Hey Deucer, big news....
kickserv finally got banned from a Sportsbook.
For years on here you have multiple posts about a particular Sportsbook being good but you can not play there any more because you got banned. I believe you have been banned from 326 Sportsbooks on planet earth, maybe more, not sure.
I was always in awe of you for constantly getting banned from Sportsbook after Sportsbook after Sportsbook, I said one day I'd get to your level.
Well it finally happened, my cherry got popped, I am no longer a virgin. :00hour
Big news huh...fuck yeah:0058
I told you once this momentous day took place I'd let you know, well here it is baby, now you know.
We all strive to reach major milestones in ones life, I have now hit a huge milestone, my life is now pretty much complete.
kickserv finally got banned from a Sportsbook.
For years on here you have multiple posts about a particular Sportsbook being good but you can not play there any more because you got banned. I believe you have been banned from 326 Sportsbooks on planet earth, maybe more, not sure.
I was always in awe of you for constantly getting banned from Sportsbook after Sportsbook after Sportsbook, I said one day I'd get to your level.
Well it finally happened, my cherry got popped, I am no longer a virgin. :00hour
Big news huh...fuck yeah:0058
I told you once this momentous day took place I'd let you know, well here it is baby, now you know.
We all strive to reach major milestones in ones life, I have now hit a huge milestone, my life is now pretty much complete.