Dad beats up kids at school


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Feb 8, 2002
1813 Virginia St
Wait a minute. I am going to defend the Dad a little.....One has to assume that the school is providing valid information and the son was skipping class. What I saw on the video wasn't that bad? Lets just say hypotheically, that the kid was missing class. This discipline was minor.

The school shoulders most of the responsibility instigating the confrontation.

The principal needs to mind his own business. I can see him interefering if there was some REAL violence. But, that dad was just getting that kid's attention.

If more parents straightened their kids out.....maybe this world would be a better place.

Obviously, the dad owes the son an apology. However, the school owes all an apology.
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Agent 0659

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Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Give me a break. If THAT is getting 'beat up', I need to add about 450 ass wippings onto my resume.

The thing that is going to hurt this guy is he exploded on everyone else too, and looks like a crazed lunatic. Had he just done that to the kid and left it alone, I would give him the benefit of the doubt.

Let me tell ya, and this applies to every one of us, if your Dad didn't do that to you (more than once!) growing up he dam well should have.


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Mar 11, 2000
San Diego CA
At least there is a father that took the time to go to school and deal with this issue, to me that shows he cares. And believe class or no class, his son will think twice about missing any class from this day forward.

As for the Principal and vice principle, they needed to stay out of it. I mean do u think that kid needed medical attention? please.

that is exactly whats wrong today, kids know that they have rights and are protected under the law.

Continue to fight for all the rights for kids and dogs and cats and immigrants and other countries, but let all ur liberties be taken away.

just as a friend of mine says, another case of the pussifcation of America.

As my grandfather said , then my father repeated it, this country is going to hell in a handbasket.

I swore I would never repeat it, instead I look back at my grandfathers time , and think were things better then or are they better now.

then I took at my fathers generation , and think the same thing , are we better now then we were then.

answer, take all the money and technology out of it, and took just at the way we live our lives. personally I think i would have been happier living in the 60's. at least everyone fought in the streets for their rights, while we sit behind screens and bitch. (and think, thank god that isnt at my doorstep)

Stop, people, trying to tell others how to live. just live your life OK. Dad wants to hit kid to make him understand the importance of staying in school. Hurrah.

BTW I dont think that a handbasket is going to get it done anymore.
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Mar 11, 2000
San Diego CA
Sorry for the crazy rant, it is just that I do remember at times how hard it was to get by with my family.

I mean go to the ghetto test thread.

Look at the generation now, hell 98% dont even know what an antenna is, or even ever had to go and get a switch. Or better yet had to make their own Kool aid to add sugar, now most everything is handed to them via a silver platter, or computer screen. Most of my friends can not get the kids to go outside to play , let alone make them come in before the street lights.

So when u think of a father doing what he did, i say great, at least he cares.


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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
My father would have done much worse but he would have done it at home and never in public. He wouldn't have even raised his voice in public but I knew once the door to the house closed my butt was his.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
My father would have done much worse but he would have done it at home and never in public. He wouldn't have even raised his voice in public but I knew once the door to the house closed my butt was his.

imo that's how it should be handled.

I do not see any scenario where pcking up your son in front of his peers and throwing him on the counter is a good idea. again, jmo.


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Mar 14, 2001
imo that's how it should be handled.

I do not see any scenario where pcking up your son in front of his peers and throwing him on the counter is a good idea. again, jmo.

Agree completely.

I feel bad for some of the others in this thread. Well, moreso for their children.
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Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Guys......we can't hear any audio on this, either.

I know one thing. He scared the shit out of the people sitting at the desk! I mean.....enough that they fukking ran!!!! To me, there had to be more than just an "attention getter" going on there.

Plus, did you see the photo of that alkee-holic douchebag? I'm sure he doesn't have a cheat sheet a mile long down at the local PD.

And when you guys say the principal and VP should mind their own business, are you fuking serious???? That is THEIR house! They are responsible for the welfare of those kids, even if it's mommy and daddy doing the wrong!

Hey, I'm all for a kid getting what he's got coming to him, but let's face it......plenty of parents are raging assbags, too. I think I'll take my chances and say this turd qualifies.
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