congratulations to president obama....


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
again mcccain reveals himself as a senile idiot "taking the high road" as dems and the media slam him and palin unmercifully.... ....there are times that someone might wonder,"how the hell did this guy get nominated?"..of course i know how...

i said way back during the primaries that mike huckabee splitting the vote to enable mccain to beat romney was part of a "gentleman's" agreement" by these two "cinos"and was no accident......and of course the msm approved and backed mccain for the nomination...

great plan...

imo,any real conservative who voted for this inept poser during the primaries should be flogged...

but,from a conservative`s p.o.v.,it`s not as disappointing a scenario as it would have been had romney or fred thompson been nominated....i mean,i would have mattered to me if they`d been bested by this empty, anti-american suit named obama...

mccain`s no conservative...i`m not disappointed at all that his presidential aspirations won`t be fulfilled....

it`s not psychologically as traumatic when you realize that your choices are mccain(socialist lite) or obama(100 proof socialism)......

what is very disappointing that the absolute worst possible democratic candidate will be elected...and the way the media has gone in the tank for this neophyte clown with absolutely no experience whatsoever,is beyond`s political correctness run amuck....

"look...aren`t we enlightened....we elected a black man!` historical !"...

"whats he done to deserve this?"

"who cares?"...


at least hillary`s been in the oval office...i could live with 80 proof socialism......and to listen to democrats talk,the clinton years were the best years of their lives...but,electing a "black" man is farther up on the "progresso-meter" than electing a else can anyone explain what happened?...

hope!...change! stuff!...we`re taking other folks` money!....

unfortunately,we`re gonna get what we ask for...a nanny,not a leader...a nanny without a clue...with the most extensive list of anti-american friends and associates since tokyo rose...

40 years of america hating, hippie, marxist, socialist college professors brainwashing young minds takes it toll...see: "united kingdom"for a glimpse of the future "amerika" under obama, pelosi, reid...

we will become the new great britain..we`ll be just as irrelevant.....i really don`t know who will fill the void we leave as super power....probably china...maybe the soviet union...

but,that`ll be much better for the free world...anybody but imperialist amerika...

we`re now getting ready to free 12 gitmo detainees onto the streets of d.c....thats right...their own countries won`t take them "the enlightened" think it`s a great idea to let them run free in d.c....

now terrorists have the same rights as american citizens... hell,they are american citizens...

yep...everything will be peachy...

.we just came off a week where we lost a tremendous amount of wealth. ...the world is facing a recession, and a majority of americans seem ready to vote for an untested, unqualified socialist for president. ...

the cino`s, the media and the left chose the republican candidate...and as an old fool might,he waited too late to take it to obama, all out of a sense of pathetic senate-style collegiality.....all the while the media and the dems beat him like a red headed step-child...

the plan worked like a charm...

it feels like a flashback to 1976...seeing people voting for carter.....x 10....10 times worse...

.difference is, not only did carter have plausible moderate credentials -- mainstream church, naval officer, etc...i could understand it back in `76....give the guy his shot...

now? want to scream at them to stop, but they won't.....

i know you guys are thinking we`re heading into some obama utopia? stuff..we`ll talk our enemies into liking

oh boy...:lol:

congrats on the win....i can`t wait till 2012...can`t wait to see how much damage a socialist democrat congress and president can wreak in 4 years...... least it`ll be fun being on offense in the forum for a change...i`m better on offense.....and i have a decent stake on obama at 5 dimes....

yes,i feel queasy about the bet..


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Good stuff, wease.

Please get all your complaints out in the next 20some days. I don't think I could take the hypocrisy if you took shots at a standing US President in a time of war.


The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Good stuff, wease.

Please get all your complaints out in the next 20some days. I don't think I could take the hypocrisy if you took shots at a standing US President in a time of war.


Weasels predicting what is gonna happen in an Obama presidency is laughable considering he voted for Bush twice.:mj07: His predictions basically assure a pretty good four year run.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
:mj07: :mj07:

Not a word about WHAT ACTUALLY HAS HAPPENED in the last eight years, but hyper, silly, whining SPECULATION about what this lunatic thinks might happen if Obama is elected.



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
That is the weasel m.o. I find it odd that he is so vehemently anti "socialist" and yet it is a socialist assisted living program that allows him to pay his bills.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
"we will become the new great britain..we`ll be just as irrelevant.....i really don`t know who will fill the void we leave as super power

ongrats on the win....i can`t wait till 2012...can`t wait to see how much damage a socialist democrat congress and president can wreak in 4 years......"

The ramblings of a feeble mind. You voted for Bush twice. You witnessed the results. Government spending DOUBLE the amount it was when he took over. A US debt TRIPLE the size it was when and he took over and running out of control. A quagmire in an endless occupation that served no purpose whatsoever. And the lowest levels of respect world wide in the history of the country.

