Deion retires...

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Forum Member
Jun 29, 2001
subagoto jesus buddy what are you getting a woody over deions retirement who cares.if deion doesnt get his bonus money is that going to affect your life relax dont come into this forum like a madman about something so minor chill out.your like a little girl in the school yard deions going to retire deions going to retire.after what deion did to tim mccarver i lost all respect for that punk thats right punk.


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Jun 11, 2001
Not that I give that chit what you think, but I was merely providing info. As a Skins fan I am interested in this development. My apologies if you aren't. You have made 2 posts since you were graciously allowed to return, displaying all the reasons you are not necessary or welcomed here. You do realize that you are the ONLY one that thought Jack was serious about posting your plays, right. This is my last post to you, and I hope others follow my lead. You have received the attention you so desperately sought from your 2 posts. Happy now? That is the last attention you will get from me and others I hope. Good bye.
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Aug 24, 1999
Now he can devote more of his time in the pulpit. I fully expect to see numerous TBN appearances with that chick with the purple hair...And just when I was gettin' used to MC Hammer!

Never Caught Up

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Apr 17, 2001
He has a tent revival meeting next week in Kentuck at one of those churches that take up serpents.

All kidding aside, I really think he is on the square in his ministry. I saw the special they did on "Beyond the Glory" and he has enough money he will never have to pass the plate. Why else would he submit himself to all the hype and even ridicule? He could just spend the rest of his life playing the finest exclusive golf clubs in the world, but instead he wants to spend his time ministering.

Jake Blues said it best . . . after he saw the light.

"We're 106 miles from Chicago.
We've got a full tank of gas and half a pack of cigarettes.
It's dark and we've got on sunglasses.
Hit it!"

"We're on a Mission from God."
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Aug 24, 1999
Saw the same show as well. If it's sincere, then I'm all for him! I just can't stand how he makes his newly formed religous beliefs a spectacle every time he gets a chance. If ya want to rejoice and pray fine; but don't shove it down the public's throat every time ya get a second of air time. And why are the converts ALWAYS the ones that are the worst?? I'm guessing since they've apparently been on both sides of the track...


Forum Member
Jul 19, 1999
Speaking of religioius deals, anybody remember Alvin Davis? Seattle Mariners rookie of the year back in 1984 I think it was? He left baseball early to follow his beliefs. Man could that guy bust a fastball.

Never Caught Up

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Apr 17, 2001
I am not proud to admit this, but I have a half brother that gets out of the pen next month after spending ten years behind bars. Seven or eight years ago he was saved in a service with former NFL player Mike Barber.

Before that time he was involved in some kind of prison gang activity and they took him into the shower and broke his wrist so badly he still doesn't have 100% use of his hand . . . all because he had gotten into debt of less than 100 dollars. Still, he managed to get away from the gang activity and he survived. He gets out next month and still professes his faith.

If this former professional football player can have this much impact on someone this close to me I can't help but wonder what he has done for others. If it hadn't been for him I doubt my brother would be alive today.

Barber's ministry has stood the test of time. The clock has a lot of ticking to do before the verdict comes in on Sanders.
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