Dear mainstream liberal media...

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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
Four words for the liberal race-baiters tonight... "I told ya so". -Four more words...Duke LaCrosse Rape Case....Sorry Obama....glad you spoke out about this earlier after have no freaking clue what the facts were.....IDIOT...
Now we have photos taken 3 minutes after the Trayvon shooting featuring bleeding gashes on Zimmerman's head that corroborate the police report. And shame on the main prosecutor for not mentioning any of this in the arrest affidavit....omitting evidence....what a fraud... She needs to be investigated for this stunt.....This is a grave ethical violation and a disgrace to our justice system. I'll be shocked if this case even makes it to a jury at this point. This is what happens when the pathetic liberal media takes it's marching orders from Al Sharpton and The Black Panthers. Take your race card and shove it :grins: .:fingerc: :fingerc:


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
Wasn't happy with what happened to the Lacrosse players and the prosecutor made them sound 100 percent guilty. You see where the accuser is back in prison after stabbing her boyfriend who subsequently died? Not sure I like he media's stance on Zimmerman either, they have really portrayed him as the bad guy this far!

Another question to you is that you guys think everyone on here who don't support the left must be staunch liberals. I have voted republican before when tommy Thomson was governor. I think it is crazy that the right wing nuts on this board believe Romney is going I make it all better. The best option for this country is if we for
Rid of 99 percent of politicians and start over.

Fuck Obama and Romney.

I say this, the recounts have had 4 years and this what you got? This is it! Really?


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
bleedingpurple said:
Wasn't happy with what happened to the Lacrosse players and the prosecutor made them sound 100 percent guilty. You see where the accuser is back in prison after stabbing her boyfriend who subsequently died? Not sure I like he media's stance on Zimmerman either, they have really portrayed him as the bad guy this far!

Another question to you is that you guys think everyone on here who don't support the left must be staunch liberals. I have voted republican before when tommy Thomson was governor. I think it is crazy that the right wing nuts on this board believe Romney is going I make it all better. The best option for this country is if we for
Rid of 99 percent of politicians and start over.

Fuck Obama and Romney.

I say this, the recounts have had 4 years and this what you got? This is it! Really?

Could not edit on phone. Suppose to read repubs
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Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Deer Park, TX
I think it is crazy that the right wing nuts on this board believe Romney is going I make it all better. The best option for this country is if we for
Rid of 99 percent of politicians and start over.

Fuck Obama and Romney.

I say this, the recounts have had 4 years and this what you got? This is it! Really?

I don't think "Romney is going to make it all better". I do know what he have in the idiot that's now in office is a joke and America needs a "change" from Obama's "change". We need someone who will be fiscally responsible, and I do believe that Romney will be better in that regard. I agree that they're all politicians and they all have their own agenda and big egos. Obama and his left wing radicals have GOT to go!!
:s5: :bigun:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Romney on Keystone: ?I will build that pipeline if I have to myself?

Mitt Romney drew a line in the oil sands on Friday, focusing on the controversial Keystone pipeline project opposed by the White House and saying, ?I will build that pipeline if I have to myself.?

Romney blasted Obama on a range of policies during a speech to the Republican National Committee?s State Chairmen?s National Meeting in Arizona, but singled out the controversial project that would route Canadian oil sands south to Gulf Coast refineries.

House Republicans this week, when pushing through legislation to extend needed federal transportation program funding, included a mandate to approve the pipeline.

Romney pledged that he would expand drilling for gas and oil as president and would buy oil from Canada. He attacked what Obama has frequently termed his administration?s commitment to an ?all of the above? energy plan.

?It does not seem like an all of the above energy policy to me,? Romney said. ?And then I figured it out: The president does like all of the above. He likes all of the energy sources that come from above the ground. So anything below the ground he doesn?t like: Coal, oil, gas. We all like wind and solar. But we also like those below the ground.?


so neo cons get the pipeline if Romney is elected.

The Mittster says he will spend his own 300 billion to get it done.

then he will make 500 billion more selling the oil to China and Europe once the pipeline is up.

Its all politics

Its all about making more money for the rich scum suckers in America

pity really


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
During the Republican primary season, Mitt Romney strongly criticized President Obama's "failed leadership" on Afghanistan and support for a timetable to end the war. But those views are putting him at odds with an increasing chunk of the voters he will need to win the White House in November.

According to a Pew poll released on Wednesday, 59 percent of swing voters now favor a "rapid U.S. troop withdrawal." The survey defined swing voters as those who are either undecided between Romney and President Obama or may still change their minds.

Even among Romney's committed supporters, the numbers were not strong. Forty-eight percent of his voters said they want to end the war as soon as possible, compared to 46 percent who want to remain until the situation is "stabilized."

