DEAN'S anti-U.S. quotes finally found buried on page 16 of N.Y. Times

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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
No wonder Bush's poll numbers are only up 5 points this week.

Democrat leader Howard Dean's quote about "The U.S. will not win Iraq" has been systematically ignored by the Bush-hating liberal slanted media.

FINALLY, the liberal New York Times published Dean's quotes, however it took them several days and then they hid the quotes way back on PAGE 16!!

You have to read though a couple paragraphs then you will finally see Dean's quotes. The NY Times then went on to say that Dean's quotes "caused an uproar".

If it was such an "uproar" then why isn't it an uproar at the N.Y. Times?

No wonder the presidents approval ratings are low. Everyday Americans who open the morning paper experience LIBERAL MEDIA BIAS FOLKS. Deny it all you want.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
The question is a good one. What do we win. Are we keeping Iraq as a prize.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Oh I guess I missed the part Dean says we cant win. Or did you post that? Maybe you don't watch enough news it was all over it several times. Papers no one reads who cares. Most watch T V news.


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
You missed the part where Dean says we can't win? Are you high or something?

So nobody reads the NY Times? Is that what you are trying to tell me?
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I didn't miss it. I asked you whats to win. Are we keeping Iraq for a prize. Our troops won what ever there was to win. So what do we do stay there forever so they the Iraqi's don't give it away.
Was it oil? Or were we just nation building at the cost of our soldiers lives.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I have not seen 2000 killed in any of those countries lately. Where they need our help we have few if any at all.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Gee funny we still have troops in Germany, Korea, Japan, and Bosnia huh?

How many years has it been?

Great analogy.

Number of attacks on US troops in those 4 countries per month: 0

Number of attacks per month in Iraq: 2000, per the White House.

The date that attacks against our troops will cease in Iraq as long as we're there: 2pm, August 3rd of never.

How fvcking idiotic do you have to be? The gd government of Iraq (the nice, peaceful one-you know, as opposed to Saddam) does not consider people blowing up our troops as terrorists.

45% of the general populace thinks it's acceptable to blow up US troops.

80% want us out.

And you claim to be FOR the troops? :mj07:
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
dr. freeze said:
funny how these leftists only want our troops where nothing happens

:mj07: :mj07: :mj07:


If that was the case, the 'leftists' would have been calling for troops to go to Iraq in 2003, where there was absolutley nothing happening.

:mj07: :mj07:

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
kosar said:
If that was the case, the 'leftists' would have been calling for troops to go to Iraq in 2003, where there was absolutley nothing happening.

:mj07: :mj07:

nah, only a guy violating 20 some odd cease fire agreements IN a war in which no treaty had ever been signed :mj07: :mj07: :mj07:
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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
Kosar made my exact point!

We still have troops in Germany, Korea, and Japan and those wars have been over for half a century.

We are fighting a war as we speak and the liberals want troops pulled out.

You are right Freeze, the liberals want our troops in places where there is no enemy. The enemy, Al Qaida is currently in Iraq and the liberals want the troops pulled out!!

Why would you postion your troops somewhere that the enemy is not!!!???

:mj07: :mj07: :mj07: no wonder they can no longer win elections
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
A question for you Chuckie, how many American soldiers have been killed in Germany since the end of WWII?


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
The enemy, Al Qaida is currently in Iraq

You have got to be kidding, right?

Unlike Germany or North Korean or Japan, 'Al Qaida' is not a geographical place...sure it's an 'organisation', but it's much more a state of mind...a belief.

Training camps in Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, Central Africa.
'Members' throughout the Middle East, Africa and the rest of the world...hell, their leader is still floating about ****-knows-where!!...But I'll tell you where he's not....
...He's not in Iraq, in a little building with an "Al Qaida Headquarters" sign on the door.

Oh, and fwiw, the 'insurgents' blowing up US convoys and tanks aren't Al Qaida either...They're mainly just pissed off Iraqis.

We are fighting a war as we speak and the liberals want troops pulled out.

So, you tell us, Chuck...when does the war end?

WWII ....when both Germany and Japan signed unconditional surrenders.
Korea...When the US, NK and China signed an armistice.

When is the end of this 'war'?...When there are no more terrorist attacks??
When every dark man with a bushy beard and a caftan is dead?
When we finally convince the people of the Middle East that democracy is the way, and they should all just get along?? LOL!!!

If this is a 'war', the simple fact is that we will be fighting it for the next 100+ years.

So, we can either get out and let them get on with their own lives (by all means, keeping small covert ops in place for finding and taking out real terrorists)....or you can guess with me now how many Western Forces deaths there will be, and how much $$ will be wasted down the track.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Ask yourself
who is the greatest threat to the free world.
who has been causing atrocities every where they exist
who is greatest threat to U.S.
who has already claimed more deaths than Japan did at Pearl Harbor.
Then ask yourself where is better place to attack than in the heart of middle east.

There are some that would have you believe we were are safer when terrorists were training openly--vs destroying them and setting up democracies.They will tell you tryanny running rampant was better then millions voting in the face of tryanny.

The next time you have liberal tell you--
"Oh, and fwiw, the 'insurgents' blowing up US convoys and tanks aren't Al Qaida either...They're mainly just pissed off Iraqis."

Ask them if Al Qaida isn't in Iraq why are they claiming credit for all the major attacks on website--and if they think Iraq isn't a pivotal area why has Al Qaida abandoned Afgan (their previous headquarters) to put so much effort here?

Evidently Al Qaida-this admin and its allies think Iraq is important--you have the liberals that say nay.In fact their solution is to withdraw and hope they just go away. I think we been there and done that previously ;)

Time will tell if it was correct move--but I like democracies replacing muslim regimes and seeing the 1st arab demostration(Jorden)against terrorism was a change of pace and quite encouraging.

also encouraging--
Muslim Leaders Pledge Crackdown on Extremism

Friday, December 09, 2005

MECCA, Saudi Arabia ? Leaders from more than 50 Muslim countries promised Thursday to fight extremist ideology, saying they would reform textbooks, restrict religious edicts and crack down on terror financing.

Kings, heads of states and ministers closed a two-day summit in Islam's holiest city, Mecca, that had been convened to address terrorism, seeking to counter criticism that the Islamic world has done little to confront extremism.

"The Islamic nation is in a crisis. This crisis does not reflect on the present alone, but also on its future and the future of humanity at large," said the final statement of the gathering. "We need decisive action to fight deviant ideas because they are the justification of terrorism."

In the declaration, the countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference promised to "change national laws to criminalize financing and incitement" as well as purge extremist ideas from school curriculums.

It also underlined that "fatwas" ? or Islamic religious edicts ? must only be issued by "those who are authorized," an effort to rein in edicts by clerics who denounce other Muslims and allow their killing.

"It is now up to every Muslim government to implement the measures, God willing," Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said at a news conference.

Leaders of about 40 countries were participating in the meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, with the remaining OIC members represented by ministers.

Saudi Arabia has cracked down on Al Qaeda militants there since a wave of attacks in early 2003, and King Abdullah has taken gradual steps to clamp down on militant preachers in his country, the homeland of Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden and 15 of the 19 suicide hijackers in the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks in the United States.

Jordan's King Abdullah II also played a leading role at the summit, pressing for strong language against terrorism and extremist ideology after his country was hit by its worst ever terror attack last month, a triple suicide bombing at Amman hotels that killed 60 people.

Among noted absentees were Syrian President Bashar Assad, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika ? hospitalized in France ? and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
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