But it will be the "anti" American OBama who make the US super power irrelevant. Your condition is worsening.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
again mcccain reveals himself as a senile idiot "taking the high road" as dems and the media slam him and palin unmercifully.... ....there are times that someone might wonder,"how the hell did this guy get nominated?"..of course i know how...

i said way back during the primaries that mike huckabee splitting the vote to enable mccain to beat romney was part of a "gentleman's" agreement" by these two "cinos"and was no accident......and of course the msm approved and backed mccain for the nomination...

great plan...

imo,any real conservative who voted for this inept poser during the primaries should be flogged...

but,from a conservative`s p.o.v.,it`s not as disappointing a scenario as it would have been had romney or fred thompson been nominated....i mean,i would have mattered to me if they`d been bested by this empty, anti-american suit named obama...

mccain`s no conservative...i`m not disappointed at all that his presidential aspirations won`t be fulfilled....

it`s not psychologically as traumatic when you realize that your choices are mccain(socialist lite) or obama(100 proof socialism)......

what is very disappointing that the absolute worst possible democratic candidate will be elected...and the way the media has gone in the tank for this neophyte clown with absolutely no experience whatsoever,is beyond`s political correctness run amuck....

"look...aren`t we enlightened....we elected a black man!` historical !"...

"whats he done to deserve this?"

"who cares?"...


at least hillary`s been in the oval office...i could live with 80 proof socialism......and to listen to democrats talk,the clinton years were the best years of their lives...but,electing a "black" man is farther up on the "progresso-meter" than electing a else can anyone explain what happened?...

hope!...change! stuff!...we`re taking other folks` money!....

unfortunately,we`re gonna get what we ask for...a nanny,not a leader...a nanny without a clue...with the most extensive list of anti-american friends and associates since tokyo rose...

40 years of america hating, hippie, marxist, socialist college professors brainwashing young minds takes it toll...see: "united kingdom"for a glimpse of the future "amerika" under obama, pelosi, reid...

we will become the new great britain..we`ll be just as irrelevant.....i really don`t know who will fill the void we leave as super power....probably china...maybe the soviet union...

but,that`ll be much better for the free world...anybody but imperialist amerika...

we`re now getting ready to free 12 gitmo detainees onto the streets of d.c....thats right...their own countries won`t take them "the enlightened" think it`s a great idea to let them run free in d.c....

now terrorists have the same rights as american citizens... hell,they are american citizens...

yep...everything will be peachy...

.we just came off a week where we lost a tremendous amount of wealth. ...the world is facing a recession, and a majority of americans seem ready to vote for an untested, unqualified socialist for president. ...

the cino`s, the media and the left chose the republican candidate...and as an old fool might,he waited too late to take it to obama, all out of a sense of pathetic senate-style collegiality.....all the while the media and the dems beat him like a red headed step-child...

the plan worked like a charm...

it feels like a flashback to 1976...seeing people voting for carter.....x 10....10 times worse...

.difference is, not only did carter have plausible moderate credentials -- mainstream church, naval officer, etc...i could understand it back in `76....give the guy his shot...

now? want to scream at them to stop, but they won't.....

i know you guys are thinking we`re heading into some obama utopia? stuff..we`ll talk our enemies into liking

oh boy...:lol:

congrats on the win....i can`t wait till 2012...can`t wait to see how much damage a socialist democrat congress and president can wreak in 4 years...... least it`ll be fun being on offense in the forum for a change...i`m better on offense.....and i have a decent stake on obama at 5 dimes....

yes,i feel queasy about the bet..


Buck up, camper. It aint the end of the world.


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
"soclialism" ???

wtf?!?! aren't we already 1000000 proof socialism? as far as socialism goes, we are voting over a very very incremental difference in socialist/capitalist mixed economy

after all we ALREADY have social security, welfare, medicare, publicly financed parks, publicly financed airports, publicly financed sports stadiums, publicly financed postal system, publicly financed logistical fufilment in mideast nations, publicly financed campaigns, publicly financed meidcal research, and publicly financed multi-national failed banks.

