College Hoops 2021


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
The battle begins.

I'm not a hoops guy (though I do watch college more than the SJW Pro's) so I use small wagers.

Last year here, regular season, I was 76-58, a hair under 57% at just over 130 buys.
Wagering a standard $110/100 that was good for a profit of $1,220.

Post season I was 22-18, which is a hair over break even with juice factored in, but it was good enough for me because the plays I use in the regular season (all sports) don't always work in the post season, so I was happy just to have some tournament action/fun and not give back any winnings from the reg season.

This year, I'll 'cap similar to last year.
I'll track/chart three main plays, all totals (I haven't found a formula for sides that works; yet) with one subset within each play that will hopefully yield a higher W % based on tighter qualifying parameters.

I started tracking yesterday.
System 1 went 3-4, Ov 0-1, Un 3-3; subset 0-1
S2 went 2-2, Ov 0-1, Un 2-1
S3 went 11-5, subset 9-3.

Here's the weird part - of those 27 spots only two were Overs.
Here's the good part - I was going to just 'cap the first two plays (Kid's ball takes a lot of time to crunch #'s on) but had a little extra time yesterday afternoon so I thought, what the hell, add a third play. And S3 had a great day, so, who knows, maybe it will be the spot I can use for the entire season.

I played one game yesterday, and it perfectly illustrates why this sport drives me crazy.
I had S Fla/B Cook 2nd half Un 71'.
S Fla was up by 20 pts, 39 seconds left in the game, 2nd half total sitting at 67.

Naturally, down by 20 pts with just 39 seconds left, B Cook fouls S Fla.

Even worse - up by 21 pts with just 17 seconds left, S Fla fouls B Cook!

Worse still - with under 10 seconds left, S Fla has the ball. They dribble out the clock, right?
WRONG! They shoot and score with 2 seconds left on the clock!

Luckily, the kids missed a few FT's in the final seconds and I won by a hook, but my point remains - in Kid's Ball the play, and play calling (example - down by 20 pts with 10 seconds left, a head coach calls a timeout; WTF!!??) is often ridiculous. And makes me nuts.

It'll likely be too much work/time to post all qualifying plays daily, so I'll just post buys.
But for now, in case anyone is interested, I'll post all spots, until it becomes too much.

Back after I finish 'capping.

Update - here are today's spots.

S1 - no plays
S2 has Un in Temple, Buff (subset has Temple)
S3 has Un in Buff, S Hall, Tulsa, Fla St, Wyoming, and UNLV (subset has Buff, UNLV); Ov in Alcorn

I'm not going to buy anything off of just one day's worth of tracking.
Tempted to buy Buff as it fits two spots (S2 & S3) and also S3 subset. If it was televised, I'd . . .
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Thanks Maurice, good luck to you, too. If S3 Under spots continue to hit at the current pace it could be a good start to a long season.

No buys yesterday, still accumulating data.
Here are updated charts:

S1: 3-4, Ov 0-1, Un 3-3; S1A 0-1, Ov 0-1

S2: 3-3, Ov 0-1, Un 3-2; S2A 2-0, Ov 0-0, Un 2-0

S3: 14-9, Ov 0-1, Un 14-8; S3A 10-4, Ov 0-0 Un 10-4

Combined record on subsets where the added qualifying parameter is factored in is 12-4, so I'm going to start the season by using those, see if they can continue to win for a while before leveling out.

Today's spots:
S1 has S Car St/Charleston Un
S2 has S Car St/Charleston Un
S3 has Overs in A Force/S Dak, Cal St Full/San Jose St
Unders in GW/Maryland, S Car St/Charleston Un, Prarie View/San Fran
S3A has S Car St/Charleston Un 149
Update/Correction: S3A also has GW game.

I don't like when all signs point in the same direction, such the S Car St/Charleston game Un fitting in all three spots, and with it being early in the season I have no data/record on when this happens.
I did have a spot that hit on 2 of 3, and that was with Buff last night and it lost.

No buys yet. I'll chart the games for today and tomorrow and jump in with my first buys on Saturday.
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MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
From yesterday: "I don't like when all signs point in the same direction, such the S Car St/Charleston game Un fitting in all three spots, and with it being early in the season I have no data/record on when this happens."

