Dick's bullshit growing tiresome


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I really hate our vice president. This angle that people who disagree with his view are undermining the troops is complete crap. But when a POS like him who avoided combat when duty called in his day keeps making comments like this, it becomes offensive as well as wrong.

MANALAPAN, Fla. -- Vice President Dick Cheney on Saturday accused the Democrat-led House of not supporting troops in Iraq and of sending a message to terrorists that America will retreat in the face danger.

"They're not supporting the troops. They're undermining them," Cheney told a gathering of the Republican Jewish Coalition at the oceanside Ritz-Carlton hotel in Manalapan, Fla., about 60 miles north of Miami.

On Friday, the House voted to clamp a cutoff deadline on the Iraq war, agreeing by a thin margin to pull combat troops out by next year.

The $124 billion House legislation would pay for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this year but would require that combat troops come home from Iraq before September 2008 - or earlier if the Iraqi government does not meet certain requirements.

Cheney called it a myth that "one can support the troops without giving them the tools and reinforcements they need to carry out their mission."

President Bush has threatened to veto the legislation. Cheney said Bush will not withdraw troops before there is stability in Iraq.

"The American people have lost faith in the president's conduct of this war," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said after the passage. A message seeking comment was left with Pelosi's office Saturday.

Chickenhawk, crook, dishonest, greedy, embarrassment of a vice-president. ...Like somebody keeps saying here - IS THERE ONE ACCURATE THING CHENEY HAS EVER SAID ABOUT IRAQ?


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Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
What, you mean you don't think he was accurate when he made his "final throes" comment in May 2005?

Dead Money

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Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
The charade continues.........

The charade continues.........


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An Open Letter to the President...Four and a Half Years Later

By Sean Penn

03/25/07 "ICH " --- -- Four and a half years ago, I addressed the issue of war in an open letter to our President. Today I would like to again speak to him and his, directly. Mr. President, Mr. Cheney, Ms. Rice et al: Indeed America has a rich history of greatness -indeed, America is still today a devastating military.

And because, in the absence of a competent or brave Congress, of a mobilized citizenry, that level of power lies in your hands, it is you who have misused it to become our country's and our constitution's most devastating enemy. You have broken our country and our hearts. The needless blood on your hands, and therefore, on our own, is drowning the freedom, the security, and the dream that America might have been, once healed of and awakened by, the tragedy of September 11, 2001.

But now, we are encouraged to self-censor any words that might be perceived as inflammatory - if our belief is that this war should stop today. We cower as you point fingers telling us to "support our troops." Well, you and the smarmy pundits in your pocket, those who bathe in the moisture of your soiled and bloodstained underwear, can take that noise and shove it. We will be snowed no more. Let's make this crystal clear. We do support our troops in our stand, while you exploit them and their families. The verdict is in. You lied, connived, and exploited your own countrymen and most of all, our troops.

You Misters Bush and Cheney; you Ms. Rice are villainously and criminally obscene people, obscene human beings, incompetent even to fulfill your own self-serving agenda, while tragically neglectful and destructive of ours and our country's. And I got a question for your daughters Mr. Bush. They're not children anymore. Do they support your policy in Iraq? If they do, how dare they not be in uniform, while the children of the poor; black, white, Asian, Hispanic, and all the other American working men and women are slaughtered, maimed and flown back into this country under cover of darkness.

Now, because I've been on the streets of Baghdad during this occupational war, outside the Green Zone, without security, and you haven't; I've met children there. In that country of 25 million, these children have now suffered minimally, a rainstorm of civilian death around and among them totaling the equivalent of two hundred September 11ths in just four years of war. Two hundred 9/11s. Two hundred 9/11s.

You want to rattle sabers toward Iran now? Let me tell you something about Iran, because I've been there and you haven't. Iran is a great country. A great country. Does it have its haters? You bet. Just like the United States has its haters. Does it have a corrupt regime? You bet. Just like the United States has a corrupt regime. Does it want a nuclear weapon? Maybe. Do we have one? You bet. But the people of Iran are great people. And if we give that corrupt leadership, (by attacking Iran militarily) the opportunity to unify that great country in hatred against us, we'll have been giving up one of our most promising future allies in decades. If you really know anything about Iran, you know exactly what I'm referring to. Of course your administration belittles diplomatic potential there, as those options rely on a credibility and geopolitical influence that you have aggressively squandered worldwide.

