Division Series


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
postseason: 2- 0 + 8 u

great game yesterday. i love close pitching matchups. runs mean so much in the postseason. how about griffey's throw. if you can't hit you better be able to throw. nice to see him see october finally.

pending futures:

-angels win world series 2.5 to win 9.34 units +375

-angels win a.l 2 to win 3.4 units +170

-white sox over d rays 3 to win 4.6 units + 154

-angels over red sox 6.5 to win 5 units - 130


phillies - 210 x 3

angels - 125 x 4

dodgers take: I haven't been this excited about the boys since I was a young teen in 1988. not sure what to make of this team. They could get swept or sweep themselves although the latter isn't likely. They really are a different team the last 30 days. Dempster is nails at home, but Lowe is world series tested winner and big game pitcher. Probably lean to the under if it was 7.5 but it's not and I promised myself I wouldn't bet any dodgers postseason games. I really think these are the two best teams in the NL with their arms and capable bats. It's too bad they have to meet in the 1st round, but it is what it is. The dodgers should play loose because the pressure is all on the Cubs. Personally I hope they have to wait another hundred years and the cesspool they call a stadium gets blown up, but that's just me.

gl everyone in the postseason.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
postseason: 3-1 + 6 u

pending futures:

-angels win world series 2.5 to win 9.34 units +375

-angels win a.l 2 to win 3.4 units +170

-white sox over d rays 3 to win 4.6 units + 154

-angels over red sox 6.5 to win 5 units - 130

The pressure on the cubs backs must be a few tons right now. i hope they have 100 more years to go. whoever said that stadium would be electric....lol the fan in the bleachers who farted last night could be heard by the guys above home plate. couldn't happen to a bigger prick fan base. but unfortunately the series is far from over. at least you have a guy with all his marbles pitching for the cubs tonight.


phillies + 118 x 3

white sox +1.5 -125 x 3

gl and go dodgers


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
postseason: 4-2 + 5.79 u

pending futures:

-angels win world series 2.5 to win 9.34 units +375

-angels win a.l 2 to win 3.4 units +170

-white sox over d rays 3 to win 4.6 units + 154

-angels over red sox 6.5 to win 5 units - 130


cws +147 x 2

ana -133 x 3

early look for saturday: dodgers throw hideki kuroda out on the mound. he's pitched 15.1 innings against this years cubs and given up 2 runs for a whopping 0.59 era. The books can't figure out that the cubs can't hit right handed power pitchers. and the dodgers are sitting at +124 for the game....lol. Harden sitting at 5-2 on the road with a 2.5 era and 10-2 with a 2.07 era. and the under looks mighty tempting at 7.5. rare situation where both teams are tight.

don't get me started on people throwing the value word around like its the word "the". i won't go there, but the under looks mighty tempting at 7.5 in the night air.

gl and go blue


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
postseason: 4-4 -0.20 units

pending futures:

-angels win world series 2.5 to win 9.34 units +375

-angels win a.l 2 to win 3.4 units +170

-white sox over d rays 3 to win 4.6 units + 154

-angels over red sox 6.5 to win 5 units - 130

Go Dodgers............+ 114 for the series against the Phils is a fair price for the team with superior arms. Bats two months ago would be a significant advantage to the right coasters, but not so fast these days. 8 games played.....two 4-0 home sweeps for each squad. Should be interesting nonetheless. I'm sure baseball and the whole world is thrilled about the upcoming freeway series.


CWS -127 x 3

ANA +128 x 3

will have a big swing game tonight in the stadium with the wall. Want it to head back to the monkey stadium where I can hedge some of these futures.

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