Concorde Amer Inc CNDD


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
Concorde Amer Inc CNDD: OTHER OTC 8/5/2004 2:15 PM ET 15-min. delayed quote
Price Today's Change
$4.28 +$0.33 +8.34%
Day High Day Low 52wk High 52wk Low
$4.28 $3.93 $109.00 $3.00
Open Bid Ask Volume
$3.95 n/a n/a 546,926
EPS P/E Market Capitalization
n/a n/a $145,502,880

I received a penny stock tip on this one when it was at 3 dollars last week. I don't know where the ceiling is on it but it just keeps going up higher... I believe it split last month and recently got a 2 billion contract with Spain...

Anyways, it might be a gamble, but since buying in last Monday at 3 I have gained 25%....

Currently 4.28


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
CNDD Updated

CNDD Updated

First Global 'Monster' Employment Placement Service Launched
WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 2004 2:30 PM
- PR Newswire

4.55 +0.28

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BOCA RATON, Fla., Jul 28, 2004 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Nations of the European Union are currently faced with a crisis of global proportions that can be summed up in three words: zero population growth. One of the most critical and immediate side effects of this is the strain it puts on the individual and collective economies of each nation as a result of the lack of workers available to perform duties in agriculture, hospitality, sanitation, security and other jobs.

Enter Concorde America (OTC Pink Sheets: CNDD), a Boca Raton, Florida- based corporation that has developed a unique solution to this problem by offering to recruit, screen, secure the services of and transport qualified workers from Latin American nations to fill the needs of European countries and companies. Concorde America President Hartley Lord elaborates on the importance of the new agreement with the Spanish government: "The recent agreement with Spain is the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The need for qualified labor is rampant throughout almost all the nations of the European continent. Once this first contract is underway and others can see for themselves our global solution in action, we anticipate the floodgates to open."

Management of Concorde America is quick to point out the irony in how the problems of one area of the world can become the solution to the other; Concorde America's Julio Aspe explains, "Workers in many Latin American countries can expect to earn about the equivalent of $60 a month working the fields or as domestics or security guards. For doing the same work in Spain, Italy or Germany, they can earn over $1000 a month. In addition, they can provide their families back home with health and dental insurance and even be a part of a pension plan."

Tom Heysek, noted financial advisor, has conducted extensive research on the management team, financial reports and the opportunity. "Concorde America has no real direct competitors in the category of labor that they focus on providing, yet the need for this labor is by far greater than for that of more skilled professional help. It's a classic case of supply and demand. Concorde has access to the supply via their arrangements and agreements with Latin American countries and labor pools. Conversely, they have done an excellent job in opening up direct pipelines and cutting through the red tape on the demand side. I would recommend Concorde America to any investor as a strong buying opportunity." Mr. Heysek's full report can be found at <ask and I'll send it to MJ for his discretion>

Concorde America represents an awesome earnings opportunity as a result of an enterprise that offers a practical solution to significant problems affecting different parts of the world: poverty and unemployment in Latin America and zero population growth in Europe. In the words of Concorde America spokesperson Julio Aspe, "No matter how you look at it, Concorde America is a win for all who participate."

Concorde America is traded Over-the-Counter with the symbol CNDD.

SOURCE Concorde America

Paul Spreadbury, WallSt2MainSt Inc., +1-850-475-0477, or, for Concorde America

Copyright (C) 2004 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
Going into Monday

Going into Monday

4.62 0.34 / 7.95% for Friday

Look for it to clear five this week.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
some point on Concorde America

1. Mr. Heysek probably has received a fee to provide the report.

2. the website the report is found on, and that he provides "research" provides research and promotes certain select companies. sure they do this for a fee, not sure how much. if stock or cash is exchanged.

3. another hint is that he provides a $30 target which is a very bullish target, since I see know numbers to base why he is so bullish. also there is a buy this stock button at the bottom of the article.

- they had a writeup on a health stock, fitness. if they buy 3 more fitness centers this year they could have $10million in free cash flow. maybe but what if they buy three that do not make money. also there are much larger companies, would think there would be competition for profitble health centres. only positive points are listed no negatives.

4. in the write up there are a few things left out that I have no idea of:
a) cash,how much do they have
b) earnings last year, this far, do not seem to have any, maybe I am wrong...
c) do they have debt, and how much
d) how much do they make per worker supplied.
how many workers have they supplied so far.
e) much of the European Union is not booming many of economies will grow maybe at 1-3%.
f) would this company not compete with Eastern European countries that have 10%+ for labour.
g) countries in the west are concerned with large amounts of migration from the east (europe ). would this company be competing against citizens in the Union looking for a better life in the west. why would they look to Latin america when they have citizens in Eastern Europe that would be glad to travel and work.
h) sure that leaders of these Eastern European countries would fight to have their workers be preferred over non-European union foreign workers.
i) how much do they charge per worker, if it was high a large company or co-op could just encourage their own migrant workers to come.
k) seems like an easy business to set up, I mean it may takes months but if there were large some of money to be made it would be easy to start up a companies over time to compete.
l) do they get paid up front for workers or is it so much per month. what prevents a worker from challenging or breaking the contract...once in the country.

