this IS the game, the hilton no. 1 pick?
yes, 'cappers will be all over it, it is too obvious but nobody is saying it will be easy. still, will wait for someone to say that since everyone is on detroit, he will take pitt. that is ok.
slim pickings for me this week, so i must jump on this one.
remember, most guys here, especially this early, are independent thinkers, not just "joining" 'cause phoenix or dizz or me or anyone else likes it, or because X service likes it, as most of those guys are still reading up, maybe our own posts here, and not comitted.
if you think about it, it is an awkward situation for linesmakers: where do you set the line? i mean, like they had balt fairly easy, so logic says they should beat detroit by around 10. less than 7, no way, 9, maybe, and maybe that is where it will end up.
and, let's face it: if you are cowler, what are you going to say, this is the big one? i don't think so, you have to reserve that for special games, and there will be some special ones coming up.
as far as home field advantage, well, they can probably sense miami will be had this weekend, and if not this week, the next. pitt is in the driver's seat without question.
don't forget, if you can, to come join us in the "teaser talk" later tonight or tomorrow. let's make some dough (and have fun). you are all welcome: match-up forum/teaser talk or any of the match-ups. have something to say? come on in.
btw, i heard or read stewart will be out? anyone know for sure?