Code Red and the Pats fans

west coast guru

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Forum Member
May 18, 2001
We are filthy rich. We were the only ones who believed in these guys since the playoffs started. Was a little worried because I had them at 12-1 to win the bowl and on the ml tonight. I would have to say guys congrats to your team and hell ya they made us fucking rich. Code red we did not need the points:D


Code Red

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May 21, 2001
New England
Heh heh....I gotta say West Coast the congrats seem to be in order for you....Is that 24 grand rumor really true???:eek:

This is a team you pretty much had to see all year to believe in. If you're on the outside looking at them and you aren't familiar with them there isn't much to see on paper. I can understand why so many people thought they'd get beaten but as has been proven time and again, defense wins football games and the Pats have a great bend-don't-break defense which has frustrated good QBs all year. Everyone looked at the Pats' yards given up but not their red zone defense or points allowed which was the real measuring stick here. I looked at this game as a virtual carbon copy of the Giants/Bills Super Bowl and I was as confident as ever that they would at least cover and probably win. I think the biggest mistake Ram backers made was not taking Bill Belichiks' schemes serious enough. He has an uncanny way of taking away a teams' offense, just ask Peyton Manning.

Anyway, congrats West Coast!! Sounds like you made a ton of dough,,much more than I did:D


west coast guru

Registered User
Forum Member
May 18, 2001
Yep code red that 24 grand is true. I played a future in Reno Vegas and online. My brother lives up north and goes to reno so I had him play some up there for me to. I just know that the team who goes in on a roll in any sport usually wins the big one. I must say I was a greedy bastard and bet a good amount on the ml even though I already had a future. Also had to add the halftime line. We know history repeats itself and it was impossible for the rams to win. So the pats were good to me like the ravens were last year. Nice win and I hope the pats and their fans are enjoying it.
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