comments from a coattailer

MB MLB 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 8, 2002
pittsburgh pa
Please do not take this the wrong way.:) If you are posting your plays to make us coattailers some money please post your plays at an opportune time(hope I spelled that right). I want all of your plays . Winners or losers. Especially when your losing cause I want those winners.If you are going to post please say you are going to or not. If you are gone for the day or whatever please say so.If you tell me to check back that is what I will be doing. Checking back. It is more difficult checking back than you know.Especially when you see nothing posted. If you are taking the time to post your plays it takes less time to tell us if you are posting or not. Please comment. I will repeat. Do not take this the wrong way :)