Conn Huskies Coach and one of the worst clock mgt displays I've ever seen

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grey beard

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Jan 20, 2003
Leesburg Va
OK, I had Conn on the ML yesterday and if you didn't know any better, you'd think the Conn coach had Navy. I may have this sequence wrong now but if my memory serves me right...Conn is down by 4 with 3 mins on the clock on their own 7 yard line or something like that with 2 timeouts...the Conn QB has a John Elway like drive running and passing 92 1/2 yards to the 1/2 yard line with 17 seconds on the clock with the clock stopped with 1 timeout left. I said there's no way I'm losing this game..Navy was on it's heals big time...the Conn QB I swear looked like Elway...he's a big guy who can run and pass both...and he was totally in sync with his receivers the whole Conn decides to use it's last time out rather than running a play...a QB sneak I think would have worked just fine (1/2 hard line)..or even a quick pass to stop the clock and maybe hit a receiver for a what does the coach do..uses his last time you're thinking...OK, he'll try a crafty play to fool the D and if it doesn't work..he still has time for 2 other what do they do....they come out in a somewhat closed I'm thinking, naked bootleg or something than a toss if the QB can't score...instead they try a delayed handoff to a average running back who hadn't done anything all not even a dive over the pile...a delayed handoff with everyone being bunched it's stopped a yard short and the clock runs the coach calls a time out for a play like this? Wow..Navy really skated and they knew it by the way they reacted as the game ended...almost iike saying to the Conn coach "thank you" coaches can get paid so much $$$ and they can choke this bad is beyond sorry for you Conn and I deserved better.