yeah all the drama over posible 10" of snow we get 4 " I never touiched my shovel it was all melted awway off my sidewalk except for tiny bits here and there .me and wifey laughing over the dopes out eraly today and alate last night shoveling.
OMG they don't get it never. Had early appointment today 10:30 am car was clean except front windshiled and roof lil bit on back ..
Unfortunately last exit ramp on way home guy cuts me off i had to slam brakes and all the snow fell forward blocking my view as i had to manauver off the ramp looking along the left side of windshield.
Thank fiully it happend in that straeet where traffic is not heavy unless some game is letting out.
IT like i dont even stop at red light where your allowed to make a right turn
Any way all the dopes now have rock salt to tend with and aching backs while i never lifted my shovel except to take to where i was angled parked in case i was plowed in.
LETS see what i saved being smart knowing high temps today would melt it most away.
$7 - $10 for 25 lbs of rock salt or snowmelt and possible trip to doctors office throwing out my back ..
Thats at least $25 copay for that visit I know i'm not covered for minor aches and pains ...