COntreras almost blew it, and NOW CINCY


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Forum Member
Jan 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
CINCY was foolish to leave Lincoln in after GOING 2 FULL INNINGS, Yes he had NO WALKS, NO HITS, and was rolling, BUT he is a middle RELIEVER, NOT A CLOSER... And so coming into the 9th the mindset changes....

He gives up 4 straight singles, 2 RBI's and he is responsible for both runners... Why wouldnt you bring in a closer in the 9th that may need work???? or even one who had been struggling, instead of asking a kid who is used to going 1 inning maybe 2 and is done...

If Cincy loses this game, I think it was all Managerial...

Gonna be interesting....

9 to 5 and in comes Nick Masset


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Forum Member
Jan 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
And a double play ball is fucked all up by 3rd basesman not being able to get ball out of glove, not once, but twice!!!! No throw!!!!

9 to 6, bases loaded and NO OUT!!!


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Forum Member
Jan 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Shocked Heyward missed that 3-1.... Man RHODES IS SO GOOD.... Struck him out!

Now Cordero is gonna try and get the final 2 outs... Love to see this go extra innings at least!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Why are you no longer posting games here just color commentary ? :shrug:

Been real busy. And havent had time and some people get so upset when I post games that have already started so I choose to just not post anything unless its hrs before a game.

Have been killing it though on posted plays and non posted... But to be honest, I have really cut back on the amount of games I play in MLB this year; I used to play 5-15 games a day. Now Im playing 2 or 3 for 3x-5x more. And its doing quite well... Im planning on posting a couple tonight, so keep your eye out if your interested...


Forum Member
Feb 17, 2010
Been real busy. And havent had time and some people get so upset when I post games that have already started so I choose to just not post anything unless its hrs before a game.

Have been killing it though on posted plays and non posted... But to be honest, I have really cut back on the amount of games I play in MLB this year; I used to play 5-15 games a day. Now Im playing 2 or 3 for 3x-5x more. And its doing quite well... Im planning on posting a couple tonight, so keep your eye out if your interested...

BB of course you are killing we expect nothing less. My question is in this day of ANDROID phones, Iphones and netbooks how you dont or cant post your games. We know you are not a last second jump aboard player. You pick spots. You pick plays. So you know ahead of time. Alot of people including myself come here to get your plays. Consider it man. Anyone who is killing it like yourself should be able to afford a $199 Android phone which allows to post or surf anything on the internet.


Forum Member
Feb 23, 2005
BB of course you are killing we expect nothing less. My question is in this day of ANDROID phones, Iphones and netbooks how you dont or cant post your games. We know you are not a last second jump aboard player. You pick spots. You pick plays. So you know ahead of time. Alot of people including myself come here to get your plays. Consider it man. Anyone who is killing it like yourself should be able to afford a $199 Android phone which allows to post or surf anything on the internet.

you have sounded like TBB's jilted lover stalker on more then one occasion

and you have severely polluted the nba thread with nonsense

i've wanted to let you know for a long time


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
And Gregg comes in to close a 2 run lead for Tor and instead gives up 2 hits, then 2 walks and a rbi, then finally an out, BUT IT WAS A SAC FLY which blew save and tied the game... And then Griffey hit a single for the win and Gregg gets to join the LOSER CLUB of BULLPENS FOR TODAY.... I dont think this is the end of blown 2 or more run leads by bullpens... Mark my words!
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