Dems-Libs-MMoore Fans-Kerry can get rich!


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Money - money - money

Free money - money - money

I know that you are all abandoning your need for viagra and levitra tonite due to your excitement over the (lol) debate. I think that both Clem and Mr. K. Dogg21 (that's Mr. Cut'n'Paste to me) have already declared the election an absolute stone cold lock. Many phrases to indicate the inevitability of a Kerry landslide were tossed around like duck feathers. Well, here is your chance to make a bundle. Plus, you would be helping the grand old USA because you would pay more in taxes once Kerry gets into office and raises them.

Open up your account at Olympic and fund it with everything you can get your hands on. Flush your monthly contribution to Green Peace and PITA. Mortgage your house. Why? At Olympic, the stone cold lock of the decade, maybe the century, is sitting at +170. That is not a lie. You can bet that the Dems will win the election and get +170.

Please keep me in mind when you collect your millions and throw a few sheckles my way if you can. Hurry, because the line is bound to change after another debate or when Dan Rather breaks another barnburner, whichever comes first.

Clem, Dogg and the rest of you, don't ever say that ferdville is not looking out for your best interests and financial health. I can tell you one thing, there is no way I would lay -200 for W.
Go boys - they are GIVING AWAY MONEY!


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Mr. K. Dogg21 - Please accept my apology. I was wrong. Thanks for pointing it out. You are correct. I confused you with I Love WR. As penance, I will not pick on you any more and I will not call you names. I have had an epiphany and realize that negativity never gets you anywhere. The key to life is taking a problem and solving it. Adopting a "no excuses" policy is something I am going to embark upon. Let's look for a legitimate solution to our problems rather than just whining at each other over things we have no control over. Kerry may be the answer - maybe not. I have decided that it probably won't make much difference in the whole scheme of things anyway. President after president promises the world and delivers next to nothing. With all apologies to Charles, I think I have spent enough time and vented enough to last me for a long while. I will do my best to stay out of this forum at least until the election is over.

For the record, I believe George Bush will win the election unless Kerry actually comes up with a plan for exit. He must be specific and sensible. If he is still losing near the end, he will have no choice. I find it very hard to support George Bush, not because he comes across like an unsophisticated babbler, but because I don't like most of his policies. I detest his lack of action on aliens and his basic abandonment of those that do not support him. I am afraid that if Kerry is elected he will ruin the economy and I won't be able to make a huge profit on my home and buy the boat I want to live in for retirement. Yes, it is all about self for most of us, isn't it? My humble apologies to those whom I have offended (I LOve WR, you too). It was done in the spirit of fun and a desire to have both sides of the coin heard. Honestly, I cannot tell you who I would vote for today and that is a sad thing. Charles - I don't have your back for a while, but there will be plenty of opportunities to renew the debates (?) after the November fiasco. Best of luck to all!
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