Democrats Rail Against Tax Relief For Businesses

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Feb 13, 2008
Democrats Rail Against Tax Relief For Businesses

By Rob

The Democrat National Committee sent me a press release this morning hyping their new website called ?100 Days, 100 Ways? which seeks to show ?McCain and Bush?s plan to put corporations ahead of working Americans.?
Frankly, I don?t understand why Democrats are so opposed to a bit of tax relief for America?s businesses. While our economic conditions aren?t nearly as bad as Democrats and their allies in the media suggest (we?re not in a recession, and already GDP growth seems to be headed back in the right direction), we have seen an slow down in our economy. And that hasn?t been easy on the nation?s businesses.
The businesses we work for. The businesses we shop at. The businesses we have our savings invested in.
America has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world (when the various state and federal tax rates are averaged out). So, clearly, there?s plenty of room to give businesses some tax relief. Which, in turn, would allow them to hire more employee. Cut prices for products. And, ultimately, produce more profits for the millions of Americans who own stock in businesses.
Besides, businesses aren?t really the ones who pay the corporate tax rate. As much as Democrats may like pretend like taxes on corporations are paid by faceless group of rich, corporate robber barons the truth is that we, the public, pay the corporate rate in addition to the federal income tax and all the other taxes we pay.
We pay the corporate income tax. We pay it by paying more for the products and services businesses provide us with, and we pay it by taking less in pay from the businesses that employ us.
The Democrats, as much as anyone else, want a healthy economy. Well our economy rests upon our nation?s businesses. If we want the economy to do well we have to give businesses a tax cut.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I started a kool aid stand in case some have not drank there's yet. And they will not give me a tax break.
My start up cost alone was 4 bucks.
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