Collection of Links for Radio Stations

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Feb 24, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
For those of us that have permanent connections to the internet, I think it would be a good idea to start a collection of links to sports radio stations that you can listen live to for free. I think most would agree you can get some great info for games from local sources so if you have a big game you are interested in that night you can tune in to get updates or previews on it.

For starters, a good source of information for sports teams from Toronto and Canada is FAN 590 based in Toronto:

Some of the hosts are really annoying but they have a 20-minute sports update that usually give good info updates for games that night. I think they also carry all the Raptors games live. Another good one for Canada is:

This is the link for the Ottawa station, but when you click on the Listen Live link, you open a program that has a drop down menu for a bunch of other cities across the country.

I'll try and do some more research to get some other cities but if others have their own favourites they can recommend then this could turn into a valuable collection of links.