Conc. Texas Totals

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May 21, 2002
Kicking myself for not posting this yesterday......:

Heat index was at 109 yest.; humid; windy; of course we know what happened. It's getting to be that time of the year...
Today, the weather is much more moderate. Temps in the 80's. I wouldn't count on the weather to help you much if you want the over today (Lohse and Padilla might get it there on their own though). Mark Wegner behind the plate (I would call that neutral).
I will try to remember to post when the conditions are simular to yesterday. If you just play the total when the conditions are like yesterday's you will do well (regardless of who's behind the plate or on the mound).
I haven't kept numbers in the past, but I am this year. Temps at 97 degrees with heat indexs of 105 (or above on both) are the "red days". These temps seem to be where the run totals are impacted. Have casually watched it since the ballpark (Ameriquest) was built, but will start putting some numbers to it. Let's see, if over the next few seasons, key temp numbers can be a basis for the total play....
good luck everyone.....rb