credit card policies


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Forum Member
Feb 3, 2001
anybody have some good links on this stuff.

all my credit cards now get constantly turned down when i try and put something in my accounts (started a couple months ago). i really miss that convenience. sometimes it's hard getting up with my local.

i was talking to a buddy of mine and he was saying how he wasn't having any problems with it and hadn't heard anything about it.

anybody got any good links I can do some reading on and pass along.


hello there

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Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
Lots of credit card companys don't allow using them to put into books. They used to but not now. Best if you sign up with Neteller and use them to transfer money directly from your bank into neteller and then use neteller to put money into your book. its faster and easier. With credit cards, those books, when you take out your money, will most likely ask you to fax them your drivers license and credit cards to prove who you are when you try to withdrawal you're money. It's weird how they don't need much proof when you deposit, but they want all kind of info when you take it out.. Use Neteller, it's so much easier, no hassles trying to prove who you are, everything is done on the computer.


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Jul 27, 1999
Card companies are very suspicious of these types of transactions and will sometimes not authorize the transaction unless they can speak with the cardholder. They are concerned about fraudulent transactions.

If you have a card that you use regularly and maintain a current account, you should have no problem. If, on the other hand, you are trying to use a card that is essentially inactive, then the card company gets suspicious.


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Feb 3, 2001
thanks for the input. i have a paypal account but it's a pain and then i feel like i'm losing money on the fees etc. so not only am i payin juice but now i've got some john brown fees.

i'll have to hit like 60% to show a freakin profit after everybody gets their hands outta my jar.

may try net teller.

credit card company is so frustrating. i'm about ready to canel one card. the deposit gets rejected (and it's only a couple hundred) then i call the cc and they put me through to their security dept and i answer all these questions. they tell me how they're doing this for my own good cause it's a foreign company. then they say everything should work now. i go back and i'm still rejected and it happens all over again.



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Feb 3, 2001
for anybody interested on how stuff gets screwed up, here's a couple articles i did manage to find

<a href=""></a>

<a href=""></a>


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Dec 17, 2000
Credit card companies began turning down transactions with online books and casinos a while back because some smart-ass found out that gambling debts are uncollectible in most states in the US. His slick lawyer convinced a judge that since his client had been charging his gambling debts to his credit cards, that he did not have to pay these 'gambling debts'. Seems like the guy walked away from $60K in CC debt. Not that I blame him for getting out of the debt, but he didn't have to take a bankruptcy in order to clear the deck, plus it has changed using credit cards forever.

Neteller works fine, takes a little while, but it works. Always keep in mind that FINCEN watches all these transactions however. And with the recently passed anti-terrorist legislation, they can watch a lot more than before for practically no reason at all.

[This message has been edited by Skinar (edited 10-29-2001).]


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Sep 1, 2001
I was having the same problem. Gameday uses firepay - works pretty good - requires one more transfer, but just as quick.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Goofy, like hello there mentioned, I think neteller is the way to go. Get your acct verified with your bank, and deposit that way. I don't know what fees you are talking about though, must be if u deposit with a credit card??

There are NO FEES using Neteller, and the books will give u a deposit bonus. Luck to u.


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Oct 12, 2000
This is a pretty frustrating topic for me.

The whole Neteller/Paypal BS just sucks.

It was great last year when cards went thru as a purchase, not as a cash advance. Now all of my cards will NOT go thru Neteller, no matter what. 1 out 7 of my cards goes thru to Paypal and of course, it's a cash advance.

And as far as sportsbooks go, only sportsinteraction charges it as a purchase, but they charge you 4%, but it's better than a cash advance.

It really sucks how all of the cc stuff has changed. Very frustrating.

Neteller is mediocre now, all kinds of fees for everything. In the beginnings, there were no fees on deposits.

Wish there were better ways to deposit using a credit card...


Registered User
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Feb 3, 2001
thanks again for the input. good to see a couple kentucky guys.

i think i'm just gonna find a new local to supplement the one i've already got. the offshore thing is getting to be too much of a hassle and too many forms for a paper trail.



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
The whole Neteller/Paypal BS just sucks.

It was great last year when cards went thru as a purchase, not as a cash advance. Now all of my cards will NOT go thru Neteller, no matter what. 1 out 7 of my cards goes thru to Paypal and of course, it's a cash advance.

And as far as sportsbooks go, only sportsinteraction charges it as a purchase, but they charge you 4%, but it's better than a cash advance.

Why not fund your Paypal account with your own personal checking or savings accounts? Instead of swapping money from your CC to your Paypal account, you can just deposit your payroll check into your local bank account, and then do an electronic transfer of this money to your Paypal account. Paypal will aslo pay ya a little over 2% on the money that you keep in the account. Paypal charges you NOTHING for an electronic transfer and is completed in 2-3 days. I have yet to get charged one red cent for anything that I've done with my Paypal acct. You can do as many electronic transfers as you want, and it's all FREEEEE! When ya fund an offshore book using Paypal, they don't charge you any % fees on your deposit.

I actually treat my PP Acct. as a savings account and do numerous electronic transfers. They will even send you an email notifying you that you've received a PP dividend payment on your account. I'm tellin ya, it's the ONLY way to go....BUT...,,,probably the best thing about it is the fact that the wife can't get it!!!
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