colorado--Houston game opinions thoughts

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Anyone have feelings on this one?? I have 1 on almost every game and it is Oliver walks everyone and seems always to give up runs. But the total has dropped from 12.5 to 12 under 120---What does this mean?? Anyone know??? I'll be back at 9>05 with hopefully the answer.


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if anyone in here is considering this game my advice is to not play it if you can't form an opinion 15 min before game on to why you may play a side or total. ----I will be back before 9.05 if i see something that is worth of posting. No opinions wow---where are all the true players, this is the problem, playing games with not a clue about it, that is gambling at its finest.

Al Bundy

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Nov 6, 2001
Ontario Canada
I read at another site that the wind is blowing in pretty good.That`s to bad as both teams have hit the opposing pitcher fairly well.Even with that wind I`m still looking at the over.
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