An even remotely capitalistic economy pretty much vanished before we were even born, so I am not sure what some people swear is going to "end" if Obama wins.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Obama, I may not agree with him but he is my President and shame on you for questioning him.:142smilie

The Judge

Pura Vida!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
40 years of america hating, hippie, marxist, socialist college professors brainwashing young minds takes it toll...see: "united kingdom"for a glimpse of the future "amerika" under obama, pelosi, reid.
This excerpt is precious. :142smilie


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Hold on I have not vote yet have any of you. This will get sticky.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 28, 2001
Hopkins, MN USA
I feel sorry for Weasel. Time for him, Hannity, Limbaugh and the rest of the Neocon pigs to admit their own leaders have failed them.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I feel sorry for Weasel. Time for him, Hannity, Limbaugh and the rest of the Neocon pigs to admit their own leaders have failed them.

if limbaugh hannity and the other talking heads were leaders, i`d agree with that....unfortunately,they`re not...they`re radio hosts...and their day is coming...i have no doaubt that with a democrat president and congress that the "fairness doctrine" will be implemented basically rendering null and void the first amendment and the free market concept.....

the fact is that the current "republican" party is practically devoid of conservative leadership....

mccain?.....(lol)....gomer huckabee?....(spit)........

problem is,that like it or not,we`ve reached a point in history in which the msm,academia and pop culture icons from hollyweird(actors,actresses and man-bag carrying pseudo comedians like john"i`m really a jew" stewart and stephen col"baire"(spit again) influence the lazy masses who are just to slovenly and sloth-like to check their facts and do some research.................

we`ve morphed into a society open borders,america haters,people with no qualms about picking their neighbor`s pockets.....

folks that think it`s noble to stand around with your hand out.....

and we`re getting just what we asked empty suit who`s best buds are domestic terrorists,black liberation theologists,islamists and communists.....

anyone wonder why hamas,achmadinnerjacket,castro,farakhan,al sharpton,bill ayres,bernadine dorn,the aclu et al all want obama to win?...

welcome to the new amerika...

The Judge

Pura Vida!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
if limbaugh hannity and the other talking heads were leaders, i`d agree with that....unfortunately,they`re not...
BBMF didn't say they were leaders. He said that it is time for them (and you) to admit that YOUR leaders have failed; which they have.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
if limbaugh hannity and the other talking heads were leaders, i`d agree with that....unfortunately,they`re not...they`re radio hosts...and their day is coming...i have no doaubt that with a democrat president and congress that the "fairness doctrine" will be implemented basically rendering null and void the first amendment and the free market concept.....

the fact is that the current "republican" party is practically devoid of conservative leadership....

mccain?.....(lol)....gomer huckabee?....(spit)........

problem is,that like it or not,we`ve reached a point in history in which the msm,academia and pop culture icons from hollyweird(actors,actresses and man-bag carrying pseudo comedians like john"i`m really a jew" stewart and stephen col"baire"(spit again) influence the lazy masses who are just to slovenly and sloth-like to check their facts and do some research.................

we`ve morphed into a society open borders,america haters,people with no qualms about picking their neighbor`s pockets.....

folks that think it`s noble to stand around with your hand out.....

and we`re getting just what we asked empty suit who`s best buds are domestic terrorists,black liberation theologists,islamists and communists.....

anyone wonder why hamas,achmadinnerjacket,castro,farakhan,al sharpton,bill ayres,bernadine dorn,the aclu et al all want obama to win?...

welcome to the new amerika...

You sound like a very negative, defeatist type person.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
BBMF didn't say they were leaders. He said that it is time for them (and you) to admit that YOUR leaders have failed; which they have.

i`m holding that quote.....they`re "my" leaders,are they?...i`m glad that i`ll be exempt from referring to the "empty suit/teleprompter reading" nobama as "my" leader.....

this way i can be as brutally honest as you guys have been in your criticism`s of this administration...which btw,has few conservatives in it...

kosar/""Not a word about WHAT ACTUALLY HAS HAPPENED in the last eight years"".....

no....actually,we had six pretty damned good years....until the dems took control of congress.....the last 2 have been downright shitty....

the economic fallout has been due directly to democrats running interference for fannie/freddie(you all saw the need to elaborate)..remember...congress makes the laws...not the president... obama is promising more giveaways?.....another 115 billion on top of the 60 million...on top of the 700 billion bailout??.....

on top of 90% of americans getting tax cuts?.....

:lol:...see you in 4 years if anything`s left...

/ thank me very much....


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
weasels dream candidate:


Maybe you can borrow the Nazi extermination camps?

incorrect....i wish no one harm...that doesn`t wish to harm me.....

arab,jew,irish,mennonite,hari krishna.....
i play nice with everybody until they try and kill me....

then i tend to get a little indignant..

it`s a human trait...a human frailty...


Forum Member
Apr 26, 2008
U.S. American
incorrect....i wish no one harm...that doesn`t wish to harm me.....

arab,jew,irish,mennonite,hari krishna.....
i play nice with everybody until they try and kill me....

then i tend to get a little indignant..

it`s a human trait...a human frailty...

i wish no harm to any muslim

yet... muslims all want to kill you, right, because its in their religion?

so therefore, kill every muslim

quit dancing around it, you do wish that we'd just exterminate them all
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