Damn Air Canada! You suck and will hear from me!


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It is with an extreme irritation, as you can see from the title of this post, that i want all madjackers, particulary my friends from from Canada, to know that we have a big stupid airline cie!!! It is just unbelievable! I might write this to Montreal newspapers and radio and tv from here.

Here it is....

As you all know, we have a BIG convention, the superbowl party in Vegas on february. I bought and schedule my trip to Vegas on september 3rd. We know what happened the week after... About the superbowl, weeks later NFL postpone it of a week. Big deal just to have to call and postpone my plane tickets and hotel for a week right? Called the hotel and had no problem at all. Called Air canada and what i've learned is that i will get my new tickets but with AN EXTRA FEES OF 200$!!! I told them the superbowl has been changed because of the terrorist attack and that i shouldn't paid extra fees for what these stupids assholes has done to us and i had this answer: "Sorry sir but only tickets bought between sept 11th to 16th will be change for free. If you have a complaint write to our office in calgary." I wrote to them and was sure they would understand that the superbowl was a major event and when you have a convention related to it then you shouldn't pay extra fees no? I got the letter from them 15 min ago, I'm still boiling...
and the superbowl isn't enough important to change their idea so i have to pay another 200$ if i want to attend the convention. I'm seriously reconsiderate my trip now and can't understand how can they be so stupid!!!

I know in USA, if you bought your plane tickets before the attack you didn't have to pay extra fees to change them. Why do i have to pay for these morons of terrorists?

Anybody can help here?


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl

Actually, Air Canada's policy is very similar to the US airlines. If the tickets were bought in that period, OR bought before for travel in that period, then the fees would be waived.

I don't think that it's realistic to expect that any of the airlines waive fees for any sort of event down the road that may or may not have been affected by the attacks. Of course we know that in this case the super bowl was moved back a week, but it's a slipperly slope when the airlines, aleady on very shaky ground, have to start waiving fees for anything and everything that could be perceived as being affected by the attacks.

The one thing that seems excessive to me is the $200 change fee. That is much more than any american airline charges.

If this change fee is truly the only thing keeping you from coming out to Vegas, then I will pay it. It's not right that something like that would keep you from coming out, although you should realize that other than the actual fee(excessive), the policy involved regarding the attacks is very much in line with our airlines.

Just get my email from Jack and we'll get ya out there...


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Jul 16, 1999
"That 200 Canadian which is about 75 american?Most of the Canucks are always whining about prices,pay up and deal with it"

I will trade $75 American in exchange for $200cdn. any day you would like, if you want. When do you want to start. After all we Canucks may whine but we do know a good deal when we see one, or pure stupidity.



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He hate me (your name fits you well
)It's about 130 US . BTW what a constructive answer from your part...

Kosar, you're right about the excessive fees and that is scary to see an airline taking profit of a tragedy to make $$$ on it. I got the call from Jack. Thanks guys!


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
I think that it would be about $130 American there He hate me/Railbird. There is no reason to insult Canadians. $130 is still more than the airlines here and he has a right to be upset about that. I think, though, that he didn't know that Air Canada's policies are in line with ours.


Don't let that asshole get to you.


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Jul 16, 1999
your correct Kosar, should have just passed it up,
Giving a Eulogy tomorrow morning so I have had a Little shorter fuse this week. everything will work out,it always does.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl

Oh man, i'm sorry that you have to do that and the obviously unpleasant circumstances involved. I know that it's one of the worst things to go through, but in the end everybody truly appreciates it. Ya Know?

Hang tough, man. If I know you, yours will be brilliant, poignant and on target.

Centre Ice

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Jan 2, 2000
Brooklin, Ontario, Canada

I don't know how much the papers in Quebec cover Air Canada but this has been a brutally run airline since they bought Canadian. They've had tons of problems and their customer service is horrendous.
How bad are they ?? A few weeks after the WTC attack, they were asking the gov't for a HUGE bailout package, more than double what was estimated their losses would be. They were in big financial trouble before this and were trying to get a ton of money to whipe out all their debt, this airline is brutal.
Keep doggin them, I can understand a service charge for maybe administration, etc. but $200., their trying to gouge everyone.
I don't fly but the reports in the papers and TV about them and their problems have been going on for quite awhile.
Good luck with it

[This message has been edited by Centre Ice (edited 11-01-2001).]


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Oct 16, 2000
Boston, Ma. USA
Hate me, WTF kind of state was that!!!!

1837 was venting because he felt like he was be ripped off, which I agree, and you chime in w/that.

If my memory is correct you were warned last week about this sort of thing from Jack.

Jack ban his sorry ass & teach him and everybody else like him a lesson, he doesn't bring a thing but misery to this forum.

Gl 1837


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Thank you guys for your support.

Centre Ice, i wrote to a radio station in montreal about it and the speaker was as mad as me! Air canada don't have a good publicity here too and we try to denonciate as much as possible when the customer service suck (as it is now...) but it seems, as "He hate me" told me to do so gently
i will have to take my pill and pay that astronomical fee. After we will hear comments that nobody took profit of that tragedy...
yeah right Air Canada.. last time i'll fly with you line for sure!!!

Centre Ice

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Jan 2, 2000
Brooklin, Ontario, Canada
Air Canada is trying to whipe the slate clean by using a tragedy.
I caught just a bit tonight that the AC execs are in Ottawa and want 8-10 billion to help them out.

Ottawa was told not to let that merger go through and now the airline is trying to hold them hostage now that their the only national airline. The whole company is a joke and quite honestly I think they have a good chance of going under, something they deserve but the workers don't.

Write the Air Canada chairman, might as well let him know what a great job he's doing.

He Hate Me

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Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca

Do a chargeback on your credit card,credit card company will comply no promblem.I always do that when Im overcharged for something or find a better deal.


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Ok here's the final detail regarding that story. They absolutely don't want to cancel the fees and no,He hate me, the credit card can't accept charge back on this. So my final invoice with the tickets is 227.76$ of extra fees to change them for a week regardless the reason i explained. Then, when you will hear that air canada is fair with his customers...
tell them to screw ... Canada 3000 has closed and now i heard they have told to these clients that no extra fees will be charge to take their flight. Yeah right...
They are doing the same thing with them by charging some stupid fees. Damn they suck!!!
At least, it will be my first and last travel with that *"*#& airline.... AIR CANANDA, Screw you!!!
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