Direcbet - recommend you stay away

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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 24, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
Below is a copy of a letter I sent to Direcbet. Incredibly, they never even bothered to respond to it. I thought I should share my experience with the forum so that you all have more information at your disposal before you decide whether you'd like to be a client of theirs or not.


Now that I have finally received my money from you, I would like to tell you why I can never be a customer of yours again and why I will recommend to anyone who asks me that they stay away from Direcbet.

I had a large balance in my account in January, a large part of which I kept with you without a fuss during your difficult period late last year. Early in the last week of January I requested 2 bank wires to be sent to 2 other sportsbooks where I had accounts. The following day I emailed to ask why they had not been processed and received no reply. The following day again (Thursday) I emailed and was told that "withdrawls will not be processed until early next week". No reason was given for this explanation.

On Monday the transaction was still not processed. After another email the bank wires were finally sent on Tuesday. One reached my account at sportsbook #1 without a problem but I didn't receive the other one until 2 weeks and many emails later because my account at the sportsbook was not specified on the wire and they didn't know who the money belonged to (this is what they claim, however, I can't verify this personally)

At this point, because my withdrawal order took so long to process I was afraid that you were in a slow pay situation and I decided to withdraw the remainder of my account. I tried to make a request online on Friday February 15 to send the remainder of my funds to Neteller but got a message that the transaction "could not be completed at this time, please contact customer service". The number of emails I had to send in order to complete this transfer are too numerous to mention individually - I estimate there were approximately 10-12 of them - but you should have them in your records if you would like to review them. Twice I was told your Neteller account was empty and I had to wait for you to deposit to it. Twice I was told my funds would be sent either soon or the following day and I always needed to follow up myself to ask why they weren't sent. I finally got the last of my money 2 days ago, 2 and a half weeks after my original request.

I still do not know whether your delays are due to financial difficulties or incompetence but in either case I cannot continue to be a client of yours any longer and will advise anyone who asks me to avoid Direcbet. In the offshore wagering industry timely payments and customer service are critical to the reputation and standing of a sportsbook. I am disappointed that I received neither at Direcbet.



Senior Lurker
Forum Member
Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
Good of you to share your experience w/ us.

Never posted up at DirecBet and probably never will. ANY hint of slow pay or, even worse, no pay should raise a red flag. It's simply UNACCEPTABLE in this day and age for bad customer service to exist. Giving them the boot was the right thing to do, especially since you have other outs you're already using. You really had to jump thru hoops.

The letter is very clear and you should be able to get a response from someone there. If not, I suggest you give them a call and talk to a mgr, even if you're done with them.
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