Did you know that "God hates fags"?

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Forum Member
Jan 30, 2007
Whether or not god hates fags, there's a new strain of superAIDS floating around in Washington state and NYC.


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Forum Member
Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
Nice link, sam. Really disgusting stuff, but it needs airing. Two observations: One, that guy is gay. (No offense to anyone intended). Did you hear what he sang about...his own temptations? And that little mustasche? What a queen! He is a perfect example of self-loathing in action. Second observation...who would worship a god that hates?
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Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
Whether or not god hates fags, there's a new strain of superAIDS floating around in Washington state and NYC.

Is that different than the one case of "super aids" in New York in 2005, that basically went nowhere? I haven't heard anything new since that one...

Damn, gay themes all over the place on Madjacks. :shrug:


Forum Member
Jan 30, 2007
Wash. Men Get Hard-To-Treat HIV Strain

The Associated Press
Friday, February 2, 2007; 8:42 PM

SEATTLE -- A hard-to-treat strain of the virus that causes AIDS has been found in four gay men in King County, and authorities fear it could spread to more.

There is no evidence that the troublesome strain of HIV is spreading rapidly, but its appearance underscores the need for renewed emphasis on safe sex practices, officials in the Seattle-King County public health department said Thursday.

"There may be more cases we don't know about," said Dr. Bob Wood, the agency's HIV-AIDS program director.

"We are still working to learn more about these individuals and the virus they have contracted," said Dorothy F. Teeter, interim director of the department. "We are concerned for these individuals and their partners and are continuing our investigation."

The same genetic strain of HIV was found over a 15-month period in all four men, methamphetamine users who each had multiple partners, but none is known to have had sex with any of other three, officials said.

"That's highly unusual," said Dr. Peter Shalit, who treats HIV-AIDS patients and directs HIV-AIDS research at Swedish Medical Center.

One possibility is that there is a new strain of multi-drug-resistant HIV that is spread more easily than previous drug-resistant strains, "definitely a scary prospect," Shalit said.

"There's no evidence that this has spread outside of King County," said Dr. Patrick Sullivan, chief of the behavioral and clinical surveillance branch at the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

But the center also hasn't compared this strain with ones outside of King County because the center studies disease from a population, not an individual, perspective, he said Friday in a telephone interview.

One man in New York, diagnosed with HIV in December 2004, was found to have a multi-drug-resistant type of HIV and he too had multiple, anonymous sexual partners, a history of methamphetamine use and had sex with men, according to the CDC.

Nationally, 2 percent to 3 percent of the HIV strains that people are infected with may be resistant to two to three classes of drugs, Sullivan said.

While at least 100 King County residents die of AIDS annually, there is evidence of declining condom use and other safe-sex practices among gay drug users especially, said Wood, who is gay and has medically managed his own HIV infection for more than 20 years.

"There's a lot of complacency," he said. "People need to know that some of these new infections may be impossible to treat."

Seattle was among the first metropolitan areas in the country to begin a surveillance program for multi-drug-resistant HIV in 2003. Since then, doctors and other health care providers have been asked to test routinely for drug resistance in anyone who is HIV-positive and to report any indication of multi-drug-resistant strains.

Before Thursday, health officials had identified 12 cases of multi-drug-resistant HIV in the county, none as resistant to anti-viral drugs as the most recent four.

None of the four men has experienced any symptoms, Wood said, but experts fear that drug-resistant HIV could progress to AIDS much faster than typical HIV.

In addition, Dr. Robert D. Harrington, director of a Harborview Medical Center clinic for HIV patients, said treatment for those who are resistant to several types of drugs could cost more than twice as much as the $15,000 a year that is needed for typical HIV.



Forum Member
Jan 30, 2007
Canadian doctors on alert for stronger strain of HIV

The B.C. announcement comes as health officials in New York try to locate as many as 100 sexual partners of a man in his mid-40s, who was the first person found with what may be a new type of HIV.

Health officials in British Columbia are issuing an alert about a new faster-acting strain of HIV discovered in New York City.

Dr. John Blatherwick, the chief medical health officer for the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, said the new strain is highly drug-resistant.

It can progress into full-blown AIDS in as little as two months, compared with the common strain of HIV, which can take up to 10 years to become AIDS.

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Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
Just off the cuff that still seems like this super strain is based how the 'normal' virus attacks specific people, rather than a new strain. But I am just randomly guessing, I have absolutely no medical backround.

You would think a new strain would spread with the same pattern as AIDS in general. Not just 10-20 cases across the country in 3 years.

A rapid, drug resistant strain would be awful news that is for sure.
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Forum Member
Sep 3, 2004
This stuff really is sad...

There is a church on campus, but not run by the school. The other day I walked by it and these people were standing on the church's front lawn with shirts that said "Homos don't go to heaven" and on the back it said "Homos go to hell". They were chanting this little saying and quoting scripture. Even if they do believe homosexuals are going to hell, they were saying Homo in a very derogatory tone. I couldn't believe these people.

To me this was such a sad seen, and I think it should be for a lot of people. Then again I am not a Christian, so I don't even believe what these people are saying, I just don't want people spreading hate like this. I would consider myself a person that believes more in the ancient Eastern religions/philosophies, and where beauty is created in life itself. One of my favorites is the Tao Te Ching, which is the basis of Taoism.


Forum Member
Jan 30, 2007
Are these Christians worse than gay bars and bathhouses? Incubating new diseases around the clock?

The Christians are impolite; the queers are lethal.


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
Are these Christians worse than gay bars and bathhouses? Incubating new diseases around the clock?

The Christians are impolite; the queers are lethal.

I honestly STILL believe this video is partially a spoof, for promotion or something. Just my gut feeling.

Seriously though, Underbear, you need to step back a bit. There is obviously evidence that gay people disproportionately contributed to the spread of HIV within their own community. Especially in the early days of HIV. But, believe it or not, VD/STD's exist independently of homosexuals. And within Africa, and the rest of the world, HIV has spread absent of queer behavior.

I am rarely one to stir shit up in this forum...

But I think Underbear is "incubating" a bad vibe across the entire Political forum this week.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Did they have them back back back then?? I mean most need to mt someone before saying dam I hate she or he.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
ImFeklhr- is your sig from Zork? That reminded me of playing computer games wayyyyyyyyy back in the day.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

Anybody see 'Camp Jesus'?


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
ImFeklhr- is your sig from Zork? That reminded me of playing computer games wayyyyyyyyy back in the day.

Yup, nice catch, it is. Hours upon hours of my formative years were spent staring at games like that, though I'm not sure I ever actually won or completed them. :shrug: