commemorating 9/11


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i`m sure many are to busy beating up on sarah palin and forgot about 9/11...


in memorium..

Gordon McCannel Aamoth. Edelmiro (Ed) Abad. Maria Rose Abad. Andrew Anthony Abate. Vincent Abate. Laurence Christopher Abel. William F. Abrahamson. Richard Anthony Aceto. Erica Van Acker. Heinrich B. Ackermann. Paul Andrew Acquaviva. Christian Adams. Donald L. Adams. Patrick Adams. Shannon Lewis Adams. Stephen Adams. Ignatius Adanga. Christy A. Addamo. Terence E. Adderley. Sophia B. Addo. Lee Adler. Daniel Thomas Afflitto. Emmanuel Afuakwah. Alok Agarwal. Mukul Agarwala. Joseph Agnello. David Scott Agnes. Joao A.D. Aguiar. Lt. Brian G. Ahearn. Jeremiah J. Ahern. Joanne Ahladiotis. Shabbir Ahmed. Terrance Andre Aiken. Godwin Ajala. Gertrude M. Alagero. Andrew Alameno. Margaret Ann (Peggy) Jezycki Alario. Gary Albero. Jon L. Albert. Peter Craig Alderman. Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge. Grace Alegre-Cua. David D. Alger. Ernest Alikakos. Edward L. Allegretto. Eric Allen. Joseph Ryan Allen. Richard Dennis Allen. Richard Lanard Allen. Christopher Edward Allingham. Anna Williams Allison. Janet M. Alonso. Anthony Alvarado. Antonio Javier Alvarez. Telmo Alvear. Cesar A. Alviar. Tariq Amanullah. Angelo Amaranto. James Amato. Joseph Amatuccio. Paul Ambrose. Christopher Charles Amoroso. Spc. Craig Amundson. Kazuhiro Anai. Calixto Anaya. Jorge Octavio Santos Anaya. Joseph Peter Anchundia. Kermit Charles Anderson. Yvette Anderson. John Andreacchio. Michael Rourke Andrews. Jean A. Andrucki. Siew-Nya Ang. Joseph Angelini. Joseph Angelini. David Angell. Lynn Angell. Laura Angilletta. Doreen J. Angrisani. Lorraine D. Antigua. Seima Aoyama. Peter Paul Apollo. Faustino Apostol. Frank Thomas Aquilino. Patrick Michael Aranyos. David Gregory Arce. Michael G. Arczynski. Louis Arena. Barbara Arestegui. Adam Arias. Michael J. Armstrong. Jack Charles Aron. Joshua Aron. Richard Avery Aronow. Myra Aronson. Japhet J. Aryee. Carl Asaro. Michael A. Asciak. Michael Edward Asher. Janice Ashley. Thomas J. Ashton. Manuel O. Asitimbay. Lt. Gregg Arthur Atlas. Gerald Atwood. James Audiffred. Kenneth W. Van Auken. Louis F. Aversano. Ezra Aviles. Alona Avraham. Ayodeji Awe. Samuel (Sandy) Ayala. ...

to many names to post...

now carry on misogynists.......may your brains not wake up to the fact(at least until after november)
that all the excessive bashing just increases palin`s popularity in the eyes of many women and hard working men in fly-over country...

btw....36% of americans believe that the u.s. was complicit in the 9/11 attacks....

now ask yourself which presidential ticket those(num nums) 36% are going to support....


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
yeah..maybe i should have just gone with the flow and blatantly bashed palin about religion or being a woman or a redneck...

i`d catch a lot less flack ....

you don`t think that the troofers will be voting obama?....

just look around this forum....theres your answer..

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
GW, please explain the connection between Palin and 9-11? :shrug:

Thats easy, put the fear in the forefront of peoples minds and scare them into voting for a war hero and someone who was incharge of 6,000 troops.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
GW, please explain the connection between Palin and 9-11? :shrug:

just look around stevie....look at who you`re aligned with...troofers,radicals,anti-american types,black liberation theologists,socialists,anarchists,domestic terrorists,farakhan-style fanatical muslims,hollywood types,aclu types,spy the web and jer-z-jock....(of course they`re all preferrable to the nascar crowd and some christians)....

now i`m not saying that the only folks voting obama are the dregs.....there are good people like yourself and some others in the forum.....and around the country who have bought into the media blitz.......

but the real crazies.....the ones that would be just as happy to see this country torn asunder,are absolutely voting obama...

thats a fact...

you have the chance to vote for a real moderate...a guy that`s shown that he`s willing to work with democrats...a guy that`s thumbed his nose at his own party time and again...a guy that`s crossed the aisle.....a guy that most democrats praise....

you have control of congress....with mccain we`d have more of a balance...

but that`s not what many folks on this forum really want...they say it...but they don`t really mean it...

they want this country to take a radical turn to the left...which is what would happen with an obama presidency and a democrat controlled congress....

it`s jimmy carter redux.....

i guess if you can`t handle your own affairs...can`t support yourself and are just looking for free stuff,regardless of the consequences,then vote obama....

