If you are playing $15-25 a spin INSIDE, then you will build up pretty fast because that's a big casino advantage game. Betting black and red, not so much. Blackjack sucks for comps unless you are betting over $100 a spot. Time is the key in blackjack. If the table is losing, just take off a bit when the pit isn't watching. Make sure when he clocks you in, he sees your bet. Otherwise, you are just getting credit for the table minimum. If you bump your bets, ask the dealer to make sure the pit knows or better yet tell him yourself. Again, time is the key. If you don't have a lot of time to spend and you want comps, prepare to be betting a nickel or more. Tipping the dealers also helps. They will often fudge your buyin and they will fudge your average bet.
On craps, if you play the stuff in the middle, you get rated higher. Minimum plays on the pass get you very little. Dark gets you less unless your bets are huge.
Make sure you talk to the pit after every session. Say, "how do you have me rated?"
Also, as Jack says, it never hurts to ask. If you are giving them a lot of action, ask for things. All they can do is tell you no. The buffets aren't getting thrown around any longer, that's for sure!
Chuck, I have seen you play Roulette. You should get rated well and get some free stuff. Ask for a host after a big session too.