Good move following my instincts and laying off on that spot as it went Over by 29 pts!!

I looked at my charts for last year and saw that two of the three main plays I'm using ended up at approx. .500, which means a LOT of work (due to the high numbers of games in Kid's Ball) for no gain. 'Capping the Kids takes up too much of my time so I'm going to just use the three subsets with the more demanding number of qualifiers.

Updated charts:

#1: 0-1, Ov 0-1, Un 0-0

#2: 2-0; Ov 0-0, Un 2-0

#3: 11-5; Ov 0-0, Un 11-5

Today's spots that qualify:

#1 Lip/Charles Un at 149' or >

#2 no plays

#3 Overs in UNC Green/N Kentucky at 130 or <, Grambling/Tex Tech at 136' or <
Unders in Lip/Charles at 149' or >, High Pt/N'West at 135 or >, LA Monroe/Aub at 140 or >,
S Utah/Dix St at 149' or >, Coppin St/Rider at 147' or >, S Dak St/'Bama at 162 or >, UTRGV/Az at 135' or >

Charleston game Under fits #1 and #3. What happened when I had this same team as a fit in three spots yesterday? My #'s were off, and the play went Over.
Because it's early in the season I have no data on when Charleston plays back-to-back nights (do they tend to go Ov or Un?) but my #'s were off yesterday so I'm going to buy this spot based on them still being off.
Fading the Under on this one.

Lip/Charles Ov 148'
High Pt/N'West Un 135'
LA Monroe/Aub Un 143
S Utah/Dix St Un 156
Coppin ST/Rider Un 151
S Dak ST/'Bama Un 163,
UTRGV/Az Un 141'


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 2-5
Record: 2-5

I haven't made any buy recommendations for the past 17 days because my #'s have been all over the place.
My best spot, the one I jumped on with my first buys, was 11-5, now it's 28-31.
I need consistency - a high W % or a high L %.
With three weeks of data accumulated I now have a little more info to work with, and will start to post more buys.

Cornell Ov 155'
Iowa Ov 129'


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 2-0
Record: 4-5

Good day last time in on Monday; no buys since then, being very selective, gathering data.
One buy for now.

Update: Adding another buy, Iowa/Purdue. Mostly 158' but it's dropping, 158 at a couple of houses now.
If you like the Over wait to buy.

Update: Some houses going up now; grabbed a 158 on Iowa; also added another buy.

Charleston/Furman Ov 162
Iowa/Purdue Ov 158
Manhattan/Siena Un 126'
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MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 1-2
Record: 5-7

Been a while since I posted any buys, but I've been 'capping every day, gathering data.
Time to go to work on that record.

Liberty/Stetson Un 128'
Virg/Clem Un 121'
Ohio/Ak Ov 132


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 0-2-1
Record: 5-9

I haven't been in here for 10 days, not because I stopped 'capping Kid's Hoops but because I have nothing to work with. Tracking 8-9 different systems, but they're all hovering around .500 (just like most of my NBA spots) so I have nothing to ride on or fade.

I reviewed last years charts (2021 I was 76-58 reg season, a hair under 57% at just over 130 buys) hoping I could spot something I did differently, but no luck. I'm charting the same plays but there are just no edges with them this season. I've dropped most of them as they take up a lot of time to 'cap, and reduced it to 2-3 that have slight edges. Have one buy for tonight, VCU. The # is St Bonnie -2' at most houses, with -3 also, so no need to take the 2' now, might get +3 later.

VCU + (wait to buy)
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
I'd say "you're welcome" Tkj, but the play Lost. I'm struggling to find a system that'll pay off for me.

Recap: 0-1
Record: 5-10

Everything I'm tracking is coming out around .500 except for two spots, so my buys have been limited. Got one today though.

Tex/TCU Ov 122


Forum Member
Dec 2, 2020
Always appreciate your post RBD, weather win or lose, thanks and gl!


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Thanks, Tkj.

Recap: 1-0
Regular season record: 6-10

Been a while since I've been in.
I've been 'capping the entire season but was unable to isolate anything that I could use. Disappointing because I was coming off a nice season in Kid's Ball last year, but none of the systems that I used then gave me any edges this year.