Those numbers come after other recent polling confirming that the Republican party base Romney needs to court is abandoning its war support in larger numbers. Last week, The Washington Post found that a nearly equal number of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents, 55 percent, no longer back the mission in Afghanistan.


the GOP if elected will get us into a war with Iran that will cost us another 20 trillion dollars and feed the big army machine .

Yeh Mittster - stay in Afghan for another 10 years

you know you want to
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
let him get in there

the Mittster will fall flat on his face and be a dumber President than George W was.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Deer Park, TX
Damn right get him in there. No way he can be a joke like Obama is. Anybody but Obama and his left wing idiots. Honestly I wish Ron Paul could win the election. :0074
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Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Mitt has forgotten more about business that Obama will ever know! :mj07:

So? We're going to elect a President, not a business CEO. You think a business exec is suited to be President? How about those enormously high paid business execs at Lehman Bros, Morgan Stanley, GM, AIG, Chrysler?:facepalm:

Just your kind of folks, right? Fuck up their companies then whine for a g'mint tit to suck.

Whose tit will Romney suck?:shrug:

You need to stop listening to those mainstream media assholes - you know, the ones with all the moron listeners and viewers like Limbaugh and Fox.:0002

Damn, but you're stupid.:moon:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
So? We're going to elect a President, not a business CEO. You think a business exec is suited to be President? How about those enormously high paid business execs at Lehman Bros, Morgan Stanley, GM, AIG, Chrysler?:facepalm:

Just your kind of folks, right? Fuck up their companies then whine for a g'mint tit to suck.

Whose tit will Romney suck?:shrug:

Damn, but you're stupid.:moon:

it will be Americas tit

the Mittster gets in office and I can almost guarantee you that he comes out in 4 years and is worth 10 times what he is now.

thats the only reason they do it.

you cant make 400 K as President when you have been used to making 4 million a year easy

its a sorry state of affairs when cash is king in America

Congress and the Senate full of lobby money with trips, under the table money, meals, and on and on

what have we allowed America to become ?

it aint the President Ray

look around you at these fools and how they spend their time spending the taxpayers money

oh but dont look now but they are on another weeks vacation ..........

seriously it sickens me


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri

it will be Americas tit

the Mittster gets in office and I can almost guarantee you that he comes out in 4 years and is worth 10 times what he is now.

thats the only reason they do it.

you cant make 400 K as President when you have been used to making 4 million a year easy

its a sorry state of affairs when cash is king in America

Congress and the Senate full of lobby money with trips, under the table money, meals, and on and on

what have we allowed America to become ?

it aint the President Ray

look around you at these fools and how they spend their time spending the taxpayers money

oh but dont look now but they are on another weeks vacation ..........

seriously it sickens me

Obama and Biden getting rich on high gas prices.

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Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Four words for the liberal race-baiters tonight... "I told ya so". -Four more words...Duke LaCrosse Rape Case....Sorry Obama....glad you spoke out about this earlier after have no freaking clue what the facts were.....IDIOT...
Now we have photos taken 3 minutes after the Trayvon shooting featuring bleeding gashes on Zimmerman's head that corroborate the police report. And shame on the main prosecutor for not mentioning any of this in the arrest affidavit....omitting evidence....what a fraud... She needs to be investigated for this stunt.....This is a grave ethical violation and a disgrace to our justice system. I'll be shocked if this case even makes it to a jury at this point. This is what happens when the pathetic liberal media takes it's marching orders from Al Sharpton and The Black Panthers. Take your race card and shove it :grins: .:fingerc: :fingerc:

Liberal media? You mean the one owned by corporations? Fucking idiot.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Obama and Biden getting rich on high gas prices.


Ronnie yu know better

Bush and President Cheney left office with a billion dollars each

pretty good payoff for 4 yrs work and 4 yrs vacation time.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
here is another guy we havnt talked about in forever.

Oh wait until John Boehner gets in there he is going to make changes. The GOP is going to kick some ass. The GOP is going to get new programs passed, they are going to stop waste, they are going to............

John Boehner hasnt done shit...

not one thing

hedge one thing Boehner has done that yu think was good for the GOP ?

come on just one ........

wtf ...........



Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri

Ronnie yu know better

Bush and President Cheney left office with a billion dollars each

pretty good payoff for 4 yrs work and 4 yrs vacation time.

122 Fund Raisers, 94 Rounds of Golf and 17 Vacations

<small> Posted: April 19, 2012 in 2012 Election, Conservative, Obama, Politics</small>
<small> Tags: 2012, Entitlement, fraud, Golf, Michelle Obama Vacations, Obama, Obama Golf, Scandal, Stop Obama, Vacations
Since Obama has taken office he has attended 122 fundraisers, played 94 rounds of golf, and taken 17 vacations.
<iframe class="youtube-player" height="376" src="" frameBorder="0" width="614" type="text/html"></iframe>​