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
just look around stevie....look at who you`re aligned with....

See if any of this rings a bell. :shrug:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Terrorism is "the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion."[1] There is no internationally agreed definition of terrorism.[2][3] Most common definitions of terrorism include only those acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants. Some definitions also include acts of unlawful violence and war. A common misperception of terrorist groups, especially after the 'Global War on Terror' began in 2001, is that they are solely Islamic-extremists or radical religious groups with religious motives.

Terrorism is also a form of unconventional warfare and psychological warfare. The word is politically and emotionally charged,[4] and this greatly compounds the difficulty of providing a precise definition. One 1988 study by the US Army found that over 100 definitions of the word "terrorism" have been used.[5] A person who practices terrorism is a terrorist.

Terrorism has been used by a broad array of political organizations in furthering their objectives; both right-wing and left-wing political parties, nationalistic, and religious groups, revolutionaries and ruling governments.[6] The presence of non-state actors in widespread armed conflict has created controversy regarding the application of the laws of war.



jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
just look around stevie....look at who you`re aligned with...troofers,radicals,anti-american types,black liberation theologists,socialists,anarchists,domestic terrorists,farakhan-style fanatical muslims,hollywood types,aclu types,spy the web and jer-z-jock....(of course they`re all preferrable to the nascar crowd and some christians)....

now i`m not saying that the only folks voting obama are the dregs.....there are good people like yourself and some others in the forum.....and around the country who have bought into the media blitz.......

but the real crazies.....the ones that would be just as happy to see this country torn asunder,are absolutely voting obama...

thats a fact...

you have the chance to vote for a real moderate...a guy that`s shown that he`s willing to work with democrats...a guy that`s thumbed his nose at his own party time and again...a guy that`s crossed the aisle.....a guy that most democrats praise....

you have control of congress....with mccain we`d have more of a balance...

but that`s not what many folks on this forum really want...they say it...but they don`t really mean it...

they want this country to take a radical turn to the left...which is what would happen with an obama presidency and a democrat controlled congress....

it`s jimmy carter redux.....

i guess if you can`t handle your own affairs...can`t support yourself and are just looking for free stuff,regardless of the consequences,then vote obama....

LMFAO! you mention a lot here lil G-Dubb but you forgot to mention McShame voted with the current President more times then not, which means he SAYS alot of what he's gonna do just as big G-Dubb did, but when it boils down they both are gonna do nothing, oops...they did have pizza together for McShames birthday as Katrina and the folks down here struggled for help and there lives. So yeah he will do something,not pay attention to the average American. WE NEED MORE CLONES AND DRONES LIKE HIM IN OFFICE!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
just look around stevie....look at who you`re aligned with...troofers,radicals,anti-american types,black liberation theologists,socialists,anarchists,domestic terrorists,farakhan-style fanatical muslims,hollywood types,aclu types,spy the web and jer-z-jock....(of course they`re all preferrable to the nascar crowd and some christians)....

now i`m not saying that the only folks voting obama are the dregs.....there are good people like yourself and some others in the forum.....and around the country who have bought into the media blitz.......

but the real crazies.....the ones that would be just as happy to see this country torn asunder,are absolutely voting obama...

thats a fact...

you have the chance to vote for a real moderate...a guy that`s shown that he`s willing to work with democrats...a guy that`s thumbed his nose at his own party time and again...a guy that`s crossed the aisle.....a guy that most democrats praise....

you have control of congress....with mccain we`d have more of a balance...

but that`s not what many folks on this forum really want...they say it...but they don`t really mean it...

they want this country to take a radical turn to the left...which is what would happen with an obama presidency and a democrat controlled congress....

it`s jimmy carter redux.....

i guess if you can`t handle your own affairs...can`t support yourself and are just looking for free stuff,regardless of the consequences,then vote obama....

GW Look at who you are aligned with. Every Corporation that has made a profit in Iraq. Big Oil, who is bleeding America to death. People that God talks to. Not people that talk to God but people who actually have a conversation with him.
People who feel the rich deserve everything at the cost of the working class. You have aligned yourself with Right Wing Talk Radio and the Corporate Press. So I guess if you believe the rich are going to trickle down some wealth on you then vote for McCain. McCain claims to work bioth sides of the aisle yet votes with Bush 90% of the time.

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
Oh I forgot enlight of the thread:

R.I.P to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to this country and may GOD bless the ones who are still trapped in this never ending saga. May they be returned home to there families in safety.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Kosar one thing for sure you have a great memory.
WE look at title of this thread started by GW and you have hopes it does as it says. But no he had to put a sly remark at the end of the list of names. Of course that would open it to a general pissing match. To bad he didn't leave it as a honor to those who died. Period.