To start post season buys I'm going to try and isolate quitters - lousy teams with no hopes of advancement, who got beat in the first half and are going to put in a poor effort in the second half.

I've circled a few games where teams fit the first criteria (they stink) and will post buys if I like the # in the second half.

Back with buys when I make them.

Good luck in the tournaments to all the Mad Jackers . . .
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MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Okay, my first candidate of the day for severe suckage leading to being Quitter Boys - Idaho.

Sloppy play: fouls, turnovers (8), 34% FG, 30% on 3 pointers.
Can't even make free throws, hitting just 1 of 4 for 25%!
And . . . down by 9 pts at the half.

I can't seem them having incentive to play hard in the second half, and even if they do come out and try hard, they still suck.

Sac St +1


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 0-1
Reg season record: 6-10
Post season record: 0-1

NOT the start I was looking for.
I was in a good position with two minutes left, one minute away from where Idaho would be forced to start fouling, but Sac St went cold while Idaho sank a couple three pointers and changed the dynamics of the game.

I had "Second Half Quitters" at 2-7 yesterday, was hoping it would continue. So far today, no good.
Next up: St Joe's.
They're 11-18 on the year, hitting just 12-31 from the field, 3-13 on three's, and 0% on the foul line (0-2).
And . . . they're down by 12 pts. (Teams down by 10 pts or > at halftime yesterday went 1-3 ATS second half, hoping that continues today.)

LaSalle +3'

Update: I was okay with betting against 11-18 St. Joe's, problem is it meant making a bet on 10-18 LaSalle, who sucks just as much, evidenced by their 4 for 21 in the first 13 minutes of the second half, a beyond pathetic 16%.
Not looking good for this one . . .
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Daily Recap: 0-2
Reg season record: 6-10
Post season record: 0-2

From my update above:
"I was okay with betting against 11-18 St. Joe's, problem is it meant making a bet on 10-18 LaSalle, who sucks just as much, evidenced by their 4 for 21 in the first 13 minutes of the second half, a beyond pathetic 16%. Not looking good for this one . . . "

Despite that shit start I was winning with 12 seconds left when St Joe's hit a 3 pt'er and I take a 1' pt loss.

Luck is part of winning at sports betting and I'm not feeling like I have it today.
But, if I drop out now you know what happens - this play will start winning.
Technically, Nevada qualifies as the next Play AGAINST team but they're only down by one pt so I'll lay off taking N Mex.
Port St also qualifies but no play on Idaho St for me either.
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Reg season record: 6-10
Post season record: 0-2

From my last post:
"Luck is part of winning at sports betting and I'm not feeling like I have it today.
But, if I drop out now you know what happens - this play will start winning.
Technically, Nevada qualifies as the next Play AGAINST team but they're only down by one pt so I'll lay off taking N Mex. Port St also qualifies but no play on Idaho St for me either

Experience and gut-feel told me to walk away after an 0-2 start that day, and it was the right thing to do. The play I was hoping would continue "Second Half Quitters" was 7-2 the previous day and flip-flopped to 2-11 the next day. Was hoping to catch a trend at the beginning of a run but it quickly leveled out.

Today . . .
I watched St. Louis and St. Bonnie in their first game this season and remember thinking the Billikens are just having one of those "off nights." They were laying five points, were down by four points at halftime and were never able to overcome that deficit, never got a lead in the second half. It's not that the Bonnies aren't a good matchup for them in terms of style of play, it was just that St Louis couldn't find their rhythm. So I liked St. Louis in the rematch at +2'.

Game two, at the 8 minute mark, saw St. Louis down 26-27.
Five minutes later they were down 26-40.

They played better than expected in the second half, winning 47-25, but it wasn't enough to overcome 5 minutes with zero points and a 13-0 run by the Bonnie's in the first half, and the Billikens lost by 4 pts.

I'm taking them today.

St. Bonnie is 6-9 (40%) last 15 games vs teams with a winning record (and St. Louis is a solid 22-10)

St. Louis is covering at 63%, St Bonnie 44% (up from 35% last time they met, but still under .500)

Bonnie's are 11-11 as a Fav, but St. Louis is 4-4 as a Dog, so that's a wash.

