Coach K got outcoached tonight??

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Evil Genius

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
Right Here
Am I the only one here who thinks Coach K. got outcoached tonight. They got killed inside in the second half and got killed on the boards. At the halftime interview IU's coach Davis said they were gonna have to get it inside more and run a lot less.

They not only got it inside more, they stuffed it down Dukes throats the last 15 minutes. Duke had to keep it uptempo but was stuck playing IU's game. Maybe they got conservative or tired (no bench finally bit them on the arse), but they blew it big time.

I personally think Coach K is a god, so you know for me to say it, he got his nuts fed to him but a 2nd year coach.
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i think Mike Davis has done a great job this year with this bunch....he needed this to get some of the Knight faithful to rally around IU again.....

Evil Genius

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
Right Here
I agree, Davis did a great job in a crappy situation. I'm just surprised Coach K fell asleep at the wheel tonight. They had this baby wrapped with 15 to go.

Also, don't you think Dahntay(sp) Jones is way over-rated. He is garbage, not a team player, and that don't cut it at Duke. It's not all his fault though, Dickie V talked him up big time all last year and preseason this year. Last year in the Final Four, he had the balls to say Duke's best player was on the bench sitting out his transfer year. :drinky:
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just cover

Cub Fan
Forum Member
Oct 10, 2001
Normal, Ill

I agree. I think coachK did get outcoached tonight. Why in the hell didn't he go to a zone on defense? He could protect the guys with foul trouble and and stop Indiana from pounding it inside. Nobody from Duke could really even challenge them with the foul situation. I had 2units on the over at 147 and I didn't even mind that I got a push. I like Indiana except when they play the Illini and now I won't hear Dicky V talk about Duke being the best team in the world well he probably might even talk about it even more.

Good job Indiana now come on Oklahoma win it all. I will make a very nice bundle if they take the whole thing.

good luck

just cover

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
coach K had all year to solve his post defensive problems and he never did.....Dunleavy and Boozer are good athletes -- you think he could have figured a way to adjust a little.....

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
looks like that 30 year old mormon guy is a sore loser!!!!!

maybe he shouldda spent another year or two on his mission to learn how to handle his anger!!!!
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Nov 8, 2001
clifton park, ny
I also believe coach K was a major contributor to the loss tonight. I could not imagine why in the world down 2 with 40 seconds left he would not have his team foul. I know in retrospect it did work out for them almost but, it took a near miracle for it to happen.
Duke was down 2 with Indiana holding the ball and 6.2 seconds differential from game clock to shot clock. Basically coach k was counting on Indiana to not only miss thier shot but for his team (who didn't rebound all night) to get the rebound and get the ball up court and get a good shot all in 6.2 seconds or less. HORRIBLE coaching decision., should have tried to lengthen the game for as long as possible especially since IU was not making their free throws all night. I think the bottom line here is that duke is not used to being in this position, and weren't prepared to play late minute stategy being down in the game. I hate duke and am glad they are out, can't wait to here the bald blind blue devil cheerleader making excuses for his beloved devils going down.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
Muscle Shoals, AL
First off, Davis has done a great job at Indiana this year.
Second, I agree with Evil Genius that Coach K is a god.
But, I don't think Davis out-coached Coach K. A crucial coaching error occured when Williams got fouled on that three-pointer. Up by four with 10 seconds left, under no circumstances do you foul anybody, much less a three-point shooter. Outcome: Duke's achilles comes back to haunt them when Williams misses the free-throw, and Boozer barely misses the rebound put-back. Davis' fawk-up by not reminding his players not to foul, almost cost them the game. JMO
