Was without power and water in both houses, mine and daughters. Everything was closed, the last two days, everything, most opened back up today. That didn't matter because everything was gone anyway. Nothing left as far as bread, milk, eggs, nothing not even ice cream. We ended up camping it out with all 6 dogs, 4 adults, 2 sets of twins my grandsons and step granddaughters in my shop which has a wood burning stove. The water boil was lifted today.
Here's a sweet kick in the nuts for ya. My electric provider auto-drafted my bill today (I forgot it was today) and the bill was for a 40 day period.... just over $1500.00. My house is is 2100 square foot and my daughter's is 2000. Hers is relatively new and accounted for $300. My house was a cool $1200.00.
The energy company double rates for every 1000 kwh. Fucking criminal.
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