Speaking of squandering, how about the billion and a half dollars a day our Iraq-focused military is spending, where three weeks of that kind of spending, would pay the tab on a visionary levy-building project in New Orleans and relieve the entire continent of Africa from starvation and the spread of disease. Not to mention the continued funds now necessary, to not only rebuild our education and healthcare systems, but also, to give care and aid to the veterans of this war, both American and our Iraqi allies and friends who have lost everything.

You say we've kept the war on terror off our shores by responding to a criminal act of terror through state sponsored unilateral aggression in a country that took no part in that initial crime. That this war would be fought in Iraq or fought here. They are not our toilet. They are a country of human beings whose lives, while once oppressed by Saddam, are now lived in Dante's inferno.

My 15-year-old daughter was working on a comparative essay this week (you can ask Condi what a comparative essay is, as academic exercises fit the limits of her political expertise.) My daughter's essay, which understood substance over theory, discusses the strengths of the Nuremberg trial justice beside the alternate strategy of truth and reconciliation in South Africa, and I quote: "When we observe distinctions between one power and another, one justice and another, we consider the divide between retribution and reconciliation, of closure and disclosure." I can't do her essay justice in this forum, but at its core, it asks how, when, and why we compromise toward peace, punish for war, or balance both for something more.

This may focus another soft spot in the rhetoric of both sides. We're told not to engage in the "politics of attack." To "keep away from the negative"...Well, Mr. Bush, when speaking of your administration, that would leave us silent, and impotent indeed.

So, in conclusion, I address my remaining remarks to the choir: We all played nice recently at the sad passing of former President Ford. Pundits and players on all sides re-visited his pardoning of Richard Nixon with praise, stating that a divided nation found unity. But what of that precedent on deterrence now? Where is justice now? Let's unite, not only in stopping this war, but holding this administration accountable as well. Without impeachment, justice cannot prevail. In our time, or our children's. And let's make it clear to democrats and republicans alike that we are not willing to wait on '08 to hear them say again: "If I'd known then, what I know now."

Even in a so-called victory, what we saw yesterday was a House of Representatives that couldn't bring itself to represent either conscience or constituents. It's a tragedy that the Democratic Party's leadership in Congress refuses to allow the House to vote on Barbara Lee's amendment for a fully funded, orderly withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of this year. Elites circled the war wagons against this proposal, and postponed the day of reckoning that must come as soon as possible - a complete pullout of U.S. military forces from Iraq.

There are presidential candidates who understand this. We do have candidates of conscience. As things stand today, I will be voting for Dennis Kucinich, who has fought this war from the beginning. You might say Kucinich can't win. Well, we have an opportunity to re-establish the credibility of democracy as viewed by the world at large.

We can fire our current president. We can choose the next president. You and me, the farmer in Wisconsin, the boys at Google, and Bill Gates.

It's up to us to choose. Why don't we choose?!


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
You know Smurphy,

If it wasn't for guys like you undermining our troops and emboldening our enemy, every Iraqi would have a coke in one hand and big mac in the other by now singing God Bless America. I hope you are happy, cause our failure to complete this mission is cleary the fault of you and your left wing blogging budies.



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
where`s the "i hope he dies a horrible death" you kindly moonbats are famous for?....

ahh... raging, debilitating, redirected parental resentment at its finest....

hope this is therapeutic,fellas....

get well soon...


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Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa


These two guys are for the war , their just not for doing what it takes to help our people on the ground win the war. In 2004 Susan Collins a republican member of the senate with other republicans criticized the administration because they would not come up with the right armored vehicles. Here we are three yrs later and the white house is still thinking about if they should spend a billion to protect our men with the best armored vehicles available. Joe Biden was on with Don Imus this morning and he asked Don for his help. Basically if you know anything about Imus, you know he has the power to shine a big spotlight on a no brainer and shame these clowns on both sides of the isle to get things done. When you read stuff like this it makes you wounder. Cheney and Rummy before he left, talk a good game. If you just go by their actions, no two people have done more to undermine the troops.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
where`s the "i hope he dies a horrible death" you kindly moonbats are famous for?....

ahh... raging, debilitating, redirected parental resentment at its finest....

hope this is therapeutic,fellas....

get well soon...
Cheney is the ultimate hypocrite of this war. In the same way you are offended by various moonbats, I am offended as an American by Cheney's dishonest, unpatriotic, and divisive comments. He is a disgusting human being and I am embarrassed that he is our vice president.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
You know Smurphy,

If it wasn't for guys like you undermining our troops and emboldening our enemy, every Iraqi would have a coke in one hand and big mac in the other by now singing God Bless America. I hope you are happy, cause our failure to complete this mission is cleary the fault of you and your left wing blogging budies.

