2014 Tennis Record
Parlay 16-92
Head to Head 34-49
Over/Under 3-2
Game Spread 11-5
Prop 7-6
Futures 3-5
+0.78 units
Gaia Sanesi
Victoria Bosio
Carla Lucero
Katharina Lehnert
Sara Ottomano
odds = $8.83 (+783) *half unit
The selections above are from ITF Women's tournaments in Colombia, Chile and Tunisia.
Parlay 16-92
Head to Head 34-49
Over/Under 3-2
Game Spread 11-5
Prop 7-6
Futures 3-5
+0.78 units
Gaia Sanesi
Victoria Bosio
Carla Lucero
Katharina Lehnert
Sara Ottomano
odds = $8.83 (+783) *half unit
The selections above are from ITF Women's tournaments in Colombia, Chile and Tunisia.