Denver big tonight!


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
(re-post of a post I had yesterday in the other forum.)

Packers are extremely beat up on defense!
Their big guys will not play in this game.

They have had to have offensive linemen play defense in practice, just to field a team out there!

Coach Sherman is concerned that Denver's scheme could even further hurt his guys. (they chop block.)

Since the Packers will play their shit string guys for the entire game, that looks bad for Packer Backers!

They will get worn down by the first stringers of Denver, and look even worse when the "garbage men" come in for the second half.

The Pack should get pounded on MNF, and give Dumbass Miller plenty of one-liners to spout off!

I am recommending a big play on this game, even if it is pre-season.

I also recomend getting it before the line jumps up.

Denver -1 for 4 units

(Too's up to 2' in most spots.)


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 11, 2000
For what's it worth I'm with ya XYZ, and I don't go against Nolan that often.

Lambo, is not the unbeatable place it was just a few years ago.

Go Denver!

Preseason 13 - 7 so far.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I seriously doubt Denver will have a great 4th qtr, so I am putting this one in the trash.

They played like absolute shit tonight, and ought to be ashamed.

I, on the other hand, am ashamed that I wagered 4 units on a pre-season game. This goes to show what I preached for the last three weeks:

"Pre-season is too risky to wager money on."

More power to the guys who are 24-5 so far, should go undefeted in the real deal.

See you in September, -4.40 units to start.

Nolan Dalla

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
Don't feel bad, XYZ, We all have moments when you like a side really strong and then trumpet our pick to the world. Then, the pick goes bad. Those of us who watched the MNF game closely know that Denver was certainly justified as a selection (I disagreed, but did see your logic in picking the Broncos -- I just played the emotional factor with GB). Had Anderson not fumbled that ball in the 3rd quarter, you might be cashing that ticket right now. The entire game turned on that one play. Hang in there. Pre-Season *IS* beatable.

-- Nolan Dalla

[This message has been edited by Nolan Dalla (edited 08-20-2001).]
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