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
Hard to believe it was 7 years ago.

I am sure many families are experiencing grief today, remembering lost loved ones from that tragedy.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Yeah, what's really sad to me in thinking of who has forgotten 9-11 and George Bush immediately comes to mind. Remember when he cut and ran from the hunt for Bin Laden and the people who attacked us on 9-11? Remember that? What an honor it must have been to all the friends and family members of all the fallen when they saw that...I know I knew someone who died in that event, and it certainly had an impact on me and how those people were quickly forgotten for political and very probably financial gain.

As for maintaining the balance of leadership in the country for the good of the country, my concerns will be with what another four years of republican presidency will do to the balance of the Supreme Court and the affects of those rulings on how we live our lives. That's as big an issue for me as anything - that group could quickly turn to a slight right majority to a four person majority. If anyone thinks that is healthy or the best thing for our country - in the consideration of our constitution and justice for all - I think you are exactly why I worry about this election - a lot. And why it matters so much.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
did you liberals all get down and thank GW keeping you safe for 7 years of safety despite your and media whining at every step on taking the fight to them abroad vs her--interogations--treating enemy as war combatants vs criminals--fisa (electronic eavesdropping.)

Yep the very things that kept you safe--you pissed and moaned about. In the future consider this--if the terrorist are with you on your choices--your probably wrong.

Now consider had Obwanna been it--he voted against fisa--was for habeas corpus and attorneys for terrorist--AQ would have achieved monumental victory instead of humiliating defeat-and UBL would have been spot on call we (all Americans) were weak-spineless etc--

--on a more positive note--apparently the thousands of flags found discarded by liberals at Denver convention--may have found a home as NY residents planted 3000 for lives lost in 911.

Diff strokes for diff folks ;)


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
did you liberals all get down and thank GW keeping you safe for 7 years of safety despite your and media whining at every step on taking the fight to them abroad vs her--interogations--treating enemy as war combatants vs criminals--fisa (electronic eavesdropping.)

:rolleyes: Jesus.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
did you liberals all get down and thank GW keeping you safe for 7 years of safety despite your and media whining at every step on taking the fight to them abroad vs her--interogations--treating enemy as war combatants vs criminals--fisa (electronic eavesdropping.)

Yep the very things that kept you safe--you pissed and moaned about. In the future consider this--if the terrorist are with you on your choices--your probably wrong.

Now consider had Obwanna been it--he voted against fisa--was for habeas corpus and attorneys for terrorist--AQ would have achieved monumental victory instead of humiliating defeat-and UBL would have been spot on call we (all Americans) were weak-spineless etc--

--on a more positive note--apparently the thousands of flags found discarded by liberals at Denver convention--may have found a home as NY residents planted 3000 for lives lost in 911.

Diff strokes for diff folks ;)
What exactly did that asshole do to keep people safe? Borders are wide open after seven years. I could go terrorize any mall in america if i wanted to. He kept us safe give me a break. Its the least he could do after letting 9/11 happen to begin with. He keep us safe :mj07: Like Al Quida has a history of bombing weekly. If there even is an Al Quida.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I say Jesus also. Were safe because??
And those flags that were packed up and shipped.
You won't find in any landfil. More Karl Rove politics.

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
did you liberals all get down and thank GW keeping you safe for 7 years of safety despite your and media whining at every step on taking the fight to them abroad vs her--interogations--treating enemy as war combatants vs criminals--fisa (electronic eavesdropping.)

Yep the very things that kept you safe--you pissed and moaned about. In the future consider this--if the terrorist are with you on your choices--your probably wrong.

Now consider had Obwanna been it--he voted against fisa--was for habeas corpus and attorneys for terrorist--AQ would have achieved monumental victory instead of humiliating defeat-and UBL would have been spot on call we (all Americans) were weak-spineless etc--

--on a more positive note--apparently the thousands of flags found discarded by liberals at Denver convention--may have found a home as NY residents planted 3000 for lives lost in 911.

Diff strokes for diff folks ;)

Yeah, I think of it all the time, he's done EXACTLY NOTHING!! I do think that he let the people of this nation down when Katrina hit though, do you think that was the case there? And I also cant seem to shake the thought of how you dickheads support the WORSE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY REGARDLESS OF THE FACTS THAT ARE IN YOUR FACE, and continue to support a party that has no plans or policies shown to us but just beats a bunch of lies into your head a bout the other party. I see SOMEONE ran out and voted Bush back in '04 because he was scared of the terroist. Im no more safe from terroist today then I was 35 yrs ago. Only thing I am is slowed up at the airport when taking a flight cross country and scared to talk about "somethings" on my phone or email not knowing if someone will show up at my door labeling me as a terroist. Oh, and out of a job....but that doesnt mean too much:mad: the people overseas work way harder then myself and co workers did so I understand that:rolleyes:
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