the women had stolen it when they were rubbing against him. He

dropped his jacket and screamed that he had been robbed. Almost

immediately two NOPD police officers surrounded him and accused him

of soliciting the women for prostitution. No comments from any of

you, but that wasn't the situation.

The police told Alex that he was going to jail for solicitation and

he made them aware that he was a lawyer which they responded by saying

something like, I guess you think you can talk your way out of it.

He quickly remembered that the elevator had a camera and

said that he wanted to play the tape back to show his innocence.

The police said they would do that but he couldn't view it with


Instead they came back, supposedly after viewing the video, and said

the tape showed he was soliciting and they told him either he

confessed or they would take him to jail. About the same time a

woman NOPD officer came on the scene and told Alex to simply admit to the

incident and it would be over and done with and they would let him


Alex told the police that isn't it ironic that he was in New Orleans

attending a seminar on how to defend the police when they are

accused of a crime. He naturally refused the opportunity to incriminate



One of the police left the scene for a few moments and miraculously

came back with Alex's wallet with his credit cards but no cash.

They then told him that he had to leave the Ritz Carlton


As incredible as that part was, they escorted him to his room, made

him pack and then made him check out forfeiting his Saturday night

room charge that he had already guaranteed. The police then kicked

him out of the Ritz Carlton. The night manager interestingly did

nothing to protect one of his hotel guests. He then made his way to

the Marriott and got a room not believing what had happened.

Obviously the police were in the scam and covered for the women

Making the charges or were flipping the facts and making our friend the

guilty party. There was no attempt to try to find the women or to

take the side of the single man in both cases.

I tell you this since we all walk at times by ourselves in the

French Quarter and at night (sometimes very late etc.). I doubt if either

Of these situations would have had the same result if both men were

with others. I know from my three years on the NOPD that the French

Quarter cops are particularly on the take. When I was on the force

I witnessed shake downs and bag men delivering cash to be divided up

By the cops. I actually walked in one day while the cash was being

stacked and distributed. I was lucky to have been able to walk into

the situation and walk out almost as fast while the cops stood

around counting the money in a local gas station in the Quarter across from

my office. I was in a coat and tie and told them that I saw nothing

and left. Back then the shake down was on bars, pimps and

prostitutes. Today the cops are using those low lifes to shake

down the visitors. They know that no man wants any allegation as to

their alleged bad behavior to hit the news or to get back home. Instead,

they shake down the tourist and make him the guilty party. The stakes

are much higher today post Katrina and New Orleans has absolutely

one of the worst scum-bag police forces and political structures in the

country and getting worse by the day. Maybe the Ex FBI chief will

run for office and clean the department up.

I know that Alex will be doing something about last night's incident

but as a single person he may find the effort useless. We can, on

the other hand, be real careful when walking to and from our cars or

other establishments in the Quarter and never by ourselves. The Cops and

their associates are looking for single men by themselves and know

their game plan. Please pass this on to your family and friends.

It's not funny when two people you know have been scammed. If I

Know two people who experienced this how many more are there out there

Each and every night?

Be careful.


A bit of an update. I have added a few new recipients to this email


if you are new, skip to the email below and then read my comments


At the request of Dan Haeuser, board member of the Metropolitan Crime

commission, I received an immediate call from Rafael Goyeneche,

President of the MCC this morning. I explained to Rafael that I had

learned of this incident via my daughter and would like to personally

speak to Alex to get his firsthand experience of last Friday night's

incident. I told him I would ask Alex to agree to speaking to Rafael


The story tracked the way Simonne told me. However, it always helps


get a story from the horse's mouth. Alex is a fine young man, a


of my son-in-law and was in their recent wedding. He is well

educated and works in his father's law firm in Knoxville . He is a

credible witness.

When Alex and Elder III arrived at the Ritz Carlton from a night out

after the Hornet's game it was then very early Saturday morning.

