College World Series Help

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Got a call from a friend who wants me to go along with him and three high school boys for the College World Series in Omaha. I actually can make time to do it, but am wondering if it's worth the time and effort. I know it has to be a great atmosphere, with plenty to oogle at for a couple days, but after a quick check it looks like the park and surrounding areas might be a little tame.

Any of you CWS vets have any suggestions for me? Is it a lot of fun? I saw where there is no beer sold at the park (which I knew), and they make sure there is not a lot of beer or drinks to be found out while tailgating. Have seen that the bars there are what you would expect. My friend doesn't have a hotel set up, or anything like that - guessing that would be a big issue. He has family about an hour away, so we would have a place to stay as far as that goes. We evidently have tickets already, but there are two tiers of that - reserved seat and not?

I am completely ignorant as to this event, but have heard great things. If I go, I would like to have fun, but can appreciate the baseball at face value, too. What can you guys tell me about going, and what do you suggest?


Mr. Poon

Forum Member
Jan 14, 2006
You are going with high school boys so not sure how much late night excitement you are looking for. Also don't count on oogling at too much. Though the schools that are there have standout co-eds, not many of them make the trip.

There are plenty of bars and during the CWS make-shift beer gardens right across from the stadium. If you have GA seats though, you will be waiting in line for the games and won't get to partake as much. Hopefully you have reserved seats so you aren't messing around with that.

I think it is one of the most underrated sports atmospheres. You have fans from a variety of schools and often they are sticking around past when their school has been knocked out since they planned to take the whole week off. Additionally there are some schools (LSU most notably) who's fans will come even if their team isn't there, they just plan on it as an annual pilgrimage.

There is beer and alcohol served in the suites during the CWS. During the regular season Creighton has it served at all games for all seats/areas.

Hotels are going to be an issue at this point, anything close is going to be expensive. May try across the river at the casino in Iowa. Or go to and see if anyone hasn't rented out their place. Doubtful, but if they haven't you may be able to make them an offer and get it at a big discount what they have it listed.

Hopefully that helps.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Thanks, Poon. Things are up in the air at the moment, but this does give me some idea of the lay of the land. We figured that we would be with the boys during the games and maybe dinners, but split up after, as they would prefer that probably more than we will. They are seniors in high school, just graduated, so they will want to test the waters out and about. We have a place to stay about an hour away if we want that, and will look around between now and then for accommodations. I figured things would be pretty booked up. We're pretty much just looking for a fun time without a lot of worries.
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