College Ball

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Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
Ran into an Old Friend today who used to date my sister. We were both at Drunkin Donuts. He gets up to the counter and orders his feast and naturally just like I've been hearing for years the bastard is a "little short". Needless to say he turns to me and asks Ol' Clem if he can borrow three bucks to cover his order.
" Borrow"? I say. I see you every 10 years and you want to borrow money? How do you presume we get together for you to pay me back? Maybe we will run in to each other at the Sizzler in a few years? Here is fin get lost.

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood because my college picks suck.

straight 13-20-2 minus 26.5 units
Parlays 0-2 minus 3.5 units
Teasers 3-7 -8.5 units.

One game only so far. Oklahoma coming off a loss against the upstart Kstate wildcats. k State and coach Bill are back to prominence. This guy can flat out coach. Sure did not take him long to bring his team back to national prominence. That said the Sooners and Stoops have way to much size and speed here. The lopsided kstate win and their 6 and 0 start coupled with the Sooner loss has gotten this number to a manageable 14. The line of 14 going out to an unbeaten team"begs" for wildcat. money. K State is not there yet but they are coming.

Oklahoma -14
PBR 6 unit play



Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
The SHEET ain't gonna hit the fan this wk either

The SHEET ain't gonna hit the fan this wk either

No need to be :scared about this one, Clem. It LOOKS like a weiner to me too.

BUT, I gotta run the spreadSHEET" to see what it sez. If the SS gives it a :00x16 then it's a :nono: .
Well, for me anyway.

And I ain't Sheeting yas, either. :)

Good luck with the upcoming weekend.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005
Just a heads up, no need to reply if ya busy. I know you'll see this.

I'm about halfway done feeding the ole number cruncher I made for footsball. After getting this weeks figures in the dang thang for the Oklahoma game.... I ran that one through the "grinder" and it pretty much sez, "Don't be :scared".

It DOES like OKLAHOMA. Don't know if this game will be in it's top ten or not yet but it got a high rating.

G.L., Clem

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
Im on TcU Tonight if anyone cares. College has been a moneypit for me this year. Seen both teams play a few times and I think TCU with two losses playing at night on TV is the recipe for a blowout. I think this team has another gear that they haven't shown yet.
TCU -13.5
3 units
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2002
Elkhorn, WI
Im on TcU Tonight if anyone cares. College has been a moneypit for me this year. Seen both teams play a few times and I think TCU with two losses playing at night on TV is the recipe for a blowout. I think this team has another gear that they haven't shown yet.
TCU -13.5
3 units

Like Tcu also :toast:

You just need to have a couple undefeated weeks and you will be right back to even for the season. I know it will turn around for you good luck this weekend

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
Well Tcu gets up 31-10 and I figure I'm good.
Got the over in the Ark game. Waiting on a tight Oklahoma game.

Played Wisconsin -7.5
3 unit.

Just think they are much better at the line of scrimmage on both sides. Looking for a 13 point win here.

Played a big teaser tonight
Miss St pk
Over 32
Clemson under 73

5 big units

Parlayed it
miss state -10
over 42
Clemson under 63

1.5 to win 9

Miss state had a lot of high hopes and as usual they were dashed early this season. They still have so much more speed on both sides of the ball and I think they blow the doors off Kentucky.

With Gtech running game I think the total stays low.

Miss State
3 units

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
Feeling a little better about myself after that OK game.

Think I may give the Hag a reach around while she is making the hash:00hour
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