Dan Rather lost his objectivity.

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
And his mind. For that he needs to resign.

Everyone knows who I will vote for, but I don't need Dan Rather to help me decide. He is supposed to report the news, not create it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
Nobody not working for CBS news has come forward to say the documents are real?Nobody?Yet Dan Rather continues to stand by the authenticity of the documents. Why?

Let's face it ... we have now passed the test of "beyond a reasonable doubt." The New York Times' William Safire says "It may be that CBS is the victim of a whopping journalistic hoax, besmearing a president to bring him down. What should a responsible news organization do?" What indeed?

Dan Rather and CBS News offered Americans a set of faked, forged documents to push the idea that George Bush was, in essence, a National Guard slacker. The question now is?why Rather and CBS news won?t admit the error.

What is the latest from Rather? He says the complaints and criticisms are coming from "partisan political operatives." Rather believes that the entirety of the national media, with the exception of CBS, is acting out of Republican partisanship?and what about the person who fed him the forged documents? He or she isn't a "partisan political operative?"

Is it possible that CBS is stonewalling because they are afraid of the consequences that could follow a thorough investigation of their source? If they admit they were conned, then it would be very difficult indeed for them to continue to protect that source?AND?If that source turned out to be an operative of, or connected in any way, to either the Kerry campaign or to the DNC it would be a complete disaster for the Democrats.

I don?t think Dan Rather wants George W. Bush to win reelection, and his continued stonewalling on this matter is a strong indication that revealing their source would have negative consequences for sKerry.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i think someone in the democratic party got greedy....probably someone higher up....and knew that Rather with his vendetta against the Bushes would go with this.....

doubt Kerry has anything to do with it, but it just goes to show how criminal our politicians are......

also goes to show how dangerous it is when the government wants more and more power and control over our lives....left wing mentality and those militant about it will do whatever it takes to control our pocketbooks


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Looks like Dan can be added to the Rush, M Moore and Ann the nut List.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
looks like this memo was faxed from West Texas....also looks like someone out there is now speaking through their lawyer....


maybe Eddie can get this case and sue for slander/character defamation


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
All the CBS Men
Bob Schieffer is unfit for presidential debates.

It appears likely that CBS News based a blockbuster report on George W. Bush's National Guard service on faked documents. If so, either through negligence or malfeasance, it has attempted to perpetuate a gross fraud on the American public. In its defenses aired so far, it has been evasive and downright misleading. Needless to say, this is not the work of a reputable news division. The strategy that now makes most sense from the perspective of the selfish interests of those responsible at CBS is to batten down the hatches and hope the document flap blows over and is eventually just chalked up as a "controversial report," instead of dealing seriously on air with the doubts and retracting and apologizing if ? as appears likely at this point ? the evidence shows the documents to be forgeries.

This strategy cannot be tolerated by the broader political and journalistic community. Until CBS cleans its own house, it cannot be considered just another news organization, in good journalistic standing. Which brings us to the presidential debates. The Commission on Presidential Debates has scheduled a debate on foreign policy for October 13 at Arizona State University. The moderator the commission has seen fit to anoint for this encounter is Bob Schieffer of CBS News.

In other words, one of the greatest gifts in terms of exposure and responsibility in the fall campaign is being handed to a representative of the CBS News division. This cannot stand, and Republicans in particular ought to scream about this choice, given the evident disregard CBS has for fairness and accuracy.

Schieffer should be replaced by someone from some other organization. This is not to say that Schieffer himself is not a decent guy or a professional, nor it is to suggest that he personally had any role in the National Guard story. But the CBS controversy is about more than one stubborn icon, Dan Rather. The credibility of the entirety of CBS News is at stake. If outsiders are being stonewalled, it is up to insiders who care about the reputation of CBS to step up ? insiders like Schieffer.

In the meantime, getting bumped from the moderator role would just be the price Bob Schieffer pays for being affiliated with an increasingly disreputable and discredited news organization.
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