cubs total to 7.5 now

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cubs total dropped off of the 8 and now down to 7.5 under 115---I do think Woody will be solid but have this game capped as an over. Ortiz walks too many guys and Cubs line-up too good and will make him pay. Are people overreacting to the first 2 games being unders. These games were capped as unders--but this night game brings a lot of solid hitters to the plate,and features 2 shaky bullpens. any opinions?? on this movement? Will see how long it stays at 7.5


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cubs total went to 8under 120 again then to 7.5 over 115--Looks like the books were getting hammered on the under---set the number at 7.5 sso they could draw the over money laying juice both ways--either way they get all the juice. I still think this game goes over, too many factors pt to over. What are they??

1. Ortiz--and Wood walk guys--and both line-ups have great line-up 1-9 to make pitchers pay for walks.

2. Line-up 1-9 all can go yard.

3. Both bull-pens are shaky---probaly see them early, can't see either pitcher going past 7 innings especially Ortiz.

4. Frucal and lofton great leadoff hitters can swipe bags if they get on. Catchers are good but not the best in the league defensively.

5. Cubs bench---a lot of experience veterans that can come into the game and be patience and get hit or walk. Their bench Womack,Glanvlle, can start anywhere else.

what do u guys think??
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