Two teams that look pretty much equal, but with a revenge angle edge for the Billikens.

Too many turnovers killed them in the first two meetings (combined 35 for a team that usually avg's about 12 per gm; in a tight game, that differential can make all the difference between a W and an L.)
If they can limit T/O's to 12 or < today they can win.

Third time lucky?


St. Louis +1'


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
LordofBalls - thank you, and the same to you!
BTW, these "balls" you lord over, you mean basketballs, baseballs, footballs, not testicles, right? ("Not that there's anything wrong with that.") Just thought I'd ask.

Recap: 1-0
Reg season record: 6-10
Post season record: 1-2

It wasn't easy, but St Louis hung on for a 57-56 W, getting 1'.

Anyone who reads my threads probably knows I say the same thing after a successful regular season:
"The post season is a different animal. What worked for me in the regular season may not work in the post season. So, I start new charts, new records for post season play."

Last year, regular season, I gave out approx 130 plays here. This season, just 16. The huge difference isn't because I was lazy, or didn't 'cap this season, it's because last year I had formulas that gave me edges to play while this season the nine or ten spots I used ALL came in around .500, with no high W % to play ON, or high L % to play AGAINST.

I was going to take the post season off, just have some TV action/fun, but then I remembered my thoughts on how the post season is different, and decided to track two spots to see if they performed better in the post season. I got two plays yesterday, both Unders, Alcorn and Santa Clara games; both spots won. Means nothing though, small data sample, could go 0-2 today and produce the same .500 avg it gave me regular season, but I'll track and post to see if anything comes of it.

There are two spots that fit the situation today. I'd like to sit back and track for a few days before jumping in, but the problem with the post season is it's a short time frame, not a of of time to gather data before making decisions.

Here are the two spots: N. Iowa/St Louis Un and Long Beach St/BYU Under.
I'll buy the early game, St Louis. The Billikens were lucky for me last game, let's see if they can keep the scoring down and give me another W today. And buying the early game gives me am hour to decide whether to play the later game.

N Iowa/St. Louis Un 149'
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 1-0
Reg season record: 6-10
Post season record: 2-2

Like last time I used St. Louis, it wasn't easy, but a little luck and a well-timed buy got me a W.

I bought and posted early, when the # was 149/149'. By late morning it was down to 148 and it closed at 146'. Landed on 148 so I slipped by with a 1' pt W. The game was trending Ov at the half so I stayed off the second game in this spot, BYU Under, and it was a good move as that game went Over.

At 2-2, I'm now in a position to try and cut into the 4 units I dropped in the reg season.

Nothing fits the spot today and I'm glad I don't have to make a decision in buying it or not. It's 3-1 now, but just barely.

So, with nothing to play in that spot I looked at some other situational plays that didn't pan out in the reg season. I'm going to track two of them post season, no buys yet. I'll watch the early action and see if anything stands out for later. One of the two spots gives me plays ON S Dak St, Norf, N Mex St, St Peters, Creighton, Vermont and E Wash; the other spot gives me SF.

Sides are not my strength, I do better with totals, so I'll just track and watch, maybe jump in with a buy later if the early games show an edge, for or against.

Good luck with your play today . . .


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
From yesterday:
"One of the two spots gives me plays ON S Dak St, Norf, N Mex St, St Peters, Creighton, Vermont and E Wash. The other spot gives me SF.
I'll just track and watch, maybe jump in with a buy later if the early games show an edge, for or against

The first spot had seven plays. As I said, I'll watch, maybe jump in.
The first two games lost. Not enough data for me to use as a fade for the next games, so I just watched/tracked. I liked N Mex St as the best spot to play, but after the first two games lost I stayed off it. Then it was bang, bang, bang, bang, bang - five straight W's to finish 5-2.
The other spot was 0-1.

Nothing fits the 0-1 spot today, but the 5-2 spot has:
Mont St, Mia, Chat, Davidson, and Colgate.
I''ll take a closer look and be back with a buy on at least one of them.

Good luck with your play today . . .
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