:142smilie I just can't stay away from those leftist blogs. Shame on whover taught DTB that 'blog' word.:nono: ...Must have gotten it from Neil Cavuto.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Cheney is the ultimate hypocrite of this war. In the same way you are offended by various moonbats, I am offended as an American by Cheney's dishonest, unpatriotic, and divisive comments. He is a disgusting human being and I am embarrassed that he is our vice president.

:iagree: What he said!


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
hope this is therapeutic,fellas....

Probably the best way to some up this thread is in fact, therapeutic. I didn't chime in because Smurphy seemed to be venting and Cheney really didn't say anything I wouldn't expect him to say. Cheney is scum, he's got his back against the wall, and he's going to name call and make RIDICULOUS accusations before the ship hits the ocean floor.

At least you and Wayno aren't defending his comments.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
At least you and Wayno aren't defending his comments.

If you think Wayne won't defend Cheney's comments on this subject, I submit that you are very wrong.

I'm not sure I ever know what weasel is defending, by the time I get to the bottom line of his posts...:)


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
The Wayne and Wease show has been making these sort of comments, almost to the letter, for years now. No real reason for them to defend Cheney as i'm sure they consider their opinion as self-evident and obvious.

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
i said it before and i will say it again. He is the most dispicable American that has walk this planet in my lifetime. I wonder what his wife thinks of him? She is the POS that said Kerry was a bad man. I can't imagine what she thinks of him.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
i said it before and i will say it again. He is the most dispicable American that has walk this planet in my lifetime. I wonder what his wife thinks of him? She is the POS that said Kerry was a bad man. I can't imagine what she thinks of him.

She is an ex-pornographer along with his buddy Scooter boy. Ever wonder why Bush surrounds himself with these types of people and how the MSM would have a field day if Liberals had the same pasts and associations as these thugs?

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
She is an ex-pornographer along with his buddy Scooter boy. Ever wonder why Bush surrounds himself with these types of people and how the MSM would have a field day if Liberals had the same pasts and associations as these thugs?

Stevie where is our Rove? Sometimes i just can't stand this party im forced to stand by. I just wish somebody would just take a shot at running for office. Just so neither of these parties win. The shot at winning is there like it has never been before. The Mayor of NY is thinking of running and he isn't that bad. Somebody and they have to be rich needs to step up. I said before im not a fan of D Trump but i would vote for him. I think he would send the right people that need to be sent (in certain situations)to get us the best deals possible. With this asshole in office now the only thing you need to get a job for anything is a campaign donation.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
I really hate our vice president. This angle that people who disagree with his view are undermining the troops is complete crap. But when a POS like him who avoided combat when duty called in his day keeps making comments like this, it becomes offensive as well as wrong.

Chickenhawk, crook, dishonest, greedy, embarrassment of a vice-president. ...Like somebody keeps saying here - IS THERE ONE ACCURATE THING CHENEY HAS EVER SAID ABOUT IRAQ?


i'm going to tell you what somebody once told me when i constantly complained how i hated nixon (in college named the pig i was dissecting in bio after tricky dick) & agnew....

i'm paraphrasing...

crying about how you hate somebody that you can't do anything about is a waste of your energy
don't pay attention to what he has to say or don't read anything about him....

your welcome..


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
thanks dad.

....had dad, how come you don't give the same advice to wayne about liberal blogs or weasel about moonbats and the new york times? everyone here pretty well knows that they whine about them much more than i about cheney. ...in fact, i haven't spoken much of him in a very long time and i've never started a thread about him before. i'd hardly call that "constantly complaining".:shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
thanks dad.

....had dad, how come you don't give the same advice to wayne about liberal blogs or weasel about moonbats and the new york times? everyone here pretty well knows that they whine about them much more than i about cheney. ...in fact, i haven't spoken much of him in a very long time and i've never started a thread about him before. i'd hardly call that "constantly complaining".:shrug:

they are not family....
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