when i played golf best balls i ever used was by Pinnacle and i'm hi 90's golfer
was always in the 120's then took few lessons from golf p[ro what i differnce in my swing
short game was best long driver was good irons was my problem
wedge, sand, and 9 iron good
Never had a matched set of culbs all differnt makes the 3 woods 1 3 5 were same
mixed irons 2- 9 the sand wedge which i used for short chips fluff it under ball flipping wrist to hit hi n land soft
one time in short par 3 i hit left bunker had low lkip sand was firm from overnigh rain grabbed my putter sunk a 25 foot birdie
I used a T square putter was perefct for me pendullum swing through to the cup to softly drop in cup barely 3 putted any green
of course one course we plyaed was only 9 holes with differnt tees on few of them best score i had was an 81 :142smilie
local public course still open but aint no fairways
grass was like playing in someones yard :142smilie
needed irons that were able to cut through grass
forget about using 5 wood or driver on long fairways
wait let me see if i can upload picks it's 2 miles from my house.
see the deer does the deer have any doe .yeah 3 bucks :142smilie
known as Frankilin D roosevelt park or the lakes we called it for short
this pic shows you what i meant there aint no fairways.