Computer question? Regarding Windows 10 forced update


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Anyone know how to stop this? I have Windows 7, with voice software that is not supported as well on Windows 10. All of a sudden Windows 10 continually trying to update. Actually left PC on by mistake last night, and updated by itself. Had to set computer back to get back to Windows 7.
It doesn't seem there is a obvious way to decline or opt out of this download, just continually demands you update, or pick a time and date that you will.

Thanks in advance!

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
what little bit I know..

if you get back to 7 with all the 10 shit removed set your update preference to with your approval only.

that way no updates can happen without your ok..

7 is awesome...and personally I have found nothing in 10 worth having..

Josh what say you Mr. Guru.

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
He'd say to get a MAC

kick I like ya..

but that line means nothing to those of us who enjoy the computer system we have..

top that off w/many of us don't want to spend the absurd amount of money on a machine that his no better than what we have..

my pc is speed of sound fast w/3 terabyte external and 1 internal w/Quad core processor and system memory up the ass...a 20 year old JVC AM/FM Receiver pushing 2 Bose that can rattle false teeth w/as many as 10,000 albums to release on the neighbors at my whim..

movies play at the touch of a button....appox 500 or so..

total cost....less than $500.00 .....

the question was help me w/what I have....not where should I go spend money that I don't want to.

maybe ya joined the MadJack know..$25.00 hamburgers and $8.00 beers.

ya still my buddy from short pants days though

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
try this.. updates...uncheck that update...right click and click hide this update..


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
top that off w/many of us don't want to spend the absurd amount of money on a machine that his no better than what we have..

Getting a MAC saves you a ton of money in long run, just sayin'


Forum Member
Oct 15, 2015
top that off w/many of us don't want to spend the absurd amount of money on a machine that his no better than what we have..

Very debatable.

As a former windows user myself...I have converted to a Mac as of Nov18th 2015, and I will never buy a windows computer ever again.

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
We will turn Old School soon enough.

kick my daily driver is a 1988 F-250 /5.0 W/179,000 original miles on it..

I still ask for 10% cash discount everywhere I shop.

in 65+ years on this planet never owned a toy phone. whatever that I thing is

I still do as much mechanical things that I can on business and home needs including cars,trucks,lawn equipment and every damn thing else that breaks..or needs paint or grease.

I still pay household bills by check and keep paper files on all.

Haven't had a TRUCK OR CAR payment since 1990 ....last 8 vehicles I have bought I PAID CASH.

my garage stereo system is at least 25 years old...and the hot tub one maybe a little older.

Haven't used a credit card in at least 5 years and probably longer

So....when that turning starts for me please give me a heads up...

There is a good chance it's just this old coot "spinning around" to check out a "Curvy" in red pumps going into the grocery store..

Yeah still do that 3-4 times a week..don't like frozen then thawed meals.

love ya kick..:kiss:

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
how much of this is true

[h=1]Top Ten Things Macs Can't Do (that PCs can)[/h]<!-- /#content-header --> I gave Bill Gates the best years of my life. I've owned about a dozen DOS and Windows PCs. And I worked in Redmond, Washington for Microsoft in the late 1980s. And yes, I must be a bit slow, because it wasn't until 2010 that I finally got fed up making excuses for all the crashes and reboots, the lack of interoperability between Windows computers in our own home, the vulnerability to viruses, etc. So, I made the switch to a MacBook Pro. The transition for a fifty-year-old PC user wasn't too bad. After a couple weeks I was becoming comfortable in the new environment. But now it's been years, and I'm still frustrated by the things that Macs can't do that PCs can. Or is it, things that Apple won't do? Out of pure stubbornness? (Although, with changing leadership at Appte, probably some of these things will be resolved.) Such as:
  1. While opening a file from within an app, Macs can't rename, copy, move, or delete files
  2. Macs can't maximize a window to full screen with a keystroke
  3. Macs don't let you arrow or tab to different fields in typical dialogue boxes (like Cancel/Save)
  4. Macs don't let you cut a file to paste it into another folder
  5. Macs can't make an app menu live by a keyboard shortcut (like Alt on Windows)
  6. Macs can't go to the beginning or end of a line with a single key combination
  7. Macs can't go to the beginning or end of a document with a single key combination
  8. Macs can't re-size windows by all corners and edges but only from the bottom right corner (until 10.8)
  9. Macs don't tell you what operating system you have (they give #s, but not the Lion, etc., name)
  10. Macs can't backspace.:scared
Also, Macs (mine anyway) won't beep to tell you that your battery is dying. They just display a super-subtle message in the top right of the screen. If you're looking away, and haven't saved your work lately, you data's toast.
Corrections and additions welcome!Having written for PC Week as a Senior Technical Analyst, designing software, having written the functional specification for a version of Microsoft LAN Manager, and having been the liaison between Microsoft and IBM for an upgrade to IBM's LAN Server, it's sometimes obvious why engineers do not implement perfectly viable software functions. Other than possible patent rights issues that I haven't looked into, It seems generally that Apple decided to omit the functionality described above for three reasons:1. Apple's architects think that their typical Mac user is not sophisticated enough and would get too confused if they enabled him or her to, say, manipulate files from within applications.2. The not-invented-here syndrome (which would be weird because Apple took its fundamental GUI windows concept from Xerox).3. Steve Jobs wants won't implement such functionality just because Microsoft does.Mac is a more stable operating environment largely because the Windows computer has always been wide open to hardware developers and software driver writers, whereas the Apple environment has always been much more tightly controlled. Thus the Windows side of the equation has led to the extraordinary lowering of price and the explosion of hardware and software applications. But in the end, all that development has helped Apple thrive tremendously in a Windows World by offering more reliable products.Bob Enyart
Talk Radio Host
Podcast at
M-F 3 p.m. on Denver's 50k-watt AM 670 KLTTUPDATES: Please email with any corrections or additions. One of our listeners has claimed that Macs cannot list folder contents in columns by filename (to show hundreds per screen). I'm not an expert with Finder, but I imagine that they can do this. Any thoughts?


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I have owned a Mac, but I prefer a PC. Actually, I rarely use a computer at all now; I either use my iPhone or my iPad (both apple products of course) :shrug: so explain that, kick
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