Dec 7th Pearl Harbor

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
I have told this story before.. It was Dec 7th about 30 minutes before my varsity teams practice in the hallways of my HS. Yashoo our school janitor was mopping the floor in the hallway next to the entrance of our gym.. He was a former Navy sailor and although was born in the US was raised by his Polish Parents in Pine Island NY which has a big Polish community. Yashoo spoke with a broken accent. Although raised in NY you would think he just got off the boat. Anyway he is mopping the floor as the JV team is ending practice before my team can get on the floor. Michel Timmons a lefty middle school star is hanging around the hallway. Yaz see's Micheal at the water fountain and asks. " sonny do you know Dec 7th is today. " Its the day the japs attacked us and hit us with everything " Micheal looked at Yaz and said " when we get them on our court we'll do the same." Yaz in disgust walked away saying " what do they teach these kids in school. Yaz had about 3 tattoos on his arm with the naked lady and mermaid. Michael thought Yaz was talking about a varsity team that beat me . Yaz was amazed that this kid didn;t know what Dec 7th was.
Last year I found out that Yaz had passed away .. I always remember Dec 7th for other reasons then Pearl Harbor. RIP Yaz And Micheal was killed a few years later in NYC in a street shooting by a stray bullet ..


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Jul 13, 1999
Thanks for sharing again, box.

Hope you’re doing well.

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
Thanks MJ thank you for letting me recollect some crazy memories even though I can never find my car at costco. Yashoo was also cleaning the hallway down by the gym and walked in the gym and saw me sitting across the floor on the bench. the day I was leaving my school to take on a new position at another school I was sitting on the bench looking up at all the banners my team had won over the years and was crying realizing after 23 years sitting on this bench I would never coach again . It was a cold October day and day lite saving made the gym dark It was a friday and everyone in the school had gone home. I had one box left in my office and it was very emotional. Yaz see's a figure in the gym not realizing who it is. And not knowing I was leaving for the last time. He see;s a figure and see's me and yells as I start to walk out of the gym " I just mopped the floor ,get the F out of here and walk on the right side of the hallway. After 23 years as a teacher,coach and administrator I get cursed out of my gym . I got in my car and drove off thinking I got cursed out on my last day and cried all the way home.. Crazy ending of a career but really perfect and I cried all the way home.
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