Woodson good luck with the stock I do not know most of these answers, the stock may go up for promotional reasons or maybe they will make large sums of money. To me this sounds like a promotion with little behind it, maybe be wrong but if you invest make sure it is only risk capital and when the music stops and the stock starts going the other way.......get out.



Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
As with all things, caution is a must. Looks like this is promotional bit and not based off real numbers. Several of my peers have recently gotten faxes about this stock...

Going to take the money and go another route, probably pfizer/ge...

Loved the comments though, your definitely the backbone of this topic, dont go anywhere, and enlighten us with your experiences... it maight save us newbies down the road.

Thanks again for your coments.


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999

Concorde Amer Inc (OTHER OTC:CNDD)
5.38 0.77 / 16.67% 3:59 PM ET

Open: 4.67 Volume 1,003,268

High: 5.38 Volume Avg: 71,400

Low: 4.62 P/E Ratio: 0.00

Prev. Close: 4.62 Dividend Yield: N/A

52-Week Low: 3.00 Market Cap (mil): 182.90

52-Week High: 109.00


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999
Concorde Amer Inc (OTHER OTC:CNDD) 7.45

Concorde Amer Inc (OTHER OTC:CNDD) 7.45

Concorde Amer Inc (OTHER OTC:CNDD)
7.45 0.76 / 11.34% 9:33 AM ET

Open: 7.45 Volume 191,669

High: 7.46 Volume Avg: 178,500

Low: 7.45 P/E Ratio: 0.00

Prev. Close: 6.70 Dividend Yield: N/A

52-Week Low: 3.00 Market Cap (mil): 253.27

52-Week High: 109.00


Forum Member
Jan 2, 2001
Nice buying on CNDD. I am not sure why it is screaming other than people who maybe follow that guy, but be careful not to blow the profits.....although you have done a wonderful job owning it.


Forum Member
Oct 23, 1999


I did moderately well for buying in at 3.00 on an unknown stock. This is not the norm obviously, got a couple others I'll throw out here soon as I get the time... But happy with the results to say the least. I don't feel regretful that I didn't add another grand on Monday but that would have out a smile on my face...

Amazing promotion to go from 70,000 in volume to 5 million in a week with an unknown Boca Rotan labor service company...


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
a great promotion now $8.91. nothing like issueing the same press release (as revised) and now they disclaim the latest press release.

promote and they will come. good call. never thought it would move this fast and far on this and learn.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 16, 1999
classic, of coarse they had no idea.... :)


Concorde America, Inc. Disclaims Prior Information Releases
August 11, 2004 5:09:00 PM ET

BOCA RATON, Fla., Aug. 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Concorde America, Inc. (OTC Pink Sheets: CNDD), today disclaimed any involvement in the composition or public dissemination of statements, dated July 28 and August 9, 2004, respectively, which were issued over PR Newswire and appeared in various media services.

The first such release, entitled "First Global 'Monster' Employment Placement Service Launched", stated that the Company had developed a "unique solution" to the labor shortage problems purportedly facing European nations as a result of a lack of population growth. Furthermore the company had entered into a "new agreement with the Spanish government", and expected to "place over 200,000 workers in Spain". The release purported to quote Company officials in a manner which reflected extremely high business and earnings expectations. It stated that any contact concerning the release was to be made "for Concorde America" to "Paul Spreadbury, WallSt2MainSt, Inc.", and provided contact information.

In fact, (a) no Company official was interviewed or otherwise contacted in connection with the release, (b) Mr. Spreadbury is not employed by nor has any other relationship with the Company, and (c) the Company has never identified its business plan as being "unique", has not entered into any contractual arrangement with the Spanish government, has made no public announcement concerning possible future earnings, earnings growth or profitability, and has not specified the number of workers that it may be able to supply to any European country under any existing or future contract.

Because of inquiries made by the Company of Mr. Spreadbury and others as to the source of the first release, the second release, entitled "Correction", was disseminated as of Monday, August 9. While it stated that the quoted material present in the first release was to be eliminated, it incorrectly identified the Company as being the source of the new content, Boca Raton, Florida as being the physical site of issuance, and "John Richey of Concorde America" as being the Company representative to contact. The Company has had no contact with the author of the new statement, did not authorize its release, does not employ Mr. Richey, has no relationship with him and no has knowledge as to his existence or involvement with the release.

The new statement incorrectly implied that the Company had directed how the original statement was to be revised to render it accurate, when, in fact, no contact was made by the author of the second statement with any Company representative. Finally, the statement again attributes a specific number of workers to be placed in Spain, now refers to a Company agreement "with one of Spain's largest agricultural firms" when the Company has no information as to the comparative size of the entity with which it has contracted, and makes extremely aggressive predictions about how the Company's business model may be received in Europe.

Hartley Lord, the Company's President, stated that:

"While we recognize that analysts and others interested in the European labor market have the right to publish whatever statements they choose about the Company's business model, we wish to make clear to the investing public that the statements made in the referenced releases have not been authorized by Concorde America, Inc., nor has any Company official provided any of the information contained therein. While we have faith in the plans that are being developed, the Company is in its formative stage, and will need to develop substantial experience in the European marketplace before we are prepared to provide any public information concerning our operational results or expectations. At such time, we will clearly identify any release authorized or issued by the Company."
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