Elder and his date left to go back home and Alex stopped outside the

front of the hotel to smoke a cigarette. After a few puffs he said he

had had enough and wanted to go to bed. He walked into the corridor

leading to the elevators that take you to the 2nd floor and lobby of


hotel. There was no security that he was aware of outside the hotel


no screening by security to ensure that only guests with keys could

enter the hotel's elevators. He got into the elevator and suddenly


women got in with him. He was in the middle of the elevator and the

women got to his left and right and immediately starting to grope him.

He shrugged them off and got out the elevator

on the lobby level. You know the rest of the story.

However, what I didn't know is that the NOPD immediately took an

adversarial position with him. They handcuffed him and started

screaming at him accusing him of making the approach to the women and

that he was trying to solicit the women to come to his room.

Alex had already started canceling his credit cards and the police


that they were not dealing with a typical stupid tourist. At that


they tried to cut a deal with him by pushing him to admit to


the women and if he would admit to this, they would let him go or they

would arrest him and take him to jail if he didn't make

confess. He told me that at one point a ranking officer came onto

the scene and really harassed him to make a confession. Again he


agree. One officer then conveniently found his wallet less the cash

which Alex said was over $300.00. Three officers escorted him to his

room along with three or so Ritz employees and they kicked him out


the street with his luggage to fend for himself. He had no cash and


real knowledge of the city. He made his way toward the river and

finally got a hotel room at the Marriott. He hasn't slept since the

incident took place.

Imagine being robbed, then handcuffed by the police and badgered to

admit to a crime you didn't commit, kicked out your hotel and then

forced to walk one of the worst crime ridden streets in the city.

What a way to be treated.

Rafael then interviewed Alex and got the story straight from his


He then called me to give me his opinion. He did not think that the

police were part of the scam. However, he strongly believes that the

police reacted the way they did to avoid having to report a robbery in

the 8th district. Having served on the NOPD for three years I can


you it was not that way when I was on the force. He said that since

Chief Pennington was the head of the force the police have purposely

tried to gloss over the crime in the city simply by not reporting it.

In this case, the robbery would have had to be written up on a report

and every week the Commander of each district has to report to the


the crime in his respective district. Adverse crime activity would

hinder or eliminate the Commander's bonus and may even cause him to


his $150,000 a year job. This job is not easily replaced elsewhere,


the Commander's have instructed their rank and file to reduce the


stats in their district, even using unscrupulous tactics such as

non-reporting of criminal activity.

The handcuffing and strong armed tactics inflicted on Alex was part of

the NOPD's coverup. Fortunately for Alex, his maintaining that he was

non guilty caused the police to release him and kicking him out the

hotel would eliminate the problem hopefully for the police and the

hotel. Isn't it interesting that the management of the Ritz let the

police throw out their paying guest without a hearing or due process.

Now that's a first class establishment.

Rafael believes that the reason the hotel said nothing and went along

with the police was that they didn't want any bad press. A robbery in

the lobby of the Ritz Carlton would be bad for business and perhaps


the management of the hotel. Just remember that when you are

frequenting that hotel in the future.

Unfortunately, Rafael reported to me that Alex just wants to forget

the entire night and the horror story he witnessed first hand.

Imagine what would happen to you if you were in his shoes. An out of

towner gets robbed after a late night in the French Quarter in the


elevator of a luxury hotel. No matter what you said in your defense,

many would simply shrug this off as a typical drunk soliciting two


prostitutes to have some fun. Imagine how that would devastate your

young wife, your family and perhaps law partners and clients. Before

you would ever get to explain your side you would be irrepairably

labeled. I hope he changes his mind as Rafael said that the only way


can attempt to change this is to expose it. He wanted Alex to file a

complaint or go to the Feds via the Inspector General who oversees the

Police but the IG just resigned. At the very least he wanted him to

tell his story to the new media. I hope Alex changes his mind for our

sakes but I sympathize and understand if he doesn't. After all we


to live here, he doesn't.

At least Rafael and the MCC are well aware of the corruption and

statistic cooking being done by the police in New Orleans . If we


take a stand soon the problem will become such that no one will want


visit New Orleans . As he said, Alex is a well spoken, educated


from a good background and look at how he was treated. Imagine how a

less educated blue collar person would be treated, they wouldn't

stand a

chance. However, perhaps that person would not have had the luxury of

staying at the Ritz Carlton where the best you get is to be thrown out

onto the street.

I remember a retiring Judge in New Orleans telling me a few years back

"Elder, don't get in trouble in Orleans Parish. We don't have many

friend left to help you out anymore". Boy, he sure was right.



Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
As is the case with most forwarded emails, it appears the one you received contains bogus info.......


The "scam" that wasn't: Last week, emails circulated by 2 prominent attorneys implied that NOPD officers were somehow in cahoots with hookers in the French Quarter and were rolling tourists.

The attorneys were a little short of due diligence and should have quizzed their cohort more thoroughly before sounding the alarm. In essence, the conclusion is that this was another case of tourists too intoxicated to tell what was going on.

After an investigation by the NOPD's Public Integrity Bureau, this is what they found, as reported by Maj. Hosli in his own words:

" in reference to a recent email that has been circulating about an individual known as Alex (a young attorney from Knoxville, TN). I?ll have to admit that after reading this email, I was deeply disturbed and troubled regarding its contents. The email contained very serious criminal allegations against members of the NOPD and members of the 8th District.

"In the email, Alex allegedly stated through a third party that he was victimized by an elaborate criminal scam while on a recent visit to New Orleans. The email claims that he was approached by 2 females while in the elevator of the Ritz-Carlton. He believed these females were, in fact, prostitutes, who stole his wallet from him while he was in the elevator. He then dropped his jacket and informed the staff that he was just robbed. According to Alex, 2 New Orleans police officers appeared almost immediately and surrounded him and begin to browbeat him about soliciting prostitutes. When this failed, the 2 officers retrieved his wallet (allegedly from the prostitutes), and had him removed from the hotel.

"Because the allegations involved police officers, the investigation was handled by the NOPD?s Public Integrity Bureau. After conducting a preliminary investigation, the PIB discovered that the story in the email was captured on the Ritz-Carlton?s surveillance video.

"On the surveillance footage, a gentleman believed to be Alex is seen coming into the lobby of the hotel carrying a drink. He appeared visibly intoxicated and even ran into the door. He was followed by 2 females who entered behind him and it appeared that they were attempting to converse with him. Alex, the 2 females and another hotel guest entered the elevator. Alex is then seen getting off the elevator by himself. He is observed approaching the Front Desk Clerk, appearing to be very irate. He was throwing his hands up and frantically patting and searching his pants as if he lost something. Alex then throws some of his belongings on the front desk and is then observed walking back towards the elevator. He exited on the ground floor, not wearing his jacket, and was apparently attempting to locate the 2 females.

"The investigators discovered that Alex removed his jacket and threw it on a chair in the lobby prior to getting on the elevator and going downstairs. Once the hotel security staff became aware of the incident, they located Alex?s wallet in his jacket pocket. This discovery was made by a female hotel security officer and not a New Orleans police officer. The police were called by hotel security and did not appear almost immediately as stated in the email. It was also learned that Alex was asked to leave the hotel by the management because of his belligerent behavior and intoxicated state.

"While the email cites this instance and asserts that New Orleans police officers are working with prostitutes to shake down tourists, it could not be further from the truth. Video documentation clearly shows that Alex?s wallet was not taken by anyone. Hotel security found his wallet in his jacket, which he threw on the ground. The alleged theft of his wallet is baseless.

"Moreover, the accusations that New Orleans police officers were a part of this theft are totally unfounded. I am deeply concerned that one individual, through the use of the internet and email, can spread unsubstantiated and unverified mistruths about the New Orleans Police Department.

"It is my belief that based on the video footage, our officers acted in a proper and professional manner. I can assure you that misconduct in any form will not be tolerated as long as I am commander of the 8th District. Thank you for taking the time to learn the facts regarding this incident before rushing to judgment."


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
IMO, people have a tendancy to drink more heavily than usual when in New Orleans.

In fact, I'm heading out for lunch and margaritas right now :toast:


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
I can taste the Cajun food now... Thursday coiuldn't come soon enough...

I love NOLA during Carnival!! :00hour
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