Coaches vs Cancer - Thursday

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Forum Member
Jan 5, 2001
Cleveland, Ohio
Record: 0-0

Syracuse -4 - Combination of Memphis losing too much and the Orangemen getting the "Soprano" factor - Carmela Anthony. Thought this line would come out at 6-7. Was very suprised that it opened at 2' but not suprised that it rose very quickly.

Oklahoma -4' - This should be a great game, Bama inside with the SEC Player of the Year vs a very hungry and focused Final Four Sooner team minus only 1 starter. The experienced returning backcourt for Oklahoma will be the difference. Guard play has added importance both early in the year as well as tourney time.



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Jan 5, 2001
Cleveland, Ohio
Oklahoma felt slighted last year when they did not get a #1 seeding. Almost every preseason preview and interview with Coach Sampson has him talking about last year's Final Four and how the team did not return home right away but stayed for Monday's Championship game. He made the team stay in order for them to see first-hand how close they came to playing for a National Championship and the excitement involved. This Oklahoma team will be ranked #1 at some point this year and should always be in or near the top 5. Losses will happen especially when Kansas and Texas are in your conference but anything less than playing on Monday, April 7 in New Orleans will be a disappointment for the Sooners.

At least, that is how I see it...
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Aug 21, 2001
Mt. Prospect, IL
You could be right but other way of looking at it is that teams coming off a big year may take for granted they will be back, and develop "Lakeritis"--a condition in which a team thinks (in some cases, can) turn it on when it wants/needs to. Alabama had to be disappointed how last season ended, although they lost to a good team, they probably are pi$$ed cause it was to a team from a mid-major. Everyone respects Okie; I think Bama has more to prove. We'll know in another 8 hours.


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Jan 5, 2001
Cleveland, Ohio

I understand the "Lakeritis" effect and agree that Bama has a bitter taste in their mouths thanks to the Golden Flashes. It seems to me that the "Lakeritis" that occurs in college hoops is common in two scenerios: year-in-year-out winning and talent ; and "undisiplined" coaching.

Duke, UNC (pre-last year), Kentucky, Kansas are examples of the first. For the past 2 decades, these are the teams that reload instead of rebuild. Seniors on these type teams are used to winning and having the talent to "turn-it-on". I would say these type teams have less "Lakeritis" but instead, they tend not to panic when down so confidence may appear as a little apathetic.

The second factor is hard to describe but you know it when you see it. True "Lakeritis" as very talented teams coast through games that they "should" win. These type of teams do not seem to happen with certain coaches. These are your classic underachieving teams. The Vols are the first team to come to mind in recent years. UNLV in their Tark heydays were like this.

I don't think that the Sooners fall into either of these categories since they have not reached the Kansas or Duke level. Also, I do not believe that Coach Sampson would let a team of his become one of the second type as he is one of the "hard-work" coaches. I think that Sampson is the type of coach that would rather have a .500 team that gave 100% effort, 100% of the time, than a .850 team that only gave as much effort as needed each night.

We will see in a couple of hours. I had to download the CBS NCAA Tourney .wav file this morning as I can not wait for this season to start.


Good luck this season