read that Larry Storch passed away this week at 99. My all time favorite TV sitcom growing up was F Troop . Not sure if it could be accepted today but growing up I would laugh at the opening scene of the cannon shooting down the lookout tower of Fort Courage . I read that the entire cast has passed away and Corporal Agarn was the last . Not sure if anyone can remember F Troop . It was a satire of the west and the Indians Hekawis lived right next to the fort. They were peaceful Indians with Wild Eagle as their chief and my all time favorite character Crazy Cat who was second in command chief always trying to become the chief. Wilton Paramenter was the Lt and commander of the Fort . The star of the show was Sgt O'rourke Forrest Tucker . Dobbs was the bugler and only knew 2 songs Yankee doodle dandy and Dixie Vanderbelt wore glasses and his eyesight was 20-1000. Hard to explain about these show unless you have seen it. Melody was Wrangler Jane and always was trying to marry Parmentar . It was a parady of the west and I'm sure native americans today would be upset the way they were portrayed ..but when your watching this tv sitcom and only 10 or 11 years old that part goes over you head . anyway RIP Cpl Agarn